RatioSDRMS | R Documentation |
Compute the ratio between the standard deviation of the members around the ensemble mean in experimental data and the RMSE between the ensemble mean of experimental and observational data. The p-value is provided by a one-sided Fisher's test.
dat_dim = NULL,
memb_dim = "member",
time_dim = "sdate",
pval = TRUE,
ncores = NULL
exp |
A named numeric array of experimental data with at least two dimensions 'memb_dim' and 'time_dim'. |
obs |
A named numeric array of observational data with at least two dimensions 'memb_dim' and 'time_dim'. It should have the same dimensions as parameter 'exp' except along 'dat_dim' and 'memb_dim'. |
dat_dim |
A character string indicating the name of dataset (nobs/nexp) dimension. The default value is NULL (no dataset). |
memb_dim |
A character string indicating the name of the member dimension. It must be one dimension in 'exp' and 'obs'. The default value is 'member'. |
time_dim |
A character string indicating the name of dimension along which the ratio is computed. The default value is 'sdate'. |
pval |
A logical value indicating whether to compute or not the p-value of the test Ho : SD/RMSE = 1 or not. The default value is TRUE. |
ncores |
An integer indicating the number of cores to use for parallel computation. The default value is NULL. |
A list of two arrays with dimensions c(nexp, nobs, the rest of
dimensions of 'exp' and 'obs' except memb_dim and time_dim), which nexp is
the length of dat_dim of 'exp' and nobs is the length of dat_dim of 'obs'.
If dat_dim is NULL, nexp and nobs are omitted.
$ratio |
The ratio of the ensemble spread and RMSE. |
$p_val |
The p-value of the one-sided Fisher's test with Ho: SD/RMSE = 1. Only present
if |
# Load sample data as in Load() example:
rsdrms <- RatioSDRMS(sampleData$mod, sampleData$obs, dat_dim = 'dataset')
# Reorder the data in order to plot it with PlotVsLTime
rsdrms_plot <- array(dim = c(dim(rsdrms$ratio)[1:2], 4, dim(rsdrms$ratio)[3]))
rsdrms_plot[, , 2, ] <- rsdrms$ratio
rsdrms_plot[, , 4, ] <- rsdrms$p.val
## Not run:
PlotVsLTime(rsdrms_plot, toptitle = "Ratio ensemble spread / RMSE", ytitle = "",
monini = 11, limits = c(-1, 1.3), listexp = c('CMIP5 IC3'),
listobs = c('ERSST'), biglab = FALSE, siglev = TRUE)
## End(Not run)
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