Regression: Compute the regression of an array on another along one...

View source: R/Regression.R

RegressionR Documentation

Compute the regression of an array on another along one dimension.


Compute the regression of the array 'datay' on the array 'datax' along the 'reg_dim' dimension by least square fitting (default) or self-defined model. The function provides the slope of the regression, the intercept, and the associated p-value and confidence interval. The filtered datay from the regression onto datax is also provided.
The p-value relies on the F distribution, and the confidence interval relies on the student-T distribution.


  reg_dim = "sdate",
  formula = y ~ x,
  pval = TRUE,
  conf = TRUE,
  sign = FALSE,
  alpha = 0.05,
  na.action = na.omit,
  ncores = NULL



An numeric array as predictand including the dimension along which the regression is computed.


An numeric array as predictor. The dimension should be identical as parameter 'datay'.


A character string indicating the dimension along which to compute the regression. The default value is 'sdate'.


An object of class "formula" (see function link[stats]{lm}).


A logical value indicating whether to retrieve the p-value or not. The default value is TRUE.


A logical value indicating whether to retrieve the confidence intervals or not. The default value is TRUE.


A logical value indicating whether to compute or not the statistical significance of the test The default value is FALSE.


A numeric of the significance level to be used in the statistical significance test. The default value is 0.05.


A function or an integer. A function (e.g., na.omit, na.exclude,, na.pass) indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. A numeric indicates the maximum number of NA position (it counts as long as one of datay and datax is NA) allowed for compute regression. The default value is na.omit-


An integer indicating the number of cores to use for parallel computation. Default value is NULL.


A list containing:


A numeric array with same dimensions as parameter 'datay' and 'datax' except the 'reg_dim' dimension, which is replaced by a 'stats' dimension containing the regression coefficients from the lowest order (i.e., intercept) to the highest degree. The length of the 'stats' dimension should be polydeg + 1.


A numeric array with same dimensions as parameter 'daty' and 'datax' except the 'reg_dim' dimension, which is replaced by a 'stats' dimension containing the lower value of the siglev% confidence interval for all the regression coefficients with the same order as $regression. The length of 'stats' dimension should be polydeg + 1. Only present if conf = TRUE.


A numeric array with same dimensions as parameter 'daty' and 'datax' except the 'reg_dim' dimension, which is replaced by a 'stats' dimension containing the upper value of the siglev% confidence interval for all the regression coefficients with the same order as $regression. The length of 'stats' dimension should be polydeg + 1. Only present if conf = TRUE.


A numeric array with same dimensions as parameter 'daty' and 'datax' except the 'reg_dim' dimension, The array contains the p-value.


A logical array of the statistical significance of the regression with the same dimensions as $regression. Only present if sign = TRUE.


A numeric array with the same dimension as paramter 'datay' and 'datax', the filtered datay from the regression onto datax along the 'reg_dim' dimension.


# Load sample data as in Load() example:
datay <- sampleData$mod[, 1, , ]
names(dim(datay)) <- c('sdate', 'ftime')
datax <- sampleData$obs[, 1, , ]
names(dim(datax)) <- c('sdate', 'ftime')
res1 <- Regression(datay, datax, formula = y~poly(x, 2, raw = TRUE))
res2 <- Regression(datay, datax, alpha = 0.1)

s2dv documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 9:07 a.m.