Man pages for s2dverification
Set of Common Tools for Forecast Verification

ACCComputes Anomaly Correlation Coefficient
AlphaEstimates AutoCorrelation At Lag 1 following Guemas et al,...
AnimateMapAnimate Maps of Forecast/Observed Values or Scores Over...
AnoComputes Forecast or Observed Anomalies
Ano_CrossValidComputes Anomalies In Cross-Validation Mode
ArrayToNetCDFSave multidimensional R arrays into NetCDF files
BrierScoreCompute Brier Score And Its Decomposition And Brier Skill...
CDORemapInterpolates arrays with longitude and latitude dimensions...
ClimComputes Bias Corrected Climatologies
clim.paletteGenerate Climate Color Palettes
ClusterK-means Clustering
ColorBarDraws a Color Bar
CompositeComputes composites
ConfigApplyMatchingEntriesApply Matching Entries To Dataset Name And Variable Name To...
ConfigEditDefinitionAdd Modify Or Remove Variable Definitions In Configuration
ConfigEditEntryAdd, Remove Or Edit Entries In The Configuration
ConfigFileOpenFunctions To Create Open And Save Configuration File
ConfigShowSimilarEntriesFind Similar Entries In Tables Of Datasets
ConfigShowTableShow Configuration Tables And Definitions
Consist_TrendComputes Trends Using Only Model Data For Which Observations...
CorrComputes the correlation coefficient between an array of...
EnlargeExtends The Number Of Dimensions of A Matrix
EnoComputes Effective Sample Size With Classical Method
EnoNewComputes Effective Sample Size Following Guemas et al, BAMS,...
EOFArea-Weighted Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis Using...
FilterFilter Frequency Peaks From An Array
FitAcfCoefFits an AR1 AutoCorrelation Function Using the Cardano...
FitAutocorFits an AR1 Autocorrelation Function Using Dichotomy
GenSeriesGenerates An AR1 Time Series
Histo2HindcastChunks Long Simulations For Comparison With Hindcasts
IniListDimsCreates A List Of Integer Ranges
InsertDimAdds A Dimension To An Array
LeapYearChecks Whether A Year Is Leap Year
LoadLoads Experimental And Observational Data
LoadDataFileLoad Data From File Into Environment
Mean1DimAverages An Array Along A Dimension
MeanListDimAverages An Array Along Multiple Dimensions
NAOComputes the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Index
Plot2VarsVsLTimePlot Two Scores With Confidence Intervals In A Common Plot
PlotACCPlot Plumes/Timeseries Of Anomaly Correlation Coefficients
PlotAnoPlot Raw Or Smoothed Anomalies
PlotBoxWhiskerBox-And-Whisker Plot of Time Series with Ensemble...
PlotClimPlots Climatologies
PlotEquiMapMaps A Two-Dimensional Variable On A Cylindrical Equidistant...
PlotLayoutArrange and Fill Multi-Pannel Layouts With Optional Colour...
PlotMatrixFunction to convert any numerical table to a grid of coloured...
PlotSectionPlots A Vertical Section
PlotStereoMapMaps A Two-Dimensional Variable On A Polar Stereographic...
PlotVsLTimePlots A Score Along The Forecast Time With Its Confidence...
ProbBinsComputes Probabilistic Information of a Forecast Relative to...
ProjectFieldProject Anomalies onto Modes of Variability
RatioRMSComputes the Ratio Between The RMSE of Two Experiments
RatioSDRMSComputes the ratio between the ensemble spread and RMSE
RegressionComputes The Regression Of An Array On Another Along A...
RMSComputes Root Mean Square Error
RMSSSComputes Root Mean Square Skill Score
s2dverificationSet of Common Tools for Forecast Verification
sampleDepthDataSample of Experimental Data for Forecast Verification In...
sampleMapSample Of Observational And Experimental Data For Forecast...
sampleTimeSeriesSample Of Observational And Experimental Data For Forecast...
SeasonComputes Seasonal Means
SelIndicesSlices A Matrix Along A Dimension
SmoothingSmoothes An Array Along A Dimension
SpectrumEstimates Frequency Spectrum
SpreadComputes InterQuartile Range, Maximum-Minimum, Standard...
StatSeasAtlHurrCompute estimate of seasonal mean of Atlantic hurricane...
SubsetSubset a Data Array
SVDSingle Value Decomposition (Maximum Covariance Analysis)
ToyModelSynthetic forecast generator imitating seasonal to decadal...
TrendComputes the Trend of the Ensemble Mean
UltimateBrierComputes Brier Scores
s2dverification documentation built on April 20, 2022, 9:06 a.m.