
Defines functions s3_path_split s3_path_join s3_path_ext_set s3_path_ext_remove s3_path_ext s3_path_file s3_path_dir s3_path s3_dir_tree s3_dir_upload s3_dir_ls_url s3_dir_ls s3_dir_info s3_dir_download s3_dir_exists s3_dir_delete s3_dir_create s3_dir_copy s3_bucket_delete s3_bucket_create s3_bucket_chmod s3_is_file_empty s3_is_bucket s3_is_dir s3_is_file s3_file_version_info s3_file_tag_update s3_file_tag_info s3_file_tag_delete s3_file_url s3_file_upload s3_file_touch s3_file_temp s3_file_stream_out s3_file_stream_in s3_file_size s3_file_move s3_file_info s3_file_exists s3_file_download s3_file_delete s3_file_create s3_file_copy s3_file_chmod s3_file_system

Documented in s3_bucket_chmod s3_bucket_create s3_bucket_delete s3_dir_copy s3_dir_create s3_dir_delete s3_dir_download s3_dir_exists s3_dir_info s3_dir_ls s3_dir_ls_url s3_dir_tree s3_dir_upload s3_file_chmod s3_file_copy s3_file_create s3_file_delete s3_file_download s3_file_exists s3_file_info s3_file_move s3_file_size s3_file_stream_in s3_file_stream_out s3_file_system s3_file_tag_delete s3_file_tag_info s3_file_tag_update s3_file_temp s3_file_touch s3_file_upload s3_file_url s3_file_version_info s3_is_bucket s3_is_dir s3_is_file s3_is_file_empty s3_path s3_path_dir s3_path_ext s3_path_ext_remove s3_path_ext_set s3_path_file s3_path_join s3_path_split

#' @include s3filesystem_class.R

s3fs_cache = new.env(parent = emptyenv())

#' @title Access AWS S3 as if it were a file system.
#' @description This creates a file system "like" API based off \code{fs}
#'              (e.g. dir_ls, file_copy, etc.) for AWS S3 storage. To set up `AWS`
#'              credentials please look at
#'              \url{https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-files.html}
#' @param aws_access_key_id (character): AWS access key ID
#' @param aws_secret_access_key (character): AWS secret access key
#' @param aws_session_token (character): AWS temporary session token
#' @param region_name (character): Default region when creating new connections
#' @param profile_name (character): The name of a profile to use. If not given,
#'              then the default profile is used.
#' @param endpoint (character): The complete URL to use for the constructed client.
#' @param disable_ssl (logical): Whether or not to use SSL. By default, SSL is used.
#' @param multipart_threshold (\link[fs]{fs_bytes}): Threshold to use multipart instead of standard
#'              copy and upload methods.
#' @param request_payer (logical): Confirms that the requester knows that they
#'              will be charged for the request.
#' @param anonymous (logical): Set up anonymous credentials when connecting to AWS S3.
#' @param retries (numeric): max number of retry attempts
#' @param refresh (logical): Refresh cached S3FileSystem class
#' @param ... Other parameters within \code{paws} client.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' # Set up connection using profile
#' s3_file_system(profile_name = "s3fs_example")
#' # Reset connection to connect to a different region
#' s3_file_system(
#'     profile_name = "s3fs_example",
#'     region_name = "us-east-1",
#'     refresh = TRUE
#'  )
#' }
#' @return S3FileSystem class invisible
#' @export
s3_file_system = function(aws_access_key_id = NULL,
                          aws_secret_access_key = NULL,
                          aws_session_token = NULL,
                          region_name = NULL,
                          profile_name = NULL,
                          endpoint = NULL,
                          disable_ssl = FALSE,
                          multipart_threshold = fs_bytes("2GB"),
                          request_payer = FALSE,
                          anonymous = FALSE,
                          retries = 5,
                          refresh = FALSE,
  s3fs = NULL
    s3fs = tryCatch({
      get("service", envir = s3fs_cache, inherits = FALSE)
    }, error = function(e) NULL
  if (is.null(s3fs)) {
    s3fs = S3FileSystem$new(
      aws_access_key_id = aws_access_key_id,
      aws_secret_access_key = aws_secret_access_key,
      aws_session_token = aws_session_token,
      region_name = region_name,
      profile_name = profile_name,
      endpoint = endpoint,
      disable_ssl = disable_ssl,
      multipart_threshold = multipart_threshold,
      request_payer = request_payer,
      anonymous = anonymous,
    s3fs$retries = retries
    assign("service", s3fs, envir = s3fs_cache)

# File methods

#' @title Change file permissions
#' @param path (character): A character vector of path or s3 uri.
#' @param mode (character): A character of the mode
#' @return character vector of s3 uri paths
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' temp_file = s3_file_temp(tmp_dir = "MyBucket")
#' s3_file_create(temp_file)
#' # Reset connection to connect to a different region
#' s3_file_chmod(
#'     profile_name = "s3fs_example",
#'     region_name = "us-east-1",
#'     refresh = TRUE
#'  )
#' }
#' @name permission
#' @export
s3_file_chmod = function(path,
                         mode = c(
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$file_chmod(path, mode))

#' @title Copy files and directories
#' @description
#' `s3_file_copy` copies files
#' `s3_dir_copy` copies the directory recursively to the new location
#' @param path (character): path to a local directory of file or a uri.
#' @param new_path (character): path to a local directory of file or a uri.
#' @param max_batch (\link[fs]{fs_bytes}): Maximum batch size being uploaded with each multipart.
#' @param overwrite (logical): Overwrite files if the exist. If this is \code{FALSE}
#'              and the file exists an error will be thrown.
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_put_object}}
#' @return character vector of s3 uri paths
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' temp_file = "temp.txt"
#' file.create(temp_file)
#' s3_file_copy(
#'     temp_file,
#'     "s3://MyBucket/temp_file.txt"
#'  )
#' }
#' @name copy
#' @export
s3_file_copy = function(path,
                        max_batch = fs_bytes("100MB"),
                        overwrite = FALSE,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$file_copy(path, new_path, max_batch, overwrite, ...))

#' @title Create files and directories
#' @description
#' `s3_file_create` create file on `AWS S3`, if file already exists it will be left unchanged.
#' `s3_dir_create` create empty directory of `AWS S3`.
#' @param path (character): A character vector of path or s3 uri.
#' @param overwrite (logical): Overwrite files if the exist. If this is \code{FALSE}
#'              and the file exists an error will be thrown.
#' @param region_name (character): region for `AWS S3` bucket, defaults
#'              to [s3_file_system()] class region.
#' @param mode (character): A character of the mode
#' @param versioning (logical)
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_put_object}},
#'              \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_create_bucket}}
#' @return character vector of s3 uri paths
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' temp_file = s3_file_temp(tmp_dir= "MyBucket")
#' s3_file_create(temp_file)
#' }
#' @name create
#' @export
s3_file_create = function(path,
                          overwrite = FALSE,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$file_create(path, overwrite, ...))

#' @title Delete files and directories
#' @description
#' `s3_file_delete` delete files in AWS S3
#' `s3_dir_delete` delete directories in AWS S3 recursively.
#' @param path (character): A character vector of paths or s3 uris.
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_delete_objects}}
#' @name delete
#' @return character vector of s3 uri paths
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' temp_file = s3_file_temp(tmp_dir= "MyBucket")
#' s3_file_create(temp_file)
#' s3_file_delete(temp_file)
#' }
#' @export
s3_file_delete = function(path, ...){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$file_delete(path, ...))

#' @title Download files and directories
#' @description
#' `s3_file_download` downloads `AWS S3` files to local
#' `s3_file_download` downloads `AWS s3` directory to local
#' @param path (character): A character vector of paths or uris
#' @param new_path (character): A character vector of paths to the new locations.
#' @param overwrite (logical): Overwrite files if the exist. If this is \code{FALSE}
#'              and the file exists an error will be thrown.
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_get_object}}
#' @return character vector of s3 uri paths
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' temp_file = s3_file_temp(tmp_dir= "MyBucket")
#' s3_file_create(temp_file)
#' s3_file_download(temp_file, "temp_file.txt")
#' }
#' @name download
#' @export
s3_file_download = function(path,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$file_download(path, new_path, overwrite, ...))

#' @title Download files and directories
#' @description
#' `s3_file_exists` check if file exists in AWS S3
#' `s3_dir_exists` check if path is a directory in AWS S3
#' @param path (character) s3 path to check
#' @return logical vector if file exists
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' temp_file = s3_file_temp(tmp_dir= "MyBucket")
#' s3_file_create(temp_file)
#' s3_file_exists(temp_file)
#' }
#' @name exists
#' @export
s3_file_exists = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

#' @title Get files and directories information
#' @description
#' `s3_file_info` returns file information within AWS S3 directory
#' `s3_file_size` returns file size in bytes
#' `s3_dir_info` returns file name information within AWS S3 directory
#' `s3_dir_ls` returns file name within AWS S3 directory
#' @param path (character):A character vector of one or more paths. Can be path
#'              or s3 uri.
#' @param type (character): File type(s) to return. Default ("any") returns all
#'              AWS S3 object types.
#' @param glob (character): A wildcard pattern (e.g. \code{*.csv}), passed onto
#'              \code{grep()} to filter paths.
#' @param regexp (character): A regular expression (e.g. \code{[.]csv$}),
#'              passed onto \code{grep()} to filter paths.
#' @param invert (logical): If \code{code} return files which do not match.
#' @param recurse (logical): Returns all AWS S3 objects in lower sub directories
#' @param refresh (logical): Refresh cached in \code{s3_cache}.
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_list_objects_v2}}
#' @return
#' `s3_file_info` A data.table with metadata for each file. Columns returned are as follows.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{bucket_name (character): AWS S3 bucket of file}
#' \item{key (character): AWS S3 path key of file}
#' \item{uri (character): S3 uri of file}
#' \item{size (numeric): file size in bytes}
#' \item{type (character): file type (file or directory)}
#' \item{etag (character): An entity tag is an opague identifier}
#' \item{last_modified (POSIXct): Created date of file.}
#' \item{delete_marker (logical): Specifies retrieved a logical marker}
#' \item{accept_ranges (character): Indicates that a range of bytes was specified.}
#' \item{expiration (character): File expiration}
#' \item{restore (character): If file is archived}
#' \item{archive_status (character): Archive status}
#' \item{missing_meta (integer): Number of metadata entries not returned in "x-amz-meta" headers}
#' \item{version_id (character): version id of file}
#' \item{cache_control (character): caching behaviour for the request/reply chain}
#' \item{content_disposition (character): presentational information of file}
#' \item{content_encoding (character): file content encodings}
#' \item{content_language (character): what language the content is in}
#' \item{content_type (character): file MIME type}
#' \item{expires (POSIXct): date and time the file is no longer cacheable}
#' \item{website_redirect_location (character): redirects request for file to another}
#' \item{server_side_encryption (character): File server side encryption}
#' \item{metadata (list): metadata of file}
#' \item{sse_customer_algorithm (character): server-side encryption with a customer-provided encryption key}
#' \item{sse_customer_key_md5 (character): server-side encryption with a customer-provided encryption key}
#' \item{ssekms_key_id (character): ID of the Amazon Web Services Key Management Service}
#' \item{bucket_key_enabled (logical): s3 bucket key for server-side encryption with}
#' \item{storage_class (character): file storage class information}
#' \item{request_charged (character): indicates successfully charged for request}
#' \item{replication_status (character): return specific header if request
#'      involves a bucket that is either a source or a destination in a replication rule
#'      \url{https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/s3.html#S3.Client.head_object}}
#' \item{parts_count (integer): number of count parts the file has}
#' \item{object_lock_mode (character): the file lock mode}
#' \item{object_lock_retain_until_date (POSIXct): date and time of when object_lock_mode expires}
#' \item{object_lock_legal_hold_status (character): file legal holding}
#' }
#' `s3_dir_info` data.table with directory metadata
#' \itemize{
#' \item{bucket_name (character): AWS S3 bucket of file}
#' \item{key (character): AWS S3 path key of file}
#' \item{uri (character): S3 uri of file}
#' \item{size (numeric): file size in bytes}
#' \item{version_id (character): version id of file}
#' \item{etag (character): An entity tag is an opague identifier}
#' \item{last_modified (POSIXct): Created date of file}
#' `s3_dir_ls` character vector of s3 uri paths
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' temp_file = s3_file_temp(tmp_dir= "MyBucket")
#' s3_file_create(temp_file)
#' s3_file_info(temp_file)
#' }
#' @name info
#' @export
s3_file_info = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

#' @title Move or rename S3 files
#' @description Move files to another location on AWS S3
#' @param path (character): A character vector of s3 uri
#' @param new_path (character): A character vector of s3 uri.
#' @param max_batch (numeric): Maximum batch size being uploaded with each multipart.
#' @param overwrite (logical): Overwrite files if the exist. If this is \code{FALSE}
#'              and the file exists an error will be thrown.
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_copy_object}}
#' @return character vector of s3 uri paths
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' temp_file = s3_file_temp(tmp_dir= "MyBucket")
#' s3_file_create(temp_file)
#' s3_file_move(temp_file, "s3://MyBucket/new_file.txt")
#' }
#' @export
s3_file_move = function(path,
                        max_batch = 100*MB,
                        overwrite = FALSE,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$file_move(path, new_path, max_batch, overwrite, ...))

#' @rdname info
#' @export
s3_file_size = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

#' @title Streams data from R to AWS S3.
#' @description
#' `s3_file_stream_in` streams in AWS S3 file as a raw vector
#' `s3_file_stream_out` streams raw vector out to AWS S3 file
#' @param path (character): A character vector of paths or s3 uri
#' @param obj (raw|character): A raw vector, rawConnection, url to be streamed up to AWS S3.
#' @param max_batch (\link[fs]{fs_bytes}): Maximum batch size being uploaded with each multipart.
#' @param overwrite (logical): Overwrite files if the exist. If this is \code{FALSE}
#'              and the file exists an error will be thrown.
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_get_object}} and
#'              \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_put_object}}
#' @return list of raw vectors containing the contents of the file
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' obj = list(charToRaw("contents1"), charToRaw("contents2"))
#' dir = s3_file_temp(tmp_dir = "MyBucket")
#' path = s3_path(dir, letters[1:2], ext = "txt")
#' s3_file_stream_out(obj, path)
#' s3_file_stream_in(path)
#' }
#' @name stream
#' @export
s3_file_stream_in = function(path,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$file_stream_in(path, ...))

#' @rdname stream
#' @export
s3_file_stream_out = function(obj,
                             max_batch = fs_bytes("100MB"),
                             overwrite = FALSE,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$file_stream_out(obj, path, max_batch, overwrite, ...))

#' @title Create name for temporary files
#' @description return the name which can be used as a temporary file
#' @param pattern (character): A character vector with the non-random portion of the name.
#' @param tmp_dir (character): The directory the file will be created in. By default
#'              the cached s3 bucket will be applied otherwise \code{""} will be used.
#' @param ext (character): A character vector of one or more paths.
#' @return character vector of s3 uri paths
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' s3_file_temp(tmp_dir = "MyBucket")
#' }
#' @export
s3_file_temp = function(pattern = "file",
                        tmp_dir = "",
                        ext = ""){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$file_temp(pattern, tmp_dir, ext))

#' @title Change file modification time
#' @description Similar to `fs::file_touch` this does not create the file if
#'              it does not exist. Use \code{\link{s3_file_create}} to do this if needed.
#' @param path (character): A character vector of paths or s3 uri
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_copy_object}}
#' @note This method will only update the modification time of the AWS S3 object.
#' @return character vector of s3 uri paths
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' dir = s3_file_temp(tmp_dir = "MyBucket")
#' path = s3_path(dir, letters[1:2], ext = "txt")
#' s3_file_touch(path)
#' }
#' @name touch
#' @export
s3_file_touch = function(path,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$file_touch(path, ...))

#' @title Upload file and directory
#' @description
#' `s3_file_upload` upload files to AWS S3
#' `s3_dir_upload` upload directory to AWS S3
#' @param path (character): A character vector of local file paths to upload to AWS S3
#' @param new_path (character): A character vector of AWS S3 paths or uri's of the new locations.
#' @param max_batch (\link[fs]{fs_bytes}): Maximum batch size being uploaded with each multipart.
#' @param overwrite (logical): Overwrite files if the exist. If this is \code{FALSE}
#'              and the file exists an error will be thrown.
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_put_object}}
#'              and \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_create_multipart_upload}}
#' @return character vector of s3 uri paths
#' @name upload
#' @export
s3_file_upload = function(path,
                          max_batch = fs_bytes("100MB"),
                          overwrite = FALSE,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$file_upload(path, new_path, max_batch, overwrite, ...))

#' @title Generate presigned url for S3 object
#' @param path (character): A character vector of paths or uris
#' @param expiration (numeric): The number of seconds the presigned url is
#'              valid for. By default it expires in an hour (3600 seconds)
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to \code{params} parameter of
#'              \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_generate_presigned_url}}
#' @return return character of urls
#' @export
s3_file_url = function(path,
                       expiration = 3600L,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$file_url(path, expiration, ...))

#' @title Modifying file tags
#' @description
#' `s3_file_tag_delete` delete file tags
#' `s3_file_tag_info` get file tags
#' `s3_file_tag_info`
#' @param path (character): A character vector of paths or s3 uri
#' @param tags (list): Tags to be applied
#' @param overwrite (logical): To overwrite tagging or to modify inplace. Default will
#'             modify inplace.
#' @name tag
#' @export
s3_file_tag_delete = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

#' @rdname tag
#' @export
s3_file_tag_info = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

#' @rdname tag
#' @export
s3_file_tag_update = function(path,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$file_tag_update(path, tags, overwrite))

#' @title Query file version metadata
#' @description Get file versions
#' @param path (character): A character vector of paths or uris
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_list_object_versions}}
#' @export
s3_file_version_info = function(path,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$file_version_info(path, ...))

# Test File methods
#' @title Functions to test for file types
#' @description Test for file types
#' @param path (character): A character vector of paths or uris
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_list_objects_v2}}
#' @name file_type
#' @export
s3_is_file = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

#' @rdname file_type
#' @export
s3_is_dir = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

#' @rdname file_type
#' @export
s3_is_bucket = function(path, ...){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$is_bucket(path, ...))

#' @rdname file_type
#' @export
s3_is_file_empty = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

# Bucket methods

#' @rdname permission
#' @export
s3_bucket_chmod = function(path,
                           mode = c(
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$bucket_chmod(path, mode))

#' @rdname create
#' @export
s3_bucket_create = function(path,
                            region_name = NULL,
                            mode = c(
                            versioning = FALSE,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$bucket_create(path, region_name, mode, versioning, ...))

#' @title Delete bucket
#' @description Delete `AWS S3` bucket including all objects in the bucket itself.
#' @param path (character): A character vector of path or s3 uri.
#' @export
s3_bucket_delete = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

# Directory methods

#' @rdname copy
#' @export
s3_dir_copy = function(path,
                       max_batch = fs_bytes("100MB"),
                       overwrite = FALSE,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$dir_copy(path, new_path, max_batch, overwrite, ...))

#' @rdname create
#' @export
s3_dir_create = function(path,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$dir_create(path, overwrite, ...))

#' @rdname delete
#' @export
s3_dir_delete = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

#' @rdname exists
#' @export
s3_dir_exists = function(path = "."){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

#' @rdname download
#' @export
s3_dir_download = function(path,
                           overwrite = FALSE,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$dir_download(path, new_path, overwrite, ...))

#' @rdname info
#' @export
s3_dir_info = function(path = ".",
                       type = c("any", "bucket", "directory", "file"),
                       glob = NULL,
                       regexp = NULL,
                       invert = FALSE,
                       recurse = FALSE,
                       refresh = FALSE,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$dir_info(path, type, glob, regexp, invert, recurse, refresh, ...))

#' @rdname info
#' @export
s3_dir_ls = function(path = ".",
                     type = c("any", "bucket", "directory", "file"),
                     glob = NULL,
                     regexp = NULL,
                     invert = FALSE,
                     recurse = FALSE,
                     refresh = FALSE,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$dir_ls(path, type, glob, regexp, invert, recurse, refresh, ...))

#' @title Generate presigned url to list S3 directories
#' @param path (character): A character vector of paths or uris
#' @param expiration (numeric): The number of seconds the presigned url is
#'              valid for. By default it expires in an hour (3600 seconds)
#' @param recurse (logical): Returns all AWS S3 objects in lower sub directories
#' @param ... parameters passed to \code{\link[paws.storage]{s3_list_objects_v2}}
#' @return return character of urls
#' @export
s3_dir_ls_url = function(path,
                         expiration = 3600L,
                         recurse = FALSE,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$dir_ls_url(path, expiration, recurse, ...))

#' @rdname upload
#' @export
s3_dir_upload = function(path,
                         overwrite = FALSE,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$dir_upload(path, new_path, max_batch, overwrite, ...))

#' @title Print contents of directories in a tree-like format
#' @param path (character): path A path to print the tree from
#' @param recurse (logical): Returns all AWS S3 objects in lower sub directories
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to [s3_dir_ls].
#' @return character vector of s3 uri paths
#' @export
s3_dir_tree = function(path, recurse = TRUE, ...){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$dir_tree(path, recurse, ...))

# Path methods

#' @title Construct path for file or directory
#' @description Constructs a s3 uri path
#' @param ... (character): Character vectors
#' @param ext (character): An optional extension to append to the generated path
#' @name path
#' @return character vector of s3 uri paths
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' s3_path("my_bucket1", "my_bucket2")
#' }
#' @export
s3_path = function(..., ext = ""){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$path(..., ext=ext))

#' @title Manipulate s3 uri paths
#' @description
#' `s3_path_dir` returns the directory portion of s3 uri
#' `s3_path_file` returns the file name portion of the s3 uri path
#' `s3_path_ext` returns the last extension for a path.
#' `s3_path_ext_remove` removes the last extension and return the rest of the s3 uri.
#' `s3_path_ext_set` replace the extension with a new extension.
#' @param path (character): A character vector of paths
#' @param ext (character): New file extension
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' s3_path_dir("s3://my_bucket1/hi.txt")
#' s3_path_file("s3://my_bucket1/hi.txt")
#' }
#' @name path_manipulate
#' @export
s3_path_dir = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

#' @name path_manipulate
#' @export
s3_path_file = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

#' @name path_manipulate
#' @export
s3_path_ext = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

#' @name path_manipulate
#' @export
s3_path_ext_remove = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

#' @name path_manipulate
#' @export
s3_path_ext_set = function(path,
  s3fs = s3_file_system()
  return(s3fs$path_ext_set(path, ext))

#' @title Construct AWS S3 path
#' @description Construct an s3 uri path from path vector
#' @param path (character): A character vector of one or more paths
#' @return character vector of s3 uri paths
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' s3_path_dir(c("s3://my_bucket1/hi.txt", "s3://my_bucket/bye.txt"))
#' }
#' @export
s3_path_join = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

#' @title Split s3 path and uri
#' @description Split s3 uri path to core components bucket, key and version id
#' @param path (character): A character vector of one or more paths or s3 uri
#' @return list character vectors splitting the s3 uri path in "Bucket", "Key" and "VersionId"
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require AWS S3 credentials
#' s3_path_dir("s3://my_bucket1/hi.txt")
#' }
#' @export
s3_path_split = function(path){
  s3fs = s3_file_system()

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s3fs documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:48 p.m.