Man pages for sbfc
Selective Bayesian Forest Classifier

corral_augmentedAugmented corral data set: synthetic data with correlated...
data_discData set discretization and formatting
edge_density_plotPlots the density of edges in a given group over the MCMC...
heartHeart disease data set: disease outcomes given health...
logposterior_plotLog posterior plot
madelonMadelon data set: synthetic data from NIPS 2003 feature...
sbfcSelective Bayesian Forest Classifier (SBFC) algorithm
sbfc_graphSBFC graph
sbfc-packageSelective Bayesian Forest Classifier
signal_size_plotTrace plot of Group 1 size
signal_var_proportionSignal variable proportion
sbfc documentation built on Jan. 16, 2022, 1:06 a.m.