sbfc-package: Selective Bayesian Forest Classifier

Description Details Author(s)


An MCMC algorithm for simultaneous feature selection and classification, and visualization of the selected features and feature interactions. An implementation of SBFC by Krakovna, Du and Liu (2015), <arXiv:1506.02371>.


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Index: This package was not yet installed at build time.
Run the SBFC algorithm on a data set using the sbfc function. Make SBFC graphs based on the MCMC samples using the sbfc_graph function. Other analysis, e.g. feature selection plots using signal_var_proportion (based on how often each variable appeared in the signal group).


Viktoriya Krakovna Maintainer: Viktoriya Krakovna <>

sbfc documentation built on Jan. 16, 2022, 1:06 a.m.