Man pages for scapGNN
Graph Neural Network-Based Framework for Single Cell Active Pathways and Gene Modules Analysis

ATAC_netResults of ConNetGNN() for scATAC-seq data from SNARE-seq...
ConNetGNNConstruct association networks for gene-gene, cell-cell, and...
ConNetGNN_dataThe results of ConNetGNN() function
cpGModuleIdentify cell phenotype activated gene module
create_scapGNN_envCreate the create_scapGNN_env environment on miniconda
Fit_LTMGFitting function for Left-truncated mixed Gaussian
H9_0h_cpGM_dataCell-activated gene modules under the 0-hour phenotype
H9_24h_cpGM_dataCell-activated gene modules under the 24-hour phenotype
H9_36h_cpGM_dataCell-activated gene modules under the 36-hour phenotype
Hv_expSingle-cell gene expression profiles
instPyModuleInstall the pyhton module through the reticulate R package
InteNetIntegrate network data from single-cell RNA-seq and ATAC-seq
isLoadedThe internal functions of the 'scapGNN' package
load_path_dataload pathway or gene set's gmt file
LTMGLeft-truncated mixed Gaussian
LTMG-classAn S4 class to represent the input data for LTMG.
plotCCNetworkVisualize cell cluster association network graph
plotGANetworkVisualize gene association network graph of a gene module or...
plotMulPhenGMVisualize gene association network graph for activated gene...
PreprocessingData preprocessing
RNA_ATAC_IntNetResults of InteNet() for integrating scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq...
RNA_netResults of ConNetGNN() for scRNA-seq data from SNARE-seq...
RunLTMGRun Left-truncated mixed Gaussian
RWRFunction that performs a random Walk with restart (RWR) on a...
scPathwayInfer pathway activation score matrix at single-cell...
scPathway_dataSingle cell pathway activity matrix
scapGNN documentation built on Aug. 8, 2023, 9:06 a.m.