
Defines functions anchor.cell

Documented in anchor.cell

#' Cell numbers to class vector
#' Converts a vector of cell numbers into a class vector.
#' @param attTbl data.frame, the attribute table returned by the function
#'   \code{\link{attTbl}}.
#' @param r single or multi-layer raster of the class \code{SpatRaster} (see
#'   \code{help("rast", terra)}) used to compute the \code{\link{attTbl}}.
#' @param anchor integer vector of raster cell numbers.
#' @param class numeric, the classification number to assign to all cells that
#'   meet the function conditions.
#' @param classVector numeric vector, if provided, it defines the cells in the
#'   attribute table that have already been classified and that have to be
#'   ignored by the function (unless the argument \code{overwrite_class =
#'   TRUE}).
#' @param class2cell logic, attribute the classification number to the cells of
#'   the argument \code{anchor}. If there is a \code{classVector} input, the
#'   classification number is only assigned to \code{classVector} NA-cells.
#' @param class2nbs logic, attribute the classification number to cells adjacent
#'   to the ones of the argument \code{anchor}. If there is a \code{classVector}
#'   input, the classification number is only assigned to \code{classVector}
#'   NA-cells.
#' @param overwrite_class logic, if there is a \code{classVector} input,
#'   reclassify cells that were already classified and that meet the function
#'   conditions.
#' @param plot logic, plot the class vector output.
#' @param writeRaster filename, if a raster name is provided, save the class
#'   vector in a raster file.
#' @param overWrite logic, if the raster names already exist, the existing file
#'   is overwritten.
#' @return Update \code{classVector} with the new cells that were classified by
#'   the function. If there is no \code{classVector} input, the function returns
#'   a new class vector. See \code{\link{conditions}} for more details about
#'   class vectors.
#' @details Converts a vector of cell numbers into a class vector. If there is a
#'   \code{classVector} input, then the class vector is updated assigning a
#'   classification number to all cells that meet the function conditions.
#' @seealso [conditions()], [anchor.svo()], [attTbl()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ################################################################################
#' library(scapesClassification)
#' library(terra)
#' r_cn <- terra::rast(matrix(1:49, nrow = 7, byrow = TRUE), extent=c(0,1,0,1))
#' at  <- attTbl(r_cn, "dummy_var")
#' nbs <- ngbList(r_cn)
#' ################################################################################
#' ################################################################################
#' ################################################################################
#' cv1  <- anchor.cell(attTbl = at, r = r_cn, anchor = 1:7, class  = 10,
#'                     class2cell = TRUE, class2nbs  = FALSE)
#' cv2 <- anchor.cell(attTbl = at, r = r_cn, anchor = 1:7, class  = 10,
#'                    class2cell = FALSE, class2nbs  = TRUE)
#' cv3 <- anchor.cell(attTbl = at, r = r_cn, anchor = 1:7, class  = 10,
#'                    class2cell = TRUE, class2nbs  = TRUE)
#' # Convert class vectors to rasters
#' r_cv1 <- cv.2.rast(r = r_cn, index = at$Cell, classVector = cv1)
#' r_cv2 <- cv.2.rast(r = r_cn, index = at$Cell, classVector = cv2)
#' r_cv3 <- cv.2.rast(r = r_cn, index = at$Cell, classVector = cv3)
#' ################################################################################
#' ################################################################################
#' # PLOTS
#' ################################################################################
#' oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2,2))
#' m = c(1, 3.5, 2.5, 3.5)
#' # 1)
#' plot(r_cv1,type="classes",axes=FALSE,legend=FALSE,asp=NA,colNA="#818792",col="#78b2c4",mar=m)
#' text(r_cn)
#' mtext(side=3, line=1, adj=0, cex=1, font=2, "ANCHOR.CELL")
#' mtext(side=3, line=0, adj=0, cex=0.9, "anchor cells '1:7'")
#' mtext(side=1, line=0, cex=0.9, adj=0, "class2cell = TRUE; class2nbs = FALSE")
#' legend("bottomright", ncol = 1, bg = "white", fill = c("#78b2c4", "#818792"),
#'        legend = c("Classified cells","Unclassified cells"))
#' # 2)
#' plot(r_cv2,type="classes",axes=FALSE,legend=FALSE,asp=NA,colNA="#818792",col="#78b2c4",mar=m)
#' text(r_cn)
#' mtext(side=3, line=1, adj=0, cex=1, font=2, "ANCHOR.CELL")
#' mtext(side=3, line=0, adj=0, cex=0.9, "anchor cells '1:7'")
#' mtext(side=1, line=0, cex=0.9, adj=0, "class2cell = FALSE; class2nbs = TRUE")
#' legend("bottomright", ncol = 1, bg = "white", fill = c("#78b2c4", "#818792"),
#'        legend = c("Classified cells","Unclassified cells"))
#' # 3)
#' plot(r_cv3,type="classes",axes=FALSE,legend=FALSE,asp=NA,colNA="#818792",col="#78b2c4",mar=m)
#' text(r_cn)
#' mtext(side=3, line=1, adj=0, cex=1, font=2, "ANCHOR.CELL")
#' mtext(side=3, line=0, adj=0, cex=0.9, "anchor cells '1:7'")
#' mtext(side=1, line=0, cex=0.9, adj=0, "class2cell = TRUE; class2nbs = TRUE")
#' legend("bottomright", ncol = 1, bg = "white", fill = c("#78b2c4", "#818792"),
#'        legend = c("Classified cells","Unclassified cells"))
#' par(oldpar)

anchor.cell <-
  function(attTbl, r, anchor, class,
           classVector = NULL,
           class2cell = TRUE,
           class2nbs = TRUE,
           overwrite_class = FALSE,
           plot = FALSE,
           writeRaster = NULL,
           overWrite = FALSE) {
    if (!("Cell" %in% names(attTbl))){
        "the attribute table should have one column named 'Cell' with cell numbers
                                       that indicate the position of each row in the original Raster object"

    if (!overWrite) {
      # Raster
      if (!is.null(writeRaster)) {
        if (file.exists(writeRaster))
          stop("raster filename exists; use a different name")

    if (is.null(classVector)) {
      classVector <- rep(as.integer(NA), NROW(attTbl))

    if (class2cell) {
      if (!overwrite_class) {
        classVector[which(attTbl$Cell %in% anchor &
                            is.na(classVector))] <- class

      } else {
        classVector[which(attTbl$Cell %in% anchor)] <- class

    if (class2nbs) {
      nbs_anchor <-
        ngb8(n_row = terra::nrow(r), terra::ncol(r))
      nbs_anchor <- unlist(nbs_anchor[anchor])

      if (!overwrite_class) {
        classVector[which(attTbl$Cell %in% nbs_anchor &
                            is.na(classVector))] <- class

      } else {
        classVector[which(attTbl$Cell %in% nbs_anchor)] <- class

        classVector[which(attTbl$Cell %in% anchor)] <- NA

    r2   <- r[[1]]
    r2[] <- NA
    r2[attTbl$Cell[!is.na(classVector)]] <-

    if (plot)
      terra::plot(r2, type="classes")
    if (!is.null(writeRaster))
      terra::writeRaster(r2, writeRaster, overwrite = overWrite)



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scapesClassification documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:32 p.m.