
# library(testthat)
# library(scorecard)
# library(data.table)

# test_check("scorecard")

# # Profiling
# https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/218221837-Profiling-with-RStudio
# data("germancredit")
# dat = rbindlist(rep(list(d = germancredit), 100))
# dat[sample(100000, 1000), sample(20, 3)] <- ''
# library(profvis)
# profvis({
#   # bins = woebin(dat, 'creditability')
#   # dat_woe = woebin_ply(dat, bins)
#   dat_sel = var_filter(dat, 'creditability')
# })

# library(rbenchmark)
# y = dat$creditability
# y[sample(100000, 10000)] <- NA
# benchmark(
#   mean(is.na(y)),
#   sum(is.na(y))/length(y)
# )

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scorecard documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:16 a.m.