Man pages for semEff
Automatic Calculation of Effects for Piecewise Structural Equation Models

avgEstWeighted Average of Model Estimates
bootCIBootstrap Confidence Intervals
bootEffBootstrap Effects
getDataGet Model Data
getEffGet SEM Effects
getXGet Model Design Matrix
getYGet Model Response Variable
gltGeneralised Link Transformation
Object.TypeObject Types
Param.TypeParameter Types
predEffPredict Effects
print.bootCIPrint '"bootCI"' Objects
print.semEffPrint '"semEff"' Objects
pSapplyParallel 'sapply()'
rMapplyRecursive 'mapply()'
RVIFRoot Variance Inflation Factors
sdWWeighted Standard Deviation
semEffSEM Effects
semEff-packagesemEff: Automatic Calculation of Effects for Piecewise...
shipleySimulated Data from Shipley (2009)
shipley.growthCandidate Model Set from Shipley 'Growth' Model
shipley.semHypothesised SEM from Shipley (2009)
shipley.sem.bootBootstrapped Estimates for Shipley SEM
shipley.sem.effEffects for Shipley SEM
stdEffStandardised Effects
summary.semEffSummarise SEM Effects
varWWeighted Variance
VIFGeneralised Variance Inflation Factors
xNamGet Model Term Names
semEff documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:07 a.m.