Man pages for sendigR
Enable Cross-Study Analysis of 'CDISC' 'SEND' Datasets

dbCreateIndexesCreate indexes in SEND database
dbCreateSchemaCreate a SEND schema in an open and empty database
dbDeleteStudiesDelete one or more studies in SEND database
dbImportOneStudyImport SEND study data in SAS xport format into a SEND...
dbImportStudiesImport SEND study data in SAS xport format into a SEND...
disconnectDBDisconnect from the open database.
execSendDashboardExecute sendDashboard app
genericQueryExecute database query and returns fetched rows.
gen_vocabCreate json file for vocabulary mappings. Keys are synonyms...
getControlSubjExtract a list of control animals for a list of studies
getFindingsPhaseExtract a set of findings for a specified study phase - or...
getFindingsSubjAgeAdd the subject age at finding time - and optionally extract...
getStudiesSDESIGNExtract a list of SEND studies with a specified study design...
getStudiesSTSTDTCExtract a list of SEND studies with study start date within a...
getSubjDataExtract data from a subject level domain.
getSubjRouteExtract the set of animals of the specified route of...
getSubjSexExtract the set of animals of the specified sex - or just add...
getSubjSpeciesStrainExtract the set of animals of the specified species and...
getTabColLabelsGet labels for columns in a data.table
initEnvironmentInitialize the environment.
standardize_fileStandardizes SEND xpt files using CDISC controlled...
sendigR documentation built on Aug. 18, 2022, 9:07 a.m.