initEnvironment: Initialize the environment.

View source: R/initSENDFunctions.R

initEnvironmentR Documentation

Initialize the environment.


Open or create a SEND database and return a token for the open database connection.


  dbType = NULL,
  dbPath = NULL,
  dbCreate = FALSE,
  dbUser = NULL,
  dbPwd = NULL,
  dbSchema = NULL,
  ctFile = NULL



Mandatory, character
The type of database, valid values (case insensitive):

  • 'sqlite'

  • 'oracle'


Mandatory, character
The path to the database (path to file or another kind of db reference)


Mandatory, boolean
If TRUE, a new database is to be created - this is only valid for dbType 'sqlite'


Mandatory, character - if login credentials are required for the specific db type
The user name to be used for login to database.


Mandatory, character - if login credentials are required for the specific db type
The password to be used for login to database.


Optional, character
The table owner of the SEND table in the specific database.
This parameter is only relevant to specify if it is necessary to prefix table names with schema in SQL statements i the database.


Optional, character.
Name (full path) of CDISC CT file in Excel xls format to be imported. Only relevant to use if another CDISC CT version than the version included in packages is wanted.


If the function is executed with parameter dbCreate=FALSE (default), a connection to the specified database is opened. Dependent of the type of database (parameter dbType), a login using specified user credentials (parameters dbUser and dbPwd) may be done.
The database must contain a set of tables representing the SEND domains compliant with SEND IG version 3.0 and/on 3.1.

If the function is executed with parameter dbCreate=TRUE, an empty database is created and opened. This is only supported for a SQLite database, i.e. parameter dbType='sqlite'. The SEND domain tables may then be created by execution of the function dbCreateSchema.

Besides the open database connection, a set of CDISC SEND controlled terminology values are imported. If parameter ctFile is specified with a path to an Excel file containing a CDISC SEND ct version downloaded from, the content from this file is imported and used by some of the package's functions. Else a set of CDISC SEND CT values which are included in the packages is used by the package's functions. It's the newest CDISC SEND CT version at the time of the build of the current version of the package which is included.


The function returns a token which is a data structure describing the open database connection. This token must be given as input parameter to all functions accessing the actual database.


## Not run: 
db <- initEnvironment(dbType='sqlite',
db <- initEnvironment(dbType='oracle',
                      dbSchema = 'send',

## End(Not run)

sendigR documentation built on Aug. 18, 2022, 9:07 a.m.