
Defines functions prepareFinalResults selectStmtAddSchema getCTCodListValues prepareCtMetadata dbListFields dbExistsTable getTabColLabels genericQuery disconnectDB initEnvironment

Documented in disconnectDB genericQuery getTabColLabels initEnvironment

## The functions
##    initEnvironment
##    disconnectDB
##    genericQuery
## A set of internal helper functions are included too
## History:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Date         Programmer            Note
## ----------   --------------------  ------------------------------------------
## 2020-12-04   Bo Larsen             Initial version

## Published functions

#' Initialize the environment.
#' Open or create a SEND database and return a token for the open database
#' connection.
#' If the function is executed with parameter \code{dbCreate=FALSE} (default),
#' a connection to the specified database is opened. Dependent of the type of
#' database (parameter \code{dbType}), a login using specified user credentials
#' (parameters \code{dbUser} and \code{dbPwd}) may be done.\cr
#' The database must contain a set of tables representing the SEND domains
#' compliant with SEND IG version 3.0 and/on 3.1.\cr
#' If the function is executed with parameter \code{dbCreate=TRUE}, an empty
#' database is created and opened. This is only supported for a SQLite database,
#' i.e. parameter \code{dbType='sqlite'}. The SEND domain tables may then be
#' created by execution of the function \code{\link{dbCreateSchema}}.
#' Besides the open database connection, a set of CDISC SEND controlled
#' terminology values are imported. If parameter \code{ctFile} is specified with
#' a path to an Excel file containing a CDISC SEND ct version downloaded from
#' \url{https://evs.nci.nih.gov/ftp1/CDISC/SEND/}, the content
#' from this file is imported and used by some of the package's functions.
#' Else a set of CDISC SEND CT values which are included in the  packages is
#' used by the package's functions. It's the newest CDISC SEND CT version at the
#' time of the build of the current version of the package which is included.
#' @param dbType Mandatory, character\cr
#'   The type of database, valid values (case insensitive):
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item 'sqlite'
#'     \item 'oracle'
#'   }
#' @param dbPath Mandatory, character\cr
#'   The path to the database (path to file or another kind of db reference)
#' @param dbCreate Mandatory, boolean\cr
#'   If \code{TRUE}, a new database is to be created - this is only valid for
#'   \code{dbType} 'sqlite'
#' @param dbUser Mandatory, character - if login credentials are required for the
#'   specific db type\cr
#'   The user name to be used for login to database.
#' @param dbPwd Mandatory, character - if login credentials are required for the
#'   specific db type\cr
#'   The password to be used for login to database.
#' @param dbSchema Optional, character\cr
#'   The table owner of the SEND table in the specific database.\cr
#'   This parameter is only relevant to specify if it is necessary to prefix
#'   table names with schema in SQL statements i the database.
#' @param ctFile Optional, character.\cr
#'   Name (full path) of CDISC CT file in Excel xls format to be imported.
#'   Only relevant to use if another CDISC CT version than the version
#'   included in packages is wanted.\cr
#' @return The function returns a token which is a data structure describing
#'   the open database connection. This token must be given as input parameter
#'   to all functions accessing the actual database.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' db <- initEnvironment(dbType='sqlite',
#'                       dbPath='//servername/SendData/db/send.db',
#'                       ctFile='//servername/SendData/metadata/SEND_Terminology_2019-12-27.xls')
#' db <- initEnvironment(dbType='oracle',
#'                       dbPath='dbserver:1521/send_db',
#'                       dbUser='ME',
#'                       dbPwd='mypassword',
#'                       dbSchema = 'send',
#'                       ctFile='//servername/SendData/metadata/SEND_Terminology_2019-12-27.xls')
#' }
# Import some functions from used packages to used by all functions in the
# package:
#' @importFrom data.table .N
#' @importFrom data.table .SD
#' @importFrom data.table %like%
#' @importFrom data.table :=
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
                          ctFile=NULL) {

  ## Evaluate database specification parameters

  # dbType
  errMsg<-paste0('Parameter dbType must be one of: ', paste(sapply(validDbTypes[,c('db_type')], paste0), collapse=','))
  if (is.null(dbType) | isTRUE(is.na(dbType)) | isTRUE(dbType==''))
  else if (nrow(dbProperties<-validDbTypes[db_type==tolower(dbType)]) == 0)

  errMsg<-'Parameter %s must be a non-empty string'
  # dbPath
  if (is.null(dbPath) | isTRUE(is.na(dbPath)) | isTRUE(dbPath==''))
    stop(sprintf(errMsg, 'dbPath'))

  # dbUSer and dbPwd
  if (as.logical(dbProperties[,c('req_credentials')])) {
    if (is.null(dbUser) | isTRUE(is.na(dbUser)) | isTRUE(dbUser==''))
      stop(sprintf(errMsg, 'dbUser'))
    if (is.null(dbPwd) | isTRUE(is.na(dbPwd)) | isTRUE(dbPwd==''))

  # dbSchema - set to "" if no value are specified
  if (is.null(dbSchema) | isTRUE(is.na(dbSchema)) | isTRUE(dbSchema==''))

  ## Verifying specified CT file - and import
  ctDataFile <- prepareCtMetadata(ctFile)

  # dbCreate
  if (isTRUE(is.na(dbCreate)) | isFALSE(typeof(dbCreate) == 'logical'))
    stop('Parameter dbCreate must be TRUE or FALSE')
  if (dbCreate & dbType != 'sqlite')
    stop('Parameter dbCreate=TRUE only allowed for SQLite database')

  ## Check for existence of package for the specified db type
  if (!requireNamespace(as.character(dbProperties[,c('package_name')]), quietly = TRUE))
      stop(sprintf('Package "%s" needed for access to a(n) %s database. Please install it.',
          call. = FALSE)

  ## if file based db type - check for existence of db file
  if (dbType == 'sqlite') {
    dbFileExists <-file.exists(dbPath)
    if (!dbFileExists & !dbCreate)
      stop(paste0('The database file ' , dbPath, ' could not be found'))
    if (dbCreate & dbFileExists)
      stop(paste0('Cannot create a new database because the database file ' , dbPath, ' exists.'))

  ## Connect to the database
  #  - execute the function specific for the db type to create the connections
  if (as.logical(dbProperties[,c('req_credentials')]))
    dbInputParams<-paste0('(dbPath, dbUser, dbPwd)')

  ## Verify existence of function specific for db type to execute a generic query
  genericQueryName <- paste0('genericQuery_', dbProperties[,c('db_type')])
  if (!exists(genericQueryName))
    stop(sprintf('A function named %s is missing', genericQueryName))

  ## Verify existence of function specific for db type to execute disconnect
  #  from database
  disconnectDBName <- paste0('disconnectDB_', dbProperties[,c('db_type')])
  if (!exists(disconnectDBName))
    stop(sprintf('A function named %s is missing', disconnectDBName))

  ## Verify existence of function specific for db type to verify existence of
  #  specific table in database
  dbExistsTableName <- paste0('dbExistsTable_', dbProperties[,c('db_type')])
  if (!exists(dbExistsTableName))
    stop(sprintf('A function named %s is missing', dbExistsTableName))

  ## Verify existence of function specific for db type to list columns in a
  #  specific table in database
  dbListFieldsName <- paste0('dbListFields_', dbProperties[,c('db_type')])
  if (!exists(dbListFieldsName))
    stop(sprintf('A function named %s is missing', dbListFieldsName))

  ## Return a db token to be included in all calls to database related functions.
  #  It includes:
  #   - The temporary RData file containing imported CDISC CT data
  #   - Handle to the open database connection
  #   - Database schema to select data from
  #   - Pointers to function specific for the database type:
  #     - execution of a generic SQL query
  #     - disconnect from database
  list(ctDataFile = ctDataFile,
               dbType = dbType,
               dbHandle = dbHandle,
               dbSchema = dbSchema,
               genericQuery = get(genericQueryName),
               disconnectDB = get(disconnectDBName),
               dbExistsTable = get(dbExistsTableName),
               dbListFieldsTable = get(dbListFieldsName)


#' Disconnect from the open database.
#' Close database session and disconnect from open database.
#' @param dbToken Mandatory\cr
#'   Token for the open database connection (see \code{\link{initEnvironment}}).
#' @return No return value, called for side effects\cr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' disconnectDB()
#' }
disconnectDB <- function(dbToken) {
  # Execute the disconnect function specific for the current database type.


#' Execute database query and returns fetched rows.
#' The function executes a SQL select statements in the database and returns
#' the fetched set of rows as a data.table.
#' @param dbToken Mandatory\cr
#'   Token for the open database connection (see \code{\link{initEnvironment}}).
#' @param queryString Mandatory, character.\cr
#'  The select statement to execute
#' @param queryParams Optional, character.\cr
#'  A variable with values for bind variable referenced in the where clause of
#'  the select statement
#' @return Data.table with the set of fetched rows
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' genericQuery(dbToken,
#'              'select studyid, tsseq, tsgrpid, tsparmcd, tsval from ts')
#' genericQuery(dbToken,
#'              'select studyid, tsval from ts where tsprmcd = "SDESIGN" and studyid in (:1)',
#'              list("1234546","222333","444555"))
#' }
genericQuery <- function(dbToken, queryString, queryParams=NULL) {
  #  Prepare the given select statement by adding potential schema name
  #  to all tables and execute the genericQuery function specific for the
  #  actual db type


#' Get labels for columns in a data.table
#' @param table Mandatory\cr
#'  The data.table to get column labels for
#' @return A named vector with each column/label pair. If a column have no
#'   defined label, the label is 'na'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' colLabels = getTabColLabels(controlAnimalsAll)
#' }
getTabColLabels <- function(table) {
  # Extract column names from input table and add sequence to ensure the output is sorted in the same order
  tabCols <- data.table::setnames(data.table::as.data.table(colnames(table), keep.rownames=T), 'V1', 'COLUMN_NAME')
  tabCols$seq <- seq.int(nrow(tabCols))
  # Extract the labels for the set of columns from the lists of
  #  - SEND IG columns
  #  - additional sendigR specific columns
  #  where column names are equal
  dt <- data.table::setorder(
                                 data.table::rbindlist(list(unique(sendIGcolumns[,list(COLUMN_NAME, LABEL)]),
                                                       use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE),
                                 all.x = TRUE),'seq')[,list(COLUMN_NAME,
                                                            LABEL = ifelse(is.na(LABEL),
  # For columns where an input column does not match any column/label pair,
  # check if they match any of the column/label pairs defined by regular expression
  naCols <- dt[LABEL == 'na', which=TRUE]
  if (length(naCols) > 0) {
    regexCols <- additionalColumns[REGEXP == 'Y']
    if (length(regexCols) > 0)
      for (i in 1:length(naCols)) {
        for (j in 1:nrow(regexCols)) {
          if (grepl(paste0('^',regexCols[j]$COLUMN_NAME,'$'), dt[naCols[i]]$COLUMN_NAME)) {
            dt[naCols[i]]$LABEL <- regexCols[j]$LABEL

  stats::setNames(dt$LABEL, dt$COLUMN_NAME)

## Helper functions

##  Check if specified table exists in database
#  Returns boolean
dbExistsTable <- function(dbToken, table) {
  if (dbToken$dbSchema == '')
    dbToken$dbExistsTable(dbToken$dbHandle, table)
    dbToken$dbExistsTable(dbToken$dbHandle, dbToken$dbSchema ,table)

##  Return list of columns in specified database table
dbListFields<- function(dbToken, table) {
  if (dbToken$dbSchema == '')
    dbToken$dbListFields(dbToken$dbHandle, table)
    dbToken$dbListFields(dbToken$dbHandle, dbToken$dbSchema, table)

## Prepare the SEND CT metadata to be used in functions which checks data
## against specific CDISC code lists.
# If a CT file is specified
#  - import code list and values from CT file
# Else use the CT code lists and value metadata included in package
# Save code lists and value in temporary Rdata files
# Return the R data file name
prepareCtMetadata<-function(ctFile) {

  if (!is.null(ctFile) & isFALSE(is.na(ctFile)) & isFALSE(ctFile==''))
    # Check file is XLS and exists
    if (! tolower(xfun::file_ext(ctFile)) == 'xls')
      stop(paste0('The ctFile ' , ctFile, ' is not an XLS file'))
    if (!file.exists(ctFile)) {
      stop(paste0('The ctFile ' , ctFile, 'could not be found'))

    # Import content from worksheet named SEND<sep>Terminology<something>
    # - include relevant columns and all rows
                                                      sheet=ctSheets[grepl('send[_ ]terminology',
                                                                           tolower(ctSheets) )]))[,c("Code", "Codelist Code", "CDISC Submission Value")]
    data.table::setnames(ctAll, c("Codelist Code","CDISC Submission Value"),

    # Extract all code list names
    CDISCctCodeLists = ctAll[is.na(CodelistCode), c('Code', 'CDISCSubmissionValue')]
    data.table::setnames(CDISCctCodeLists, c("Code","CDISCSubmissionValue"),
    # Extract all code list values
    CDISCctCodeValues = ctAll[!is.na(CodelistCode), c('CodelistCode','CDISCSubmissionValue')]

  # Save the all CDISC CT code lists and values in a temporary RData file
  CDISCctFile = tempfile('CDISCct', fileext='.RData')
  save(CDISCctCodeLists, CDISCctCodeValues, file = CDISCctFile)

  # Return file name with saved data

## Extract values for specific code lists from extracted CDISC CT code lists/values
getCTCodListValues<-function(dbToken, pCodeList=NULL) {
  if (is.null(pCodeList) | isTRUE(is.na(pCodeList)) | isTRUE(pCodeList=='')) {
    stop('Input parameter codeList must have assigned a code list name')

  # load the CDISC ct data from temporary RData file

  # Check if the requested code list exists
  if (!toupper(pCodeList) %in% CDISCctCodeLists$CodeList) {
    stop('The specified code list does not exist in the CDISC terminolgy file')

  # Extract and return a character vector with all value for the requested code list
  data.table::merge.data.table(CDISCctCodeLists[CodeList==toupper(pCodeList), c('CodelistCode')],
                                      by = 'CodelistCode')$CDISCSubmissionValue;

## Take a SQL statement as input
#   return the statement modified in this way:
#   - substitute line shifts (\n) with space
#   - substitute multiple consecutive spaces with one space
#   - substitute '==' with '='
#   - if the global defined db schame names is not empty -
#     - add the schema plus '.' in front of all table names ,
#       i.e. names following a 'from ' or 'join ' except
#       subqueries (starting with '(')
selectStmtAddSchema <- function(dbSchema, stmt) {
  vSchema <- ifelse(dbSchema=='','',paste0(dbSchema,'.'))
    stmt %>%
      stringr::str_replace_all('\n', ' ') %>%
      stringr::str_replace_all(' +', ' ') %>%
      stringr::str_replace_all('=+', '=') %>%
      stringr::str_replace_all(stringr::regex('(from |join )([^(])', ignore_case = TRUE),
                               paste0('\\1', vSchema, '\\2'))


# Prepare a set of final set rows to be returned from a data extraction
# function (i.e. the function calling this function).
#  - merge potential pairs of xxx_MSG columns.x/y originated from both
#       - the data table given as input to the calling extraction function
#       - generated by extraction function
#    respectively
#  - set the column order to be
#     1 - the columns from the data table given as input to the calling
#         extraction function excluding potential xxx_MSG columns.
#     2 - the columns added by the calling extraction function
#     3 - the potential xxx_MSG columns in alphabetically order
# Parameters:
#   dt - the data table to process
#   srcCols - the list of columns (vector) in the data table given as input to the calling
#      function. May be empty.
#   addCols - the list of columns (vector) added by the calling function
prepareFinalResults <- function(dt, srcCols, addCols) {
  if (exists('..colList'))
  # Get list of message columns which may be included from from two merged
  # tables (i.e. both a _MSG.x and _MSG.y column included)
  mergedMsgColList <- names(dt)[names(dt) %like% 'MSG.x$']

  # Statement to merge content of a given message column which exists in both tables
  #  - merge the _MSG column from each of the merged tables into one column
  #  - non-empty messages are separated by '|'
  #  - exclude the original _MSG columns after the merge
  mergeMsgColStmt <- "dt[,`:=` (msgCol=ifelse(!is.na(msgCol.x) & !is.na(msgCol.y), paste(msgCol.y, msgCol.x, sep='|'), DescTools::Coalesce(msgCol.x, msgCol.y)))][, `:=` (msgCol.x=NULL,msgCol.y=NULL)]"

  # Execute merge for each of message column included from two tables
  # - remove the last '.x' from message column name
  for (msgCol in mergedMsgColList)
      eval(str2expression(gsub('msgCol', gsub('.x$','',msgCol), mergeMsgColStmt)))

  if (length(srcCols) == 1 & srcCols[1] == '')
    # Only columns added by calling function included
    colList <- addCols
    # Add the columns specified in addCols to the list of columns specified in
    # srcCols - excluding any potential MSG columns
    colList <- append(srcCols[!srcCols %like% 'MSG$'], addCols)

  # Get list of potential message columns
  # - sort names alphabetically
  msgColList <- sort(names(dt)[names(dt) %like% 'MSG$'])
  if (length(msgColList) > 0)
    # Add message column list
    colList <- append(colList, msgColList)

  # Include specified columns in correct order and return
  eval(str2expression("data.table::setcolorder(dt[,..colList], colList)"))

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