Man pages for sequenza
Copy Number Estimation from Tumor Genome Sequencing Data

baf.model.fitModel fitting using maximum a posteriori inference
bayesModel allele-specific copy numbers with specified cellularity...
breaksSegmentation of sequencing data using an allele-specific copy...
chromosome.viewA graphical representation of multiple chromosomal features
CP.dataExample of cellularity and ploidy results
cp.plotPlot log-posterior probability for the output of the...
example.seqzExample "seqz" data
gcCollect display and correct GC-content related coverage bias
model_pointsGenerate B-allele frequency, mutation frequency and depth...
mutationsIdentify mutations
plotWindowsPlot a binned values of a chromosome
read_seqzRead a seqz or acgt format file
theoreticalCalculates cellularity and ploidy dependent model points
type_matrixCreates a matrix of type tags
windowValuesBins sequencing data for plotting
workflowSequenza convenience functions for standard analysis
sequenza documentation built on May 9, 2019, 5:04 p.m.