#' Initialize a sewage Pipeline
#' @export
#' @returns A sewage pipeline object
Pipeline = function() {
out = init_pipeline()
init_pipeline = function() {
pipeline = list(
initialized = Sys.time(),
nodes = list(),
outputs = list()
structure(pipeline, class = "sewage_pipeline")
is_pipeline = function(x) {
inherits(x, 'sewage_pipeline')
#' Run a pipeline
#' This function is the extry point for executing a pipeline object
#' @param pipeline an initialized pipeline object
#' @param start node at which to start execution. If NULL then execution will
#' start at the first node
#' @param halt halt execution at a specified node. Adding this parameter will
#' halt execution of the remainder of the pipeline.
#' Note that because pipelines are executed sequentially in the order you
#' add them to the pipeline, in the case of a branching pipeline, any nodes
#' from a different branch that were specified earlier in the pipeline will
#' still be executed.
#' @param ... parameter(s) to pass to starting node of the pipeline. This should
#' match the `input` parameter of `add_node` of the starting node.
#' In the case that you have multiple inputs or are starting at a later point in the pipeline,
#' each argument should match the name of a starting node in your pipeline.
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @returns an executed sewage_pipeline object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' func1 = function(x) {
#' x
#' }
#' pipeline = Pipeline() |>
#' add_node(component = func1, name = "Func1", input = "file") |>
#' add_node(component = func1, name = "Func2", input = "Func1") |>
#' add_node(component = func1, name = "Func3", input = "Func2")
#' run(pipeline, file = mtcars)
#' run(pipeline, start = "Func2", Func1 = iris)
#' run(pipeline, halt = "Func2", file = mtcars)
run = function(pipeline, start = NULL, halt = NULL, ...) {
if(!is_pipeline(pipeline)) {
stop("pipeline object must be of type 'sewage_pipeline'")
if(is_executed_pipeline(pipeline)) {
stop("pipeline has already been executed")
if(!is.null(halt)) {
halt = as.character(halt)
if (!halt %in% names(pipeline$nodes)) {
warning(sprintf("Halting node %s not in pipeline. Executing entire pipeline", halt))
} else{
halt = tail(names(pipeline$nodes),1)
if(!is.null(start)) {
start = as.character(start)
if(!start %in% names(pipeline$nodes)) {
stop(sprintf("Starting node %s not found in pipeline", start))
} else {
start = head(names(pipeline$nodes), 1)
dots = list(...)
pipeline[['outputs']] = dots
names(pipeline$outputs) = names(dots)
nodes = pipeline$nodes
start_index = which(names(pipeline$nodes) == start)
end_index = which(names(pipeline$nodes) == halt)
working_nodes = nodes[start_index:end_index]
for(node in working_nodes) {
pipeline = execute(node)
if (node$name == halt) {
is_executed_pipeline = function(x) {
if(!is_pipeline(x)) {
stop("x must be a sewage_pipeline")
return(length(x$outputs) > 0)
#' Extract output components from a pipeline
#' @param x an executed pipeline object
#' @param component a character string specifying which output component to pull
#' @param ... reserved for future use
#' @return output from a terminating node of an executed sewage pipeline
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pipeline = Pipeline() |>
#' add_node(component = head, name = "Head", input = 'file')
#' result = run(pipeline, file = iris)
#' pull_output(result, "Head")
pull_output = function(x, component, ...) {
#' @export
#' @rdname pull_output
pull_output.sewage_pipeline = function(x, component, ...) {
if(!is_executed_pipeline(x)) {
stop("No outputs available. Please execute pipeline using 'run'")
if(!is.character(component)) {
stop("component must be a character string")
output = x$outputs[[component]]
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