
.mix <- function (base, mixer, op, amount = 1, space = NULL)
    op <- match.fun(op)
    if (is.null(space))
        space <- space(base)
    amount <- rep(amount, length.out=length(mixer))
    base <- warp(base, space)
    mixer <- warp(mixer, space)
    baseIndices <- rep(seq_along(base), each=length(mixer))
    mixerIndices <- rep(seq_along(mixer), length(base))
    coords <- sapply(1:3, function(i) op(coords(base)[baseIndices,i], amount[mixerIndices]*coords(mixer)[mixerIndices,i]))
    if (!is.matrix(coords))
        coords <- matrix(coords, nrow=1)
    shade(.clip(coords,space), space=space)

#' Complementary colours
#' This function returns the complement of its argument, the "opposite" colours
#' in the specified space.
#' @param shades One or more colours, in any suitable form (see
#'   \code{\link{shade}}), or a palette function or scale.
#' @param space The space in which to take the complement.
#' @return New colours of class \code{"shade"}, or a new palette function.
#' @examples
#' complement("cyan")
#' complement("cyan", space="HSV")
#' complement("cyan", space="Lab")
#' @export
complement <- function (shades, space = NULL)
    if (is.function(shades))
        function (...) complement(shades(...), space)
    else if (inherits(shades, "Scale"))
        ggplot2::ggproto(NULL, shades, palette=function(self,...) {
            colours <- ggplot2::ggproto_parent(shades, self)$palette(...)
            complement(colours, space)
        if (is.null(space))
            space <- space(shades)
        if (tolower(space) == "hsv")
            hue(shades, delta(180))
            white <- warp("white", space=space)
            .mix(white, shades, "-", space=space)

#' Colour mixtures
#' These functions allow colours to be mixed in any colour space, either
#' additively (like light) or subtractively (like paint). The infix form
#' \code{\%.)\%} is an alternative for \code{addmix}, and \code{\%_/\%} for
#' \code{submix}, with the mixing amount being fixed to 1 in these cases.
#' @param base,X A vector of base colours, or a palette function or scale.
#' @param mixer,Y A vector of colours to mix in.
#' @param amount The amount of each colour to mix in, relative to the amount
#'   of the base. This will be recycled to the length of \code{mixer}.
#' @param space A string giving the space in which to perform the mixing, or
#'   \code{NULL}. In the latter case, the space of \code{base} will be used.
#' @return New colours of class \code{"shade"}, or a new palette function.
#' @examples
#' addmix(c("red","green","blue"), "red")
#' submix(c("cyan","magenta","yellow"), "cyan")
#' @author Jon Clayden <code@@clayden.org>
#' @rdname mixtures
#' @export
addmix <- function (base, mixer, amount = 1, space = NULL)
    if (is.function(base))
        function (...) addmix(base(...), mixer, amount, space)
    else if (inherits(base, "Scale"))
        ggplot2::ggproto(NULL, base, palette=function(self,...) {
            colours <- ggplot2::ggproto_parent(base, self)$palette(...)
            addmix(colours, mixer, amount, space)
        .mix(base, mixer, "+", amount, space)

#' @rdname mixtures
#' @export
submix <- function (base, mixer, amount = 1, space = NULL)
    if (is.function(base))
        function (...) submix(base(...), mixer, amount, space)
    else if (inherits(base, "Scale"))
        ggplot2::ggproto(NULL, base, palette=function(self,...) {
            colours <- ggplot2::ggproto_parent(base, self)$palette(...)
            submix(colours, mixer, amount, space)
        complement(.mix(complement(base,space), complement(mixer,space), "+", amount, space))

#' @rdname mixtures
#' @export
"%.)%" <- function (X, Y)
    addmix(X, Y)

#' @rdname mixtures
#' @export
"%_/%" <- function (X, Y)
    submix(X, Y)

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shades documentation built on Aug. 2, 2019, 5:05 p.m.