
Defines functions polygonAdjacency

Documented in polygonAdjacency

#' @title Summarize Spatial Adjacency of Polygon Fabric
#' @description This function utilizes the `spdep` and `igraph` packages to evaluate several measures of spatial connectivity.
#' @param x `sf` object containing simple polygon features, some of which should share edges
#' @param v character, name of column in attribute table describing map unit labels
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to [spdep::poly2nb()]
#' @details Examples are presented in \href{http://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/sharpshootR/common-soil-lines.html}{this tutorial}.
#' @return a `list` containing:
#'  * `commonLines`: an integer vector of feature IDs, describing polygons sharing edges and values of `v` (map unit labels)
#'  * `adjMat`: weighted adjacency matrix, suitable for visualization with  [plotSoilRelationGraph()]
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @export
polygonAdjacency <- function(x, v = 'MUSYM', ...) {
  # sanity check: package requirements
  if (!requireNamespace('spdep'))
    stop('please install the `spdep` package', call. = FALSE)
  if (!requireNamespace("igraph")) {
    stop("package 'igraph' is required to calculate polygon adjacency", call. = FALSE)
  # compute neighbor list
  nb <- spdep::poly2nb(x, ...)
  # init empty list to store common attribute polygon IDs
  # list index references the original polygon number
  # each list item contains indexes to neighbors with the same map unit symbol
  common.polys <- list()
  # init empy list to store adjacency information via attribute `v`
  edge.list <- list()
  # iterate over polygons
  for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
    # get the neighbors for polygon i
    n.idx <- nb[[i]]
    # keep track of the current polygon's attribute and its neighbors'
    this.attr <- x[[v]][i]
    this.nb <- x[[v]][n.idx]
    # get an index to those neighbors that share the same symbol
    common.symbol.idx <- which(this.attr == this.nb)
    # store index to polygons with the same symbol
    common.polys[[i]] <- n.idx[common.symbol.idx]
    # store edge list information
    # if there is no matching neighbor, then pad with NA
    if (length(this.nb) == 0)
      this.nb <- NA
    edge.list[[i]] <- cbind(this.attr, this.nb)   
  # get a unique set of polygon indices to investigate
  polys.to.investigate <- na.omit(unique(unlist(common.polys)))
  # reduce edge list to single matrix of edges
  edge.list <- do.call('rbind', edge.list)
  edge.list <- na.omit(edge.list)
  # init igraph object: note that there will be many duplicate edges
  g <- igraph::graph.edgelist(edge.list, directed = FALSE)
  # keep track of duplicate edges as weight
  # adding 1 to the count of multiples is critical here as some nodes may only touch 1 time
  # ---> log(1) = 0
  igraph::E(g)$weight <- 1 + log(igraph::count.multiple(g))
  # remove multiple edges, taking mean of the edge weights
  g <- igraph::simplify(g, remove.multiple = TRUE, remove.loops = TRUE, edge.attr.comb = 'mean')
  # save as weighted adjacancy matrix for plotting with sharpshootR functions
  a <- igraph::get.adjacency(g, attr = 'weight')
  # done
  return(list(commonLines = polys.to.investigate, adjMat = a))

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sharpshootR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:46 a.m.