shiny.semantic-package: Semantic UI wrapper for Shiny

shiny.semantic-packageR Documentation

Semantic UI wrapper for Shiny


With this library it’s easy to wrap Shiny with Semantic UI components. Add a few simple lines of code and some CSS classes to give your UI a fresh, modern and highly interactive look.


There are a number of global options that affect shiny.semantic as well as Shiny behavior.The options can be set globally with 'options()'

shiny.custom.semantic.cdn (defaults to 'NULL')

This controls from where the css and javascripts will be downloaded.

shiny.custom.semantic (defaults to 'NULL')

This allows to set custom local path to semantic dependencies.

shiny.minified (defaults to 'TRUE')

Defines including JavaScript as a minified or un-minified file.


Maintainer: Jakub Nowicki


Other contributors:

See Also

Useful links:

shiny.semantic documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:36 a.m.