
#'Alerts allow you to communicate information to the user on the fly. Standard
#'Bootstrap styling options give the user a hint at the type of information
#'contained in the Alert.
#'@section Components:
#'There are three functions in the Alerts family: 
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{\code{\link{bsAlert}}}{Used in the UI to create an anchor where your
#'      Alerts will be displayed.}
#'    \item{\code{\link{createAlert}}}{Used in the Server logic to create
#'      alerts. This would be used within a reactive context to display error 
#'      or success messages to the user based on the status of that context.}
#'    \item{\code{\link{closeAlert}}}{Used in the Server logic to close an alert
#'      that is already open. By default, Alerts are dismissable by the user,
#'      but this offers you a way to close them programmatically.}
#'  }
#'To create alerts in your Shiny app you must place \code{bsAlert} in your ui.
#'This serves as an anchor that tells shinyBS where to place the alerts created
#'with \code{createAlert}. 
#'Use \code{createAlert} in your server script to add alerts to the anchor 
#'you created with \code{bsAlert} in your ui. You can place \code{createAlert}
#'in observers, reactives, or outputs. A common usage may be to have logic that
#'validates a user's inputs. If they are valid produce the requested output, if
#'not use \code{createAlert} to give the user info about what they need to 
#'@section Changes:
#'\code{style} was called \code{type} in previous versions of shinyBS.
#'\code{anchorId} was called \code{inputId} in previous versions of shinyBS.
#'\code{content} was called \code{message} in previous versions of shinyBS.
#'app = shinyApp(
#'  ui = 
#'    fluidPage(
#'      sidebarLayout(
#'        sidebarPanel(textInput("num1", NULL, value = 100), 
#'          "divided by", textInput("num2", NULL, value = 20), 
#'          "equals", textOutput("exampleOutput")),
#'        mainPanel(
#'          bsAlert("alert")
#'        )
#'      )
#'  ),
#'  server = 
#'    function(input, output, session) {
#'      output$exampleOutput <- renderText({
#'        num1 <- as.numeric(input$num1)
#'        num2 <- as.numeric(input$num2)
#'        if(is.na(num1) | is.na(num2)) {
#'          createAlert(session, "alert", "exampleAlert", title = "Oops", 
#'            content = "Both inputs should be numeric.", append = FALSE)
#'        } else if(num2 == 0) {
#'          createAlert(session, "alert", "exampleAlert", title = "Oops", 
#'            content = "You cannot divide by 0.", append = FALSE)
#'        } else {
#'          closeAlert(session, "exampleAlert")
#'          return(num1/num2)
#'        }
#'      })    
#'    }
#'  runApp(app)
#'@templateVar item_name Alerts
#'@templateVar family_name Alerts
#'@template footer

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shinyBS documentation built on April 18, 2022, 1:06 a.m.