
Defines functions header

Documented in header

#' Header Function
#' This function create a header banner.  For use at top of the screen
#' @param main_text Main text that goes in the header
#' @param secondary_text Secondary header to supplement the main text
#' @param logo Add a link to a logo which will apply in the header. Use crown to
#' use the crown svg version on gov uk.
#' @param main_link Add a link for clicking on main text
#' @param secondary_link Add a link for clicking on secondary header.
#' @param logo_width Change the logo size width css to improve fit
#' @param logo_height Change the logo size height css to improve fit
#' @return a header html shiny object
#' @keywords header
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   ui <- fluidPage(
#'     shinyGovstyle::header(
#'       main_text = "Example",
#'       secondary_text = "User Examples",
#'       logo="shinyGovstyle/images/moj_logo.png")
#'   )
#'   server <- function(input, output, session) {}
#'   shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
#' }

header <- function(main_text, secondary_text, logo = NULL,
                   main_link = "#", secondary_link = "#",
                   logo_width = 36, logo_height = 32){

  if (is.null(logo)) {
    logo_src <- "null"
  } else {
    logo_src <- logo

  govHeader <- shiny::tags$header(class = "govuk-header", role = "banner",
      ".govuk-header__logotype-crown-fallback-image {width: ", logo_width, "px;
      height: ", logo_height, "px;}")),
    shiny::tags$div(class = "govuk-header__container govuk-width-container",
      shiny::tags$div(class = "govuk-header__logo",
        shiny::tags$a(href = main_link,
                      class="govuk-header__link govuk-header__link--homepage",
          shiny::tags$span(class = "govuk-header__logotype",

          if (logo_src == "crown"){
            shiny::tags$svg(`aria-hidden`="true", focusable="false",
                            viewBox="0 0 132 97", height="30", width="36",
                               d="M25 30.2c3.5 1.5 7.7-.2 9.1-3.7 1.5-3.6-.2-7.8-3.9-9.2-3.6-1.4-7.6.3-9.1 3.9-1.4 3.5.3 7.5 3.9 9zM9 39.5c3.6 1.5 7.8-.2 9.2-3.7 1.5-3.6-.2-7.8-3.9-9.1-3.6-1.5-7.6.2-9.1 3.8-1.4 3.5.3 7.5 3.8 9zM4.4 57.2c3.5 1.5 7.7-.2 9.1-3.8 1.5-3.6-.2-7.7-3.9-9.1-3.5-1.5-7.6.3-9.1 3.8-1.4 3.5.3 7.6 3.9 9.1zm38.3-21.4c3.5 1.5 7.7-.2 9.1-3.8 1.5-3.6-.2-7.7-3.9-9.1-3.6-1.5-7.6.3-9.1 3.8-1.3 3.6.4 7.7 3.9 9.1zm64.4-5.6c-3.6 1.5-7.8-.2-9.1-3.7-1.5-3.6.2-7.8 3.8-9.2 3.6-1.4 7.7.3 9.2 3.9 1.3 3.5-.4 7.5-3.9 9zm15.9 9.3c-3.6 1.5-7.7-.2-9.1-3.7-1.5-3.6.2-7.8 3.7-9.1 3.6-1.5 7.7.2 9.2 3.8 1.5 3.5-.3 7.5-3.8 9zm4.7 17.7c-3.6 1.5-7.8-.2-9.2-3.8-1.5-3.6.2-7.7 3.9-9.1 3.6-1.5 7.7.3 9.2 3.8 1.3 3.5-.4 7.6-3.9 9.1zM89.3 35.8c-3.6 1.5-7.8-.2-9.2-3.8-1.4-3.6.2-7.7 3.9-9.1 3.6-1.5 7.7.3 9.2 3.8 1.4 3.6-.3 7.7-3.9 9.1zM69.7 17.7l8.9 4.7V9.3l-8.9 2.8c-.2-.3-.5-.6-.9-.9L72.4 0H59.6l3.5 11.2c-.3.3-.6.5-.9.9l-8.8-2.8v13.1l8.8-4.7c. 15.4v.1c-.2.8-.4 1.6-.4 2.4 0 4.1 3.1 7.5 7 8.1h.2c.3 0 .7.1 1 .1.4 0 .7 0 1-.1h.2c4-.6 7.1-4.1 7.1-8.1 0-.8-.1-1.7-.4-2.4V34l-5.1-15.4c.4-.2.7-.6 1-.9zM66 92.8c16.9 0 32.8 1.1 47.1 3.2 4-16.9 8.9-26.7 14-33.5l-9.6-3.4c1 4.9 1.1 7.2 0 10.2-1.5-1.4-3-4.3-4.2-8.7L108.6 76c2.8-2 5-3.2 7.5-3.3-4.4 9.4-10 11.9-13.6 11.2-4.3-.8-6.3-4.6-5.6-7.9 1-4.7 5.7-5.9 8-.5 4.3-8.7-3-11.4-7.6-8.8 7.1-7.2 7.9-13.5 2.1-21.1-8 6.1-8.1 12.3-4.5 20.8-4.7-5.4-12.1-2.5-9.5 6.2 3.4-5.2 7.9-2 7.2 3.1-.6 4.3-6.4 7.8-13.5 7.2-10.3-.9-10.9-8-11.2-13.8 2.5-.5 7.1 1.8 11 7.3L80.2 60c-4.1 4.4-8 5.3-12.3 5.4 1.4-4.4 8-11.6 8-11.6H55.5s6.4 7.2 7.9 11.6c-4.2-.1-8-1-12.3-5.4l1.4 16.4c3.9-5.5 8.5-7.7 10.9-7.3-.3 5.8-.9 12.8-11.1 13.8-7.2.6-12.9-2.9-13.5-7.2-.7-5 3.8-8.3 7.1-3.1 2.7-8.7-4.6-11.6-9.4-6.2 3.7-8.5 3.6-14.7-4.6-20.8-5.8 7.6-5 13.9 2.2 21.1-4.7-2.6-11.9.1-7.7 8.8 2.3-5.5 7.1-4.2 3.3-1.3 7.1-5.7 7.9-3.5.7-9-1.8-13.5-11.2 2.5.1 4.7 1.3 7.5 3.3l-4.7-15.4c-1.2 4.4-2.7 7.2-4.3 8.7-1.1-3-.9-5.3 0-10.2l-9.5 3.4c5 6.9 9.9 16.7 14 33.5 14.8-2.1 30.8-3.2 47.7-3.2z"))
          } else {
              src = logo,
              class = "govuk-header__logotype-crown-fallback-image"

            shiny::tags$span(main_text, class = "govuk-header__logotype-text")
      shiny::tags$div(class = "govuk-header__content",
          href = secondary_link, secondary_text,
          class = "govuk-header__link govuk-header__service-name"

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shinyGovstyle documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 5:07 p.m.