f7Page: Framework7 page container

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f7PageR Documentation

Framework7 page container


f7Page is the main app container.


f7Page(..., title = NULL, options = f7DefaultOptions(), allowPWA = FALSE)



Slot for shinyMobile skeleton elements: f7SingleLayout, f7TabLayout, f7SplitLayout.


Page title.


shinyMobile configuration. See f7DefaultOptions and https://framework7.io/docs/app.html. Below are the most notable options. General options:

  • theme: App skin: "ios", "md", or "auto".

  • dark: Dark layout. TRUE, FALSE, or "auto". The default is "auto". If set to "auto" automatically enables dark theme based on user system color scheme preference.

  • skeletonsOnLoad: Whether to display skeletons on load. This is a preloading effect. Not compatible with preloader.

  • preloader: Loading spinner. Not compatible with skeletonsOnLoad.

  • filled: Whether to fill the f7Navbar and f7Toolbar with the current selected color. FALSE by default.

  • color: Color theme: See https://framework7.io/docs/color-themes.html. Expect a name like blue, red or hex code like ⁠#FF0000⁠. If NULL, use the default color. If a name is specified it must be accepted either by col2hex or getF7Colors (valid Framework 7 color names).

  • pullToRefresh: Whether to active the pull to refresh feature. Default to FALSE. See https://framework7.io/docs/pull-to-refresh#examples.

  • iosTranslucentBars: Enable translucent effect (blur background) on navigation bars for iOS theme (on iOS devices). FALSE by default.

Touch module options https://framework7.io/docs/app#param-touch:

  • touchClicksDistanceThreshold: Distance threshold (in px) to prevent short swipes. So if tap/move distance is larger than this value then "click" will not be triggered.

  • tapHold: It triggers (if enabled) after a sustained, complete touch event. By default it is enabled. See f7TapHold for usage.

  • tapHoldDelay: Determines how long (in ms) the user must hold their tap before the taphold event is fired on the target element. Default to 750 ms.

  • tapHoldPreventClicks: When enabled (by default), then click event will not be fired after tap hold event.

  • iosTouchRipple: Default to FALSE. Enables touch ripple effect for iOS theme.

  • mdTouchRipple: Default to TRUE. Enables touch ripple effect for MD theme.

Navbar options https://framework7.io/docs/navbar#navbar-app-parameters:

  • iosCenterTitle: Default to TRUE. When enabled then it will try to position title at the center in iOS theme. Sometime (with some custom design) it may not needed.

  • hideOnPageScroll: Default to FALSE. Will hide Navbars on page scroll.

Toolbar options https://framework7.io/docs/toolbar-tabbar#toolbar-app-parameters:

  • hideOnPageScroll: Default to FALSE. Will hide tabs on page scroll.

In any case, you must follow the same structure as provided in the function arguments.


Whether to include PWA dependencies. Default to FALSE.


David Granjon, dgranjon@ymail.com

shinyMobile documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:42 a.m.