

# setup and connect to an in memory SQLite db
db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), ":memory:")
dbCreateTable(db, "sessionids", c(user = "TEXT", sessionid = "TEXT", login_time = "TEXT"))

# a user who has not visited the app for this many days
# will be asked to login with user name and password again
cookie_expiry <- 7 # Days until session expires

# This function must accept two parameters: user and sessionid. It will be called whenever the user
# successfully logs in with a password.  This function saves to your database.

add_sessionid_to_db <- function(user, sessionid, conn = db) {
  tibble(user = user, sessionid = sessionid, login_time = as.character(now())) %>%
    dbWriteTable(conn, "sessionids", ., append = TRUE)

# This function must return a data.frame with columns user and sessionid  Other columns are also okay
# and will be made available to the app after log in as columns in credentials()$user_auth

get_sessionids_from_db <- function(conn = db, expiry = cookie_expiry) {
  dbReadTable(conn, "sessionids") %>%
    mutate(login_time = ymd_hms(login_time)) %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    filter(login_time > now() - days(expiry))

# dataframe that holds usernames, passwords and other user data
user_base <- tibble::tibble(
  user = c("user1", "user2"),
  password = purrr::map_chr(c("pass1", "pass2"), sodium::password_store),
  permissions = c("admin", "standard"),
  name = c("User One", "User Two")

ui <- fluidPage(
  # add logout button UI
  div(class = "pull-right", shinyauthr::logoutUI(id = "logout")),
  # add login panel UI function
  shinyauthr::loginUI(id = "login"),
  # setup table output to show user info after login

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # Export reactive values for testing
    auth_status = credentials()$user_auth,
    auth_info   = credentials()$info
  # call login module supplying data frame, user and password cols and reactive trigger
  credentials <- shinyauthr::loginServer(
    id = "login",
    data = user_base,
    user_col = "user",
    pwd_col = "password",
    sodium_hashed = TRUE,
    cookie_logins = TRUE,
    sessionid_col = "sessionid",
    cookie_getter = get_sessionids_from_db,
    cookie_setter = add_sessionid_to_db,
    reload_on_logout = FALSE,
    log_out = reactive(logout_init())
  # call the logout module with reactive trigger to hide/show
  logout_init <- shinyauthr::logoutServer(
    id = "logout",
    active = reactive(credentials()$user_auth)
  output$user_data <- renderPrint({
    # use req to only render results when credentials()$user_auth is TRUE

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Try the shinyauthr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shinyauthr documentation built on July 20, 2021, 9:07 a.m.