Logging tool for Shiny applications: record inputs or outputs changes, and infos about user’s session. All recording is done client-side to not slow down the application and occupy the server.
You can install the released version of shinylogs from CRAN with:
And the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
Call the main function track_usage
in server part of application, and
specify where to write logs:
track_usage(storage_mode = store_json(path = "logs/"))
The function will record :
See the vignette for more details (?vignette("shinylogs")
) or the
Some example of what is recorded with logs from applications available on our Shiny-Server: http://shinyapps.dreamrs.fr/
Number of connections per applications:
Number of connections over time :
Which tabs (from sidebar in {shinydashboard}) in shinyWidgets gallery are the most seen :
User-agent is recorded per connection and can be parsed with uaparserjs : (unique users are not registered as we use the open source version of shiny-server)
This package use {packer} to manage JavaScript assets, see packer’s documentation for more.
Install nodes modules with:
Modify srcjs/exts/shinylogs.js
, then run:
Re-install R package and try track_usage()
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.