shinymgr-03: Modules"


{width=50px} Introduction

In the previous tutorial, you built a simple shiny app -- the k-means cluster example provided at

The app allows a user to select two columns (X Variable and Y Variable) from the iris dataset, and clusters the dataset based on the selected variables into a user-specified number of clusters. The output is a scatterplot that shows the two variables by cluster. Here is the app in action (see also

Choose an X and Y variable from the iris dataframe, and select the number of clusters for grouping:


  # add a title with the titlePanel function
  titlePanel("Iris k-means clustering"),

  # set up the page with a sidebar layout

    # add a sidebar panel to store user inputs

      # add the dropdown for the X variable
        inputId = "xcol", 
        label = "X Variable", 
        choices = c(
        selected = "Sepal.Length"

      # add the dropdown for the Y variable
        inputId = "ycol", 
        label = "Y Variable", 
        choices = c(
        selected = "Sepal.Width"

      # add input to store cluster number
        inputId = "clusters", 
        label = "Cluster count", 
        value = 3, 
        min = 1, 
        max = 9

    ), # end of sidebarPanel function

    # add a main panel & scatterplot placeholder
        outputId = "plot1"

    ) # end of mainPanel function

  ) # end of sidebarLayout function

) # end of fluidPage function
 # subset the iris data
  selectedData <- reactive({
    iris[, c(input$xcol, input$ycol)]

  # run the kmeans clustering 
  clusters <- reactive({
      x = selectedData(), 
      centers = input$clusters

  # produce the scatterplot
  output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
    oldpar <- par('mar')
    par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 0, 1))
    p <- plot(
      col = clusters()$cluster,
      pch = 20, 
      cex = 3

You might recall that the app's code is a file with the name "app.R", which contains two objects

  1. An object that is created by a UI generating function, such as fluidPage(). For the iris cluster app, this object is called "iris_cluster_ui".
  2. A function (which is an object) that takes in inputs and does something to produce the app's outputs. For the iris cluster app, this server function is called "iris_cluster_server". In the next two sections, we'll display the code used, just as a friendly reminder.

The UI function

The Shiny function, fluidPage(), generates the UI, stored as an object called "iris_cluster_ui". The sections in green provide the "framing" of the app, establishing the sidebar layout where user inputs are displayed in the sidebar panel, and the app outputs are displayed in the main panel. The sections in red highlight the user inputs and outputs.

# fill in the pageWithSidebar with input widgets
iris_cluster_ui <- fluidPage( 

  # add a title with the titlePanel function
  titlePanel("Iris k-means clustering"),

  # set up the page with a sidebar layout

      # add a sidebar panel to store user inputs
        # add the dropdown for the X variable
          inputId = "xcol", 
          label = "X Variable", 
          choices = c(
          selected = "Sepal.Length"

        # add the dropdown for the Y variable
          inputId = "ycol", 
          label = "Y Variable", 
          choices = c(
          selected = "Sepal.Width"

        # add input to store cluster number
          inputId = "clusters", 
          label = "Cluster count", 
          value = 3, 
          min = 1, 
          max = 9
    ), # end of sidebarPanel function
      # start the main panel 
         # add the scatterplot placeholder
           outputId = "plot1"
    ) # end of mainPanel function

  ) # end of sidebarLayout function

) # end of fluidPage function

Remember, each shiny input has a unique inputId argument. The name of the Id is provided by the user (e.g., "xcol", "ycol", and "clusters"). The value associated with each Id is controlled by the user's selection. For example, if the user selects "Sepal.Length" for the X Variable, the input named "xcol" has a value of "Sepal.Length". This information will be passed to the server function, where R code is used to turn inputs into outputs. The UI also includes space to hold outputs, which also have a unique outputId identifier (e.g. "plot1")

The server function

The server function is named "iris_cluster_server", and it will accept the user's inputs, run the k-means(), and return the scatterplot. Here is the code:

# the server function
iris_cluster_server <- function(input, output){ 
  # subset the iris data
  selectedData <- reactive({
    iris[, c(input$xcol, input$ycol)]

  # run the kmeans clustering 
  clusters <- reactive({
      x = selectedData(), 
      centers = input$clusters)

  # produce the scatterplot
  output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
    oldpar <- par('mar')
    par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 0, 1))
    p <- plot(
      col = clusters()$cluster,
      pch = 20, 
      cex = 3)
} # end of server function

The R code that produces the plot is wrapped into a renderPlot() function (which will render the output as HTML), and this resulting value is stuffed into the output$plot1 placeholder that we created in the user interface (UI).

As this is stand-alone Shiny app, we can run the shinyApp() function to launch our app, passing in the iris_cluster_ui object (class shiny.tag.list) for the UI, and our iris_cluster_server() function as the server function:

  ui = iris_cluster_ui, 
  server = iris_cluster_server

What is a module?

Now that we have built our first app (where the entire code is stored in a file called "app.R"), we are going to modify our approach so that the code is split into two files: the master app and a module. The file structure for this tutorial will soon look like shown below. The working directory will include a file called "app.R", which is really the "master app". This master app will call the module "iris_cluster.R":

|-- working directory
|    |-- app.R
|    |-- iris_cluster.R

A Shiny module is not a stand-alone app. Rather, it is a "self-contained, composable component of a Shiny app." This bit of self-contained component can be summoned by the main (or master) app. It can even be summoned by another module!

A module is an R script that contains two items:

  1. A function that stores the UI (user interface)
  2. A function that loads the server logic (the R code needed to turn inputs into outputs)

👉🏿 Note: Throughout these tutorials, all module names are written with snake_case, such as iris_cluster. A module consists of a ui function such as iris_cluster_ui(), and a server function such as iris_cluster_server().

Modules have some key benefits:

  1. Reuse: you can quickly reuse the same code in different apps, or multiple times in the same app.
  2. Isolate: by dividing code into separate modules, you can reason about them independently. In other words, simplify the problem to a small, discrete Shiny component.
  3. Testing: unit tests can be written for each module, ensuring that external code does not affect the performance of the module itself.

As we'll see in future tutorials, modules are at the heart of the shinymgr package.

The master app

To modularlize the iris cluster app, we will first create a "master" Shiny app that acts as a shell, more or less, that can "summon" the iris cluster module. This file will be named "app.R", and will eventually call our module. The UI (an object named UI) will be generated with the fluidPage() function. We will add a level 1 header so that our UI renders the words "Master App" and is not completely blank.

# create the UI with the fluidPage() function
UI <- fluidPage(

      # add a level 1 header
      h1("Master App")

      # nothing more!

      ) # end of fluidPage

We now have an UI. Now let's write the server function (a function named SF):

# create the R server function
SF <- function(input, output){

        # nothing more!  

      } # end of server function

👉🏻 Save this master as "app.R". Don't forget this is the master app!

Now, let's launch this app. You should see that it is empty, except for the header we added with the h1() function.

shinyApp(ui = UI, server = SF)
knitr::include_graphics('images/2_4.png', dpi = 700)

The module UI function

To turn our iris cluster app into a module, we will need to make some important changes to the UI-generating code, and some minor changes to the server logic function.

First, because this will be a module, we can omit the fluidPage() call because that call is in the master app. Second, the UI will become a function with an argument called id, which is turned into module's "namespace" with the NS() function. A namespace is simply the module's identifier (which is provided by the user as the argument "id"), and ensures that function and object names within a given module do not conflict with function and object names in other modules. For this reason, no two modules can have the same namespace.

Here, the function name will be iris_cluster_ui(). Third, all UI elements should be wrapped in a tagList() function, where a tagList allows one to combine multiple UI elements into a single R object. And finally, the Id's for each input and output in the UI must be wrapped in a ns() function call to make explicit that these inputs are assigned to the module's namespace. For example, the select input Id of "xcol" will become ns("xcol") and the plot output Id of "plot1" will become ns("plot1").

iris_cluster_ui <- function(id){

  # create the module's namespace with NS
  ns <- NS(id)
  # add all UI elements to a  tagList()

    # add the dropdown for the X variable
      label = "X Variable", 
      choices = c(
      selected = "Sepal.Length"),

    # add the dropdown for the Y variable
      label = "Y Variable", 
      choices = c(
      selected = "Sepal.Width"),

    # add input box for the cluster number
      label = "Cluster count", 
      value = 3, 
      min = 1, 
      max = 9),

    # add a placeholder for plot output

  ) # end of tagList
} # end of iris_cluster_ui function

👉🏾 Please note: we will be adjusting the above code soon by adding some layout features.

  question("What are the main alterations so far? Select all that apply.",
    answer("We no longer use a function such as `fluidPage()` to generate our HTML.  The reason is that our module will be loaded into the master app's HTML generating function.  Instead, the UI is turned into a **function** that has a single argument called *id*.", correct = TRUE),
    answer("We create a namespace for the module with the `NS()` function.  Once established, the module's namespace can be called with `ns()` function.  This critical step allows the inputs and outputs from this particular module to be uniquely identified from inputs and outputs of other parts of the  Shiny app.", correct = TRUE),
    answer("All UI inputs and outputs are passed into a tagList with the `tagList()` function.  ", correct = TRUE),
    answer("All UI input and output Ids in the tagList are wrapped in a `ns()` function.", correct = TRUE),
  message = "All of these are true!")

The module server function

The server function requires a few small changes as well, including a name change that reflects the module name ("iris_cluster") with "_server" appended to it.

iris_cluster_server <- function(id) { 
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {

    ns <- session$ns
  # combine variables into new data frame
  selectedData <- reactive({
    iris[, c(input$xcol, input$ycol)]

  # run kmeans algorithm 
  clusters <- reactive({
      x = selectedData(), 
      centers = input$clusters)

  output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
    oldpar <- par('mar')
    par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 0, 1))
    p <- plot(
      col = clusters()$cluster,
      pch = 20, 
      cex = 3)
  }) # end of moduleServer function
} # end of iris_cluster_server function
  question("What are the main server alterations so far?",
    answer("The server function is still a function", correct = TRUE),
    answer("The main function has a single argument called 'id', which allows the pairing of the ui with the server function.", correct = TRUE),
    answer("The 'id' will be passed to the `moduleServer()` function, which has the standard arguments 'input', 'output', and 'session'.  The  'session' is new and is required in module functions; it specifies from which session to make a child scope (the default should almost always be used, as per the <A HREF=''>documentation</A>).", correct = TRUE),
    message = "All of these are true!"

That's basically it. A module consists of two paired functions: here, iris_cluster_ui() and iris_cluster_server(). The module is assigned a unique namespace with the NS() function, and all of the inputs and outputs are entered into a tagList that reference that namespace.

The iris_cluster module

Our full module is shown below, and can be stored as an R script called "iris_cluster.R". We can add UI elements to the module's UI function to shape its layout. For example, below, we added a sidebarLayout() function after we establish the module's namespace andtagList(). Then, we use the sidebarPanel() function to hold the UI inputs (in this case, the x and y columns and cluster number) and the mainPanel() function to store the UI outputs.

iris_cluster_ui <- function(id){
  # create the module's namespace 
  ns <- NS(id)

  # Wrap all UI components in a "tagList"



        # add the dropdown for the X variable
          label = "X Variable", 
          choices = c(
          selected = "Sepal.Length"

        # add the dropdown for the Y variable
          label = "Y Variable", 
          choices = c(
          selected = "Sepal.Width"

        # add input box for the cluster number
          label = "Cluster count", 
          value = 3, 
          min = 1, 
          max = 9

      ), # end of sidebarPanel


        # create outputs

      ) # end of mainPanel

    ) # end of sidebarLayout

  ) # end of tagList

} # end of iris_cluster_ui function

# -----------------------------------------------------

iris_cluster_server <- function(id) { 

  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {

  ns <- session$ns

  # combine variables into new data frame
  selectedData <- reactive({
    iris[, c(input$xcol, input$ycol)]

  # run kmeans algorithm 
  clusters <- reactive({
      x = selectedData(), 
      centers = input$clusters

  output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
    oldpar <- par('mar')
    par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 0, 1))
    p <- plot(
      col = clusters()$cluster,
      pch = 20, 
      cex = 3

  }) # end of moduleServer function

} # end of iris_cluster_server function

This script can be saved as "iris_cluster.R" (which specifies the name of the module in the filename) in the same directory as "app.R".

|-- working directory
|    |-- app.R
|    |-- iris_cluster.R

Calling the module

Now, let's return to our master app. Here was our original UI:

# create the UI with the fluidPage() function
UI <- fluidPage(

      # add a level 1 header
      h1("Master App")

      # nothing more!

      ) # end of fluidPage

Now, we add in a call to our new iris_cluster_ui and create an id for this module (it could be anything, as long as it is unique from any other modules in the app). Here we call it "iris". When the module is called, its namespace will be set to "iris". Notice the comma added after the h1() UI element; this is needed because the module itself is a new UI element.

# create the UI with the fluidPage() function
UI <- fluidPage(

      # add a level 1 header
      h1("Master App"),
     # call iris_cluster_ui
     # set the id to iris
     iris_cluster_ui(id = "iris")
      ) # end of fluidPage

And here is the original server function for the master app:

# create the R server function
SF <- function(input, output){

        # Nothing here!  

      } # end of server function

Now, we summon the module's server function, using the same namespace that we did for the UI to pair the module UI and module server logic.

# create the R server function
SF <- function(input, output, session, ...){
       # call the iris_cluster_server
       # set the matching id 
      } # end of server function

Keep in mind we have two files now: the module "iris_cluster.R", and the "app.R", which is the master app. The master app code shown below will need to have access to shiny, but also the module that feeds into it; thus we add code to load Shiny and source the module at the top of the script. The final "app.R" file looks like this:

# load shiny

# source in dependent modules

# create the UI --------------------------------

UI <- fluidPage(

  # add a level 1 header
  h1("Master App"),

  # call iris_cluster_ui function
  iris_cluster_ui(id = "iris")

) # end of fluidPage

# create the R server function ----------------

SF <- function(input, output, session, ...){

  # call the iris_cluster_server function
  iris_cluster_server(id = "iris")

} # end of server function

# Run the master application 
shinyApp(ui = UI, server = SF)

If you ran this code, you would see the iris cluster app appear as before.

knitr::include_graphics('images/2_5.png', dpi = 700)

👉🏼This looks similar to our stand-alone example, except there is a crucial difference. The words "Master App" are part of the main UI, while the iris cluster components are from the module.

Modules have many benefits, chief among them is that the same module can be used over and over again. This means that you only have to code it once. Moreover, each module is a small, stand-alone Shiny component, which means you only have to focus on the module UI and server functions for that component, and not worry about the rest of the app. Additionally, the master app is considerably easier to read.

👉🏿 Why is this important? Because shinymgr relies almost exclusively on modules. It is a package that helps organize modules and combine them into analysis workflows.

Tutorial summary

We've briefly introduced what a shiny module is this tutorial.

👉🏼 If you’d like a pdf of this document, use the browser “print” function (right-click, print) to print to pdf. If you want to include quiz questions and R exercises, make sure to provide answers to them before printing.

If you wish to go deeper, these links provide very informative information on shiny modules:

What's next

You're finished! We've hinted that the shinymgr framework relies heavily on modules, and permits users to "stitch" together modules into an analysis workflow. The next step is to learn how to connect modules such that outputs from one module can serve as inputs to the next. See you there!

  name = "app_modules", 
  package = "shinymgr"

Try the shinymgr package in your browser

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shinymgr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:17 a.m.