In the previous tutorial, we covered how to pass objects between modules to use them in a cohesive app. When writing modules and apps, we might conduct informal tests such as printing outputs to make sure that they work as intended. However, automating these tests helps to ensure that modules and apps continue to work as intended after changes, without the need for manual inspection.
In this tutorial, we will use two approaches for testing shiny applications.
First, we will use the testthat package and the testServer()
function in Shiny to write tests for the stand-alone iris_cluster
and subset_rows
Second, we will use the shinytest package to write tests for the overall shinymgr framework and app modules.
👉🏾 A "test" is an R script that contains the testing code.
To help lay the groundwork, a directory called "my_shiny_app" and its contents were copied into the tutorial when launched. Let's have a look:
# get the root path from the tutorial fp <- paste0(find.package("shinymgr"), "/tutorials/tests/www/my_shiny_app") file.copy(from = fp, to = tempdir(), recursive = TRUE)
fs::dir_tree( path = "my_shiny_app", recurse = TRUE )
If you'd like to follow along in a second instance of RStudio, the code below should get you there:
# get the root path from the tutorial fp <- paste0( find.package("shinymgr"), "/tutorials/tests/www/my_shiny_app" ) # copy the files to your temporary directory file.copy(from = fp, to = tempdir(), recursive = TRUE)
The directory contains the four files we have worked with in previous tutorials ("app.R" is the master app, "iris_explorer.R" is the app module that presents users with a tabbed workflow, where each tab calls the "iris_cluster.R" and "subset_rows.R" modules in turn.
Within the "my_shiny_app" directory, notice a folder called "tests", which is the focus of this tutorial. Files within this folder are organized as such:
Hopefully, this will give you the lay of the land for this tutorial.
👉🏻Just keep in mind that tests are stored in a directory called "tests", and that we further keep tests created with testthat separate from those created with shinytest.
We'll begin with module testing via the testthat package.
The testthat package is commonly used by R package developers to test functions within their package. As we'll soon see, the tests are "expectation-based", where the coder identifies target pieces of code (such as a module) and pits the outputs against expected values.
As you now know, modules consist of a ui function and a server function. However, note that these tests are only written for the server functions of the modules, and ignore any UI, meaning that default values in UI inputs and any JavaScript in the server function aren't recognized. This includes Shiny functions that are wrappers for JavaScript such as update()
, showNotification()
, removeNotification()
, showModal()
, hideModal()
, insertUI()
, removeUI()
, appendTab()
, insertTab()
, and removeTab()
. Testing JavaScript is out of the scope of this tutorial, but a detailed tutorial can be found here:
Tests using the testthat package all follow the same general format:
library(testthat) test_that( desc = "A description of the test(s)", code = { # gather objects created by the function to be tested # create new objects that hold expected values # code to run the test(s), often using expect_*() functions } )
We use the test_that()
function to run the tests, where the first argument is a description of test's intention, and the second argument is a chunk of code that contains test(s) to be run. An example of the test_that()
function in action is below (
test_that( desc = "multiplication works", code = { expect_equal( object = 2 * 2, expected = 4 ) } )
The code argument uses the expect_equal()
function to test that 2 times 2 equals four. The actual comparisons to expected values are conducted using expect_*()
functions (e.g., expect_equal()
, expect_identical()
, expect_type()
, expect_length()
, expect_true()
), which generally take the form:
expect_*(returnedValue, expectedValue)
A full list of expect*()
functions can be found here:
When running the tests, if an error occurs, the description of the test currently being run is returned.
test_that( desc = "multiplication works", code = {expect_equal( object = 2 * 2, expected = 5 )} )
As such, we recommend breaking up your tests by topic or category so that the descriptions can be more specific.
Because shinymgr provides a framework for using and reusing modules, most testing is done at the module level. However, there are some nuances when testing Shiny modules. Let's start with a toy example provided in the Shiny helpfiles:
myModuleServer <- function(id, multiplier, prefix = "I am ") { moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) { myreactive <- reactive({ input$x * multiplier }) output$txt <- renderText({ paste0(prefix, myreactive()) }) }) }
Notice that the myModuleServer()
function follows the format described in previous tutorials in that the function begins with an id, along with additional arguments. Here, our module has two arguments, multiplier
and prefix
, where the second has a default value of "I am".
Then, the moduleServer()
function does the actual work, with arguments input
, output
, and session
. The moduleServer()
function body:
), andoutput$txt
) reactively.A test of this module looks like this:
shiny::testServer( app = myModuleServer, args = list(multiplier = 2), expr = { # provide "user" inputs session$setInputs(x = 1) # run tests expect_equal( object = myreactive(), expected = 2 ) expect_equal( object = output$txt, expected = "I am 2" ) # change the "user" inputs session$setInputs(x = 2) # run tests expect_equal( object = myreactive(), expected = 4 ) expect_equal( object = output$txt, expected = "I am 4" ) } )
Let's walk through the code:
function, which simulates the shiny environment, and allows us to control the input values that would normally be entered by a user through the Shiny UI. myModuleServer()
to simulate user inputs. Also notice that this example begins by setting x
to 1, and then changes the value to 2 later in the code.The testServer()
function can be wrapped in a test_that()
call to allow a description of the test. The general format of a test for a shiny server or module looks like:
test_that( desc = "A description of the test(s)", code = {testServer( app = -- server_function_name --, args = -- list of arguments that the module needs --, expr = { -- code to run the test(s) -- -- often using expect_*() functions -- } )} )
In the context of our example, the full test looks like this:
test_that( desc = "Test if multiplication app works", code = {testServer( app = myModuleServer, args = list(multiplier = 2), expr = { # provide "user" inputs session$setInputs(x = 1) # run tests expect_equal( object = myreactive(), expected = 2 ) expect_equal( object = output$txt, expected = "I am 2" ) # change the "user" inputs session$setInputs(x = 2) # run tests expect_equal( object = myreactive(), expected = 4 ) expect_equal( object = output$txt, expected = "I am 4" ) } # end of expression ) # end of testserver function } # end of code ) # end of testthat function
Hopefully the test passed!
👉🏻 We recommend that tests are written for modules immediately after they are written while the inputs and outputs are fresh in mind.
In the next sections, we'll look at the tests for the "iris_cluster" module (with the test script called "test-iris_cluster.R") and for the "subset_data" module (with the test script called "test-subset_data.R").
For convenience, the "iris_cluster" module is shown below; we will write tests for it in the next section.
iris_cluster_ui <- function(id){ # create the module's namespace ns <- NS(id) # create tagList of inputs tagList( sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( # add the dropdown for the X variable selectInput( ns("xcol"), label = "X Variable", choices = c( "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"), selected = "Sepal.Length" ), # add the dropdown for the Y variable selectInput( ns("ycol"), label = "Y Variable", choices = c( "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"), selected = "Sepal.Width" ), # add input box for the cluster number numericInput( ns("clusters"), label = "Cluster count", value = 3, min = 1, max = 9 ) ), # end of sidebarPanel mainPanel( # create outputs plotOutput( ns("plot1") ) ) # end of mainPanel ) # end of sidebarLayout ) # end of tagList } # end of UI function iris_cluster_server <- function(id) { moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) { # combine variables into new data frame selectedData <- reactive({ iris[, c(input$xcol, input$ycol)] }) # run kmeans algorithm clusters <- reactive({ kmeans( x = selectedData(), centers = input$clusters ) }) output$plot1 <- renderPlot({ oldpar <- par('mar') par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 0, 1)) p <- plot( selectedData(), col = clusters()$cluster, pch = 20, cex = 3 ) par(mar=oldpar) p }) return( reactiveValues( returndf = reactive({ cbind( selectedData(), cluster = clusters()$cluster ) }) ) ) }) # end of moduleServer function } # end of irisCluster function
The R script called "test-iris_cluster.R" contains the test for the iris_cluster
module. As we've just seen, this module has no inputs, but it returns a dataframe that includes 3 columns (the iris columns the user selected, and the resulting cluster number).
👉🏾 If you want to reference an object returned from a server function of a shiny module for testing purposes, you can use the syntax
(see example in "test 3" below). You can include any reactive values created in the server function with the syntaxobject()
(see multiple examples below).
Since this module relies on the k-means clustering function, which is stochastic and can result in different outputs when run multiple times, we must set a seed each time this function is run to ensure reproducibility for testing. Here, we test that the input column names subset the data as expected, and that the kmeans function is running with the input number of clusters. We then test that the returned dataframe is the same as the expected. Finally, we expect the selected data to change when the input column names are changed.
library(testthat) library(shiny) source( system.file(package = "shinymgr", "shinymgr", "modules", "iris_cluster.R") ) test_that( desc = "iris data is clustered and returns the appropriate dataframe", code = {testServer( app = iris_cluster_server, expr = { # load the default module inputs data(iris) # test 1 ----- # test that iris is being subset correctly session$setInputs( xcol = "Sepal.Length", ycol = "Sepal.Width" ) expect_equal( object = selectedData(), expected = iris[, c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width")] ) # test 2 ----- # expect the same clusters when kmeans() is run set.seed(1) session$setInputs(clusters = 3) # create non-reactive testing objects set.seed(1) expectedCluster <- kmeans( x = iris[, c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width")], centers = 3 ) expect_equal( object = clusters()$cluster, expected = expectedCluster$cluster ) # test 3 ----- # expect the same dataframe being returned # create non-reactive testing objects combineddf <- cbind( iris[, c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width")], cluster = expectedCluster$cluster ) expect_equal( object = session$returned$returndf(), expected = combineddf ) # test 4 ----- # expect the selected data to change with different inputs session$setInputs( xcol = "Petal.Length", ycol = "Petal.Width" ) expect_equal( object = selectedData(), expected = iris[, c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width")] ) }) })
For complex modules, you may wish to split the tests into separate scripts.
For convenience, the "subset_rows" module is shown below; we will write tests for it in the next section.
subset_rows_ui <- function(id) { ns <- NS(id) sidebarLayout( # user inputs are set in the sidebar sidebarPanel( tagList( numericInput( inputId = ns("sample_num"), label = "Number of rows to sample", value = 10, min = 1 ), actionButton( inputId = ns("resample"), label = "Re-sample" ), br(), reactable::reactableOutput(ns("full_table")) ) ), #end of sidebar panel # the main panel displays the main output mainPanel( tagList( h2("These rows were randomly chosen:"), reactable::reactableOutput(ns("subset_table")) ) ) #end of main panel ) #end of sidebar layout } #end of ui function subset_rows_server <- function(id, dataset) { moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) { # create the reactable object that displays full table output$full_table <- reactable::renderReactable({ reactable::reactable(data = dataset(), rownames = TRUE) }) # create a vector of random indices index <- reactive({ input$resample sample( x = 1:nrow(dataset()), size = input$sample_num, replace = FALSE) }) # create the subset table as a reactable object output$subset_table <- reactable::renderReactable({ reactable::reactable(dataset()[index(),], rownames = TRUE) }) # all modules should return reactive objects return( reactiveValues( subset_data = reactive({ dataset()[index(),] }) ) ) # end of return }) #end moduleServer function } #end server function
The R script called "test-subset_rows.R" contains the testing code for the subset_rows
module. Remember that subset_rows has an argument named "dataset" (a dataframe). Here, we will simply call in the iris dataset, and will make it reactive as we want all module inputs and outputs to be reactive so that they can be used anywhere in shinymgr. The user inputs include a numeric input where the number of rows to subset is provided. Another input is the Re-sample button, which permits a new sample to be drawn; it is important to set the seed before to ensure reproducibility. The function outputs the subsetted dataframe, a reactive value called "subset_data()".
👉🏽 Note that the unit tests below call intermediate reactive values in the
module. Specifically, the reactive object named index() stores a vector of randomly selected row numbers. Testing can call any of the module's reactive values, such as dataset() and index().👉🏾 Note that the unit tests below also call the returned object, subset_data(). If you want to reference an object returned from a server function of a shiny module, you can use the syntax
(see example in tests 2 and 3 below).
For unit testing, we will first test that the randomly subset row indices are the same as what we expect, and that the subset dataframes are the same. Then we test that changing the number of samples to 10 causes the index to change in length. Finally, we check that clicking the resample button causes a re-sample to occur with only 10 rows, and that the resulting dataframes match.
library(testthat) library(shiny) library(reactable) source( system.file(package = "shinymgr", "shinymgr", "modules", "subset_rows.R") ) test_that( desc = "rows are being randomly subset", code = {testServer( app = subset_rows_server, args = list(dataset = reactive({iris})), expr = { # collect user inputs and # generate module outputs (subset_data()) set.seed(1) session$setInputs(sample_num = 20) # create non-reactive test objects set.seed(1) index_expected <- sample( 1:nrow(dataset()), size = 20, replace = FALSE ) # test 1 ----- # expect same random subset of 20 numbers expect_equal( object = index(), expected = index_expected ) # test 2 ----- # expect the same rows to be selected expect_equal( object = session$returned$subset_data(), expected = iris[index_expected,] ) # test 3 ----- # expect a change in sample_num changes length of index session$setInputs(sample_num = 15) expect_equal( object = nrow(session$returned$subset_data()), expected = 15 ) # test 4 ----- # Is the re-sample button actually re-sampling the dataset? session$setInputs(sample_num = 10) set.seed(2) index_expected <- sample( 1:nrow(dataset()), size = 10, replace = FALSE ) set.seed(2) session$setInputs(resample = 1) expect_equal( object = index(), expected = index_expected ) } )} )
The script, "testthat.R" can be used to run the tests contained in the "testthat" directory in bulk. The code is shown below. First, we create a vector that provides all modules tests. Then, we run testthat's test_file()
function to run the tests. You can set the reporter
argument as desired to control the output. Below, we use the check
reporter to simplify the output (see the test_file()
help page for other options).
mod_tests <- list.files( path = paste0( find.package("shinymgr"), "/tutorials/tests/www/my_shiny_app/tests/testthat" ), full.names = TRUE ) # run the tests test_results <- sapply( X = mod_tests, FUN = test_file, reporter = "check" ) # look at the structure of the returned results str(test_results, max.level = 1)
As you can see, the test_file()
results returns a lot of information for each script as a list.
Thus far, we have examined the test scripts for two stand-alone modules: "iris_cluster.R" and "subset_data.R", both stored in the testthat
directory of the tests
folder within the main shiny application. The "testthat.R" script runs the tests in bulk.
fs::dir_tree( path = "my_shiny_app", recurse = TRUE )
We used the testthat approach for creating unit tests of modules. The "expectation-based" testing of testhat is very precise, targeting specific pieces of code and therefore only specific pieces of the broader shiny application.
In contrast, "snapshot-based" testing can test an entire application, and can be done with the package, shinytest (available on CRAN). These tests are also stored in the tests
directory, tucked into a folder called shinytest
. Here, you can find the file "test-iris_explorer.R" that pairs with a directory called test-iris_explorer-expected
, which contains both json files and png files. The script "shinytest.R" can be used to run these tests in bulk.
The approach involves 4 basic steps.
This short video by Winston Cheng of RStudio (Posit) introduces the overall approach (you really must watch this to understand what is going on).
To see shinytest in action, run the recordTest()
function and point to the directory that holds the app. (This cannot be done in the tutorial itself or we would demo it here.) We saved the test script as "test-iris_explorer.R", and tests were run on exit so we can inspect them here.
library(shinytest) recordTest(app = "my_shiny_app")
recordTest(app = paste0(tempdir(), "/tests/my_shiny_app"))
As shown in the file structure above, the shinytest scripts and results should be stored in the "tests/shinytest" directory.
Storing tests there ensures it works with the runTests() function shiny package (added in shiny 1.5.0), which will run the tests in bulk.
The "test-iris_explorer.R" script within this folder was automatically written as a result of the "recording" made when changing app inputs, and by taking snapshots of the state of the app at specified times.
app <- ShinyDriver$new("../../") app$snapshotInit("test-iris_explorer") app$setInputs(`iris_explorer-iris-ycol` = "Petal.Length") app$setInputs(`iris_explorer-iris-clusters` = 4) app$snapshot() app$setInputs(`iris_explorer-mainTabSet` = "Subset Rows") app$setInputs(`iris_explorer-subset-sample_num` = 11) app$snapshot()
The results of recording creates the "expectations", and are saved in the directory "test_iris_explorer-expected". Let's have a look:
list.files( path = paste0(tempdir(), "/my_shiny_app/tests/shinytest"), full.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE )
There are two sets of json files and png files, one for each snapshot. The png show a a picture of the app at the time of the snapshot, while the json file is crammed with information about app itself. Together, these files establish a benchmark "state of the app" that can be compared to at a later time (after further development of the app).
Bulk testing can be done by coding the script, "shinytest.R", located in the "tests" directory and will perform tests on all tests within the "shinytest" directory. The code can be very simple, and uses either the runTests()
function from the shiny package or the testApp()
function from the shinytest package. Here, we illustrate the latter.
shiny::runTests(appDir = "my_shiny_app")
shinytest::testApp(appDir = "my_shiny_app")
👉🏼 Note, if the above code block executed correctly, it will indicate that the -current snapshots differ from the -expected. Read on to learn why.
When either of these functions are run, the test-iris_explorer.R script is executed, and writes new png and json files to "test-iris_explorer" directory that reflect the current state of the app.
## [1] "test-iris_explorer-current/001.json" ## [2] "test-iris_explorer-current/001.png" ## [3] "test-iris_explorer-current/002.json" ## [4] "test-iris_explorer-current/002.png" ## [5] "test-iris_explorer-expected/001.json" ## [6] "test-iris_explorer-expected/001.png" ## [7] "test-iris_explorer-expected/002.json" ## [8] "test-iris_explorer-expected/002.png" ## [9] "test-iris_explorer.R"
The current and expected results can then be compared with the viewTestDiff()
function (which we won't display here as it is best done in interactive mode).
viewTestDiff("my_shiny_app", interactive = FALSE)
As noted above, the -current snapshots differ from the -expected in the contained example. Why would these results differ, considering that we haven't modified the app since initially creating the snapshots? The answer is that elements of our app use random number generation, namely the k-means clustering that occurs in the first module and the subsetting (random sampling) that occurs in the second module. Viewing the test differences interactively would make this apparent. Because random number generators produce different values each time they are called, differences are to be expected, even when all else is identical. But, it can be burdensome to distinguish the expected differences from the unexpected, so finding a way to suppress the expected differences will aide us in properly testing our app.
Recall from an earlier section of this tutorial, when using testthat, we seeded the random number generator in the testing script using set.seed(1)
, however this option isn't available to us with the snapshotting approach of shinytests. In this case, it is recommended that you add an output preprocessor, using shiny::snapshotPreprocessOutput()
to modify an output renderer. A full description of this procedure is outside the scope of this tutorial, but to learn more see the shinytests FAQ section here:
In this tutorial we briefly introduced how to write code to test shiny modules with the testthat package, and how to to "write" tests of a full application with shinytest.
👉🏼 If you’d like a pdf of this document, use the browser “print” function (right-click, print) to print to pdf. If you want to include quiz questions and R exercises, make sure to provide answers to them before printing.
If you wish to go deeper, these links provide very informative information on shiny modules:
And these links provide very informative information on shinytest:
You're finished! We've hinted that the shinymgr framework relies heavily on modules. It's time to learn the overall shinymgr framework. See you there!
learnr::run_tutorial( name = "shinymgr", package = "shinymgr" )
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