Man pages for simPH
Simulate and Plot Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazards Models a coxsim class object into a data frame
CarpenterFdaDataA data set from Carpenter (2002).
coxsimInteractSimulate quantities of interest for linear multiplicative...
coxsimLinearSimulate quantities of interest for covariates from Cox...
coxsimPolySimulate quantities of interest for a range of values for a...
coxsimSplineSimulate quantities of interest for penalized splines from...
coxsimtvcSimulate time-interactive quantities of interest from Cox...
ggfitStrataGraph fitted stratified survival curves from Cox Proportional...
GolubEUPDataA data set from Golub & Steunenberg (2007)
hmohivSimulated HIV patient data from UCLA IDRE
MinMaxLinesTransform the simulation object to include only the min and...
setXlCreate a sequence of Xl values
simGGA method for plotting simulation objects created by simPH
simGG.siminteractPlot simulated linear multiplicative interactions from Cox...
simGG.simlinearPlot simulated linear, non-time interacted quantities of...
simGG.simpolyPlot simulated polynomial quantities of interest from Cox...
simGG.simsplinePlot simulated penalised spline hazards from Cox Proportional...
simGG.simtvcPlot simulated time-interactive hazard ratios or stratified...
simPHAn R package for simulating and plotting quantities of...
SurvExpandConvert a data frame of non-equal interval continuous...
tvcCreate a time interaction variable
simPH documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 6:52 a.m.