sim_ail_pedigree: Simulate AIL pedigree

View source: R/sim_ail_pedigree.R

sim_ail_pedigreeR Documentation

Simulate AIL pedigree


Simulate a pedigree for advanced intercross lines (a table of individual, mom, dad, sex)


  ngen = 12,
  npairs = 30,
  nkids_per = 5,
  design = c("nosib", "random")



Number of generations of outbreeding


Number of breeding pairs at each generation


Number of offspring per pair for the last generation


How to choose crosses: either random but avoiding siblings, or completely at random


Advanced intercross lines (AIL) are generated from a pair of inbred lines. We cross them and then cross the F1 to generate npair breeding pairs. The subsequent ngen outbreeding generations then proceed by crossing a male and female from the preceding generation (mated completely at random, with design="random", or avoiding siblings, with design="nosib"). Each breeding pair gives a single female and a single male to the next generation, except at the last generation nkids_per offspring are mated, in equal numbers male and female. (If nkids_per is an odd number, the number of males and females in each sibship will differ by one, alternating between sibships, with one additional female and then one additional male.


A data frame with five columns: individual ID, mother ID, father ID, sex, and generation. Founders have 0 for mother and father ID. Sex is coded 0 for female and 1 for male.

See Also

sim_from_pedigree(), sim_ril_pedigree(), sim_do_pedigree(), sim_4way_pedigree()


tab <- sim_ail_pedigree(12, 30)

simcross documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:41 a.m.