Man pages for simmr
A Stable Isotope Mixing Model

combine_sourcesCombine the dietary proportions from two food sources after...
compare_groupsCompare dietary proportions for a single source across...
compare_sourcesCompare dietary proportions between multiple sources
geese_dataGeese stable isotope mixing data set
geese_data_day1A smaller version of the Geese stable isotope mixing data set
plot.simmr_inputPlot the 'simmr_input' data created from 'simmr_load'
plot.simmr_outputPlot different features of an object created from...
posterior_predictivePlot the posterior predictive distribution for a simmr run
print.simmr_inputPrint simmr input object
print.simmr_outputPrint simmr output object
prior_vizPlot the prior distribution for a simmr run
simmrsimmr: A package for fitting stable isotope mixing models via...
simmr_data_1A simple fake stable isotope mixing data set
simmr_data_2A 3-isotope fake stable isotope mixing data set
simmr_elicitFunction to allow informative prior distribution to be...
simmr_ffvbRun a 'simmr_input' object through the Fixed Form Variational...
simmr_loadFunction to load in simmr data and check for errors
simmr_mcmcRun a 'simmr_input' object through the main simmr Markov...
square_dataAn artificial data set used to indicate effect of priors
summary.simmr_outputSummarises the output created with 'simmr_mcmc' or...
simmr documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 5:08 p.m.