
Defines functions leaf_stars_col leaf_stars

Documented in leaf_stars leaf_stars_col

# leaflet sf functions

#' @title Stars leaflet map.
#' @description Map of stars in leaflet that is not coloured. 
#' @param data A stars object. Required input.
#' @param pal Character vector of hex codes. 
#' @param alpha_fill The opacity of the fill. Defaults to 0.5. 
#' @param basemap The underlying basemap. Either "light", "dark", "satellite", "street", or "ocean". Defaults to "light". Only applicable where shiny equals FALSE.
#' @param group_id The id name for the stars group.
#' @param map_id The map id for the leaflet map. Defaults to "map".
#' @return A leaflet object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(simplevis)
#' leaf_stars(example_stars) 
#' }
leaf_stars <- function(data,
                       pal = pal_viridis_mix(1),
                       alpha_fill = 0.5,
                       basemap = "light",
                       group_id = NULL,
                       map_id = "map")
  shiny <- shiny::isRunning()
  # if (class(data) != "stars") stop("Please use an stars object as data input")
  if (is.na(sf::st_crs(data)$proj4string)) stop("Please assign a coordinate reference system")
  pal <- pal[1]

  if (shiny == FALSE) {
    if(basemap == "light") basemap_name <- "CartoDB.PositronNoLabels"
    else if(basemap == "dark") basemap_name <- "CartoDB.DarkMatterNoLabels"
    else if(basemap == "satellite") basemap_name <- "Esri.WorldImagery"
    else if(basemap == "ocean") basemap_name <- "Esri.OceanBasemap"
    else if(basemap == "street") basemap_name <- "OpenStreetMap.Mapnik"
    else basemap_name <- "CartoDB.PositronNoLabels"
  if (shiny == FALSE) {
    map <- leaflet() %>%
      leaflet::addEasyButton(leaflet::easyButton(icon = "ion-arrow-shrink", 
                                                 title = "Reset View", 
                                                 onClick = htmlwidgets::JS("function(btn, map){ map.setView(map._initialCenter, map._initialZoom); }"))) %>% 
      htmlwidgets::onRender(htmlwidgets::JS("function(el, x){ var map = this; map._initialCenter = map.getCenter(); map._initialZoom = map.getZoom();}")) %>% 
      addProviderTiles(basemap_name) %>%
        x = data, 
        group = group_id,
        colors = pal[1],
        opacity = alpha_fill,
        project = TRUE
  else if (shiny == TRUE) {
    map <- leafletProxy(map_id) %>%
        x = data, 
        group = group_id,
        colors = pal[1],
        opacity = alpha_fill,
        project = TRUE

#' @title Stars leaflet map that is coloured.
#' @description Map of stars in leaflet that is coloured. 
#' @param data A stars object. Required input.
#' @param col_var Unquoted attribute to colour the features by. Required input.
#' @param pal Character vector of hex codes. 
#' @param pal_na The hex code or name of the NA colour to be used.
#' @param pal_rev Reverses the palette. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param alpha_fill The opacity of the fill. Defaults to 1.
#' @param basemap The underlying basemap. Either "light", "dark", "satellite", "street", or "ocean". Defaults to "light". Only applicable where shiny equals FALSE.
#' @param col_breaks_n For a numeric colour variable, the desired number of intervals on the colour scale. 
#' @param col_cuts A vector of cuts to colour a numeric variable. If "bin" is selected, the first number in the vector should be either -Inf or 0, and the final number Inf. If "quantile" is selected, the first number in the vector should be 0 and the final number should be 1. Defaults to quartiles. 
#' @param col_intervals_left For a numeric colour variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether bins or quantiles are to be cut left-closed. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param col_legend_none TRUE or FALSE of whether to remove the legend.
#' @param col_method The method of colouring features, either "bin", "quantile", "continuous", or "category." If numeric, defaults to "bin".
#' @param col_labels A function or named vector to modify the colour scale labels. Defaults to stringr::str_to_sentence if categorical, and scales::label_comma if numeric. Use function(x) x to keep labels untransformed.  
#' @param col_na_rm TRUE or FALSE of whether to visualise col_var NA values. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param col_title A title string that will be wrapped into the legend. 
#' @param group_id The id name for the stars group.
#' @param legend_id The id name for the layerId of the legend.
#' @param map_id The map id for the leaflet map. Defaults to "map".
#' @return A leaflet object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(simplevis)
#' leaf_stars_col(example_stars, 
#'                   col_var = nitrate, 
#'                   col_na_rm = TRUE)
#' }
leaf_stars_col <- function(data,
                           pal = NULL,
                           pal_na = "#7F7F7F",
                           pal_rev = FALSE,
                           alpha_fill = 1,
                           basemap = "light",
                           col_breaks_n = 4,
                           col_cuts = NULL,
                           col_intervals_left = TRUE,
                           col_labels = NULL,
                           col_legend_none = FALSE,
                           col_method = NULL,
                           col_na_rm = FALSE,
                           col_title = NULL,
                           group_id = NULL,
                           legend_id = NULL,
                           map_id = "map"
) {
  shiny <- shiny::isRunning()
  # if (class(data) != "stars") stop("Please use a stars object as data input")
  if (is.na(sf::st_crs(data)$proj4string)) stop("Please assign a coordinate reference system")
  if (!is.null(col_method)) {
    if (!col_method %in% c("continuous", "bin", "quantile", "category")) stop("Please use a colour method of 'continuous', 'bin', 'quantile' or 'category'")
  col_var <- rlang::enquo(col_var)
  data <- data %>% 
  col_var_vctr <- dplyr::pull(data, !!col_var)
  #logical to factor
  if (is.logical(col_var_vctr)) {
    data <- data %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(!!col_var, ~factor(.x, levels = c("TRUE", "FALSE"))))
    col_var_vctr <- dplyr::pull(data, !!col_var)
  if (col_na_rm == TRUE) pal_na <- "transparent"
  if (is.null(col_method)) {
    if (!is.numeric(col_var_vctr)) col_method <- "category"
    else if (is.numeric(col_var_vctr)) col_method <- "continuous"
  if (col_method == "continuous") {
    if (is.null(col_cuts)) col_cuts <- pretty(col_var_vctr, col_breaks_n)
    if (is.null(pal)) pal <- viridis::viridis(20)
    if (pal_rev == TRUE) pal <- rev(pal)
    pal_fun <- colorNumeric(
      palette = pal,
      domain = col_var_vctr,
      na.color = pal_na
  else if (col_method %in% c("quantile", "bin")) {
    if (col_method == "bin") {
      if (is.null(col_cuts)) col_cuts <- pretty(col_var_vctr, col_breaks_n)
      else if (!is.null(col_cuts)) {
        if (!(dplyr::first(col_cuts) %in% c(0, -Inf))) warning("The first element of the col_cuts vector should generally be 0 (or -Inf if there are negative values)")
        if (dplyr::last(col_cuts) != Inf) warning("The last element of the col_cuts vector should generally be Inf")
    else if (col_method == "quantile") {
      if (is.null(col_cuts)) col_cuts <- seq(0, 1, 1 / col_breaks_n)
      else {
        if (dplyr::first(col_cuts) != 0) warning("The first element of the col_cuts vector generally always be 0")
        if (dplyr::last(col_cuts) != 1) warning("The last element of the col_cuts vector should generally be 1")
      col_cuts <- stats::quantile(col_var_vctr, probs = col_cuts, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (anyDuplicated(col_cuts) > 0) stop("col_cuts do not provide unique breaks")
    if (is.null(pal)) pal <- pal_viridis_mix(length(col_cuts) - 1)
    else if (!is.null(pal)) pal <- pal[1:(length(col_cuts) - 1)]
    if (pal_rev == TRUE) pal <- rev(pal)
    col_intervals_right <- ifelse(col_intervals_left == TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)
    pal_fun <- colorBin(
      palette = pal,
      domain = col_var_vctr,
      bins = col_cuts,
      right = col_intervals_right,
      na.color = pal_na
    if (is.function(col_labels) | is.null(col_labels)) {
      col_labels <- sv_interval_labels_num(col_cuts, format = col_labels, left_closed = col_intervals_left)
  else if (col_method == "category") {
    if (is.factor(col_var_vctr) & !is.null(levels(col_var_vctr))) {
      col_labels2 <- levels(col_var_vctr)
      col_n <- length(col_labels2)
    else ({
      col_labels2 <- unique(col_var_vctr)
      col_labels2 <- sort(col_labels2[!is.na(col_labels2)])
      col_n <- length(col_labels2)
    if (is.null(pal)) pal <- pal_d3_mix(col_n)
    else pal <- pal[1:col_n]
    if (is.function(col_labels)) col_labels <- col_labels(col_labels2)
    else if (is.null(col_labels)) col_labels <- snakecase::to_sentence_case(col_labels2)
    if (pal_rev == TRUE) pal <- rev(pal)
    pal_fun <- colorFactor(palette = pal,
                           domain = col_var_vctr,
                           na.color = pal_na)
  if (shiny == FALSE) {
    if(basemap == "light") basemap_name <- "CartoDB.PositronNoLabels"
    else if(basemap == "dark") basemap_name <- "CartoDB.DarkMatterNoLabels"
    else if(basemap == "satellite") basemap_name <- "Esri.WorldImagery"
    else if(basemap == "ocean") basemap_name <- "Esri.OceanBasemap"
    else if(basemap == "street") basemap_name <- "OpenStreetMap.Mapnik"
    else basemap_name <- "CartoDB.PositronNoLabels"
  if (shiny == FALSE) {
    map <- leaflet() %>%
      leaflet::addEasyButton(leaflet::easyButton(icon = "ion-arrow-shrink", 
                                                 title = "Reset View", 
                                                 onClick = htmlwidgets::JS("function(btn, map){ map.setView(map._initialCenter, map._initialZoom); }"))) %>% 
      htmlwidgets::onRender(htmlwidgets::JS("function(el, x){ var map = this; map._initialCenter = map.getCenter(); map._initialZoom = map.getZoom();}")) %>% 
      addProviderTiles(basemap_name) %>%
        x = data, 
        group = group_id,
        colors = pal_fun,
        opacity = alpha_fill,
        project = TRUE
  else if (shiny == TRUE) {
    map <- leafletProxy(map_id) %>%
        x = data, 
        group = group_id,
        colors = pal_fun,
        opacity = alpha_fill,
        project = TRUE
  #legend na
  if (col_method %in% c("bin", "quantile", "category")) {
    if (col_na_rm == FALSE) {
      if(any(is.na(col_var_vctr))) {
        pal <- c(pal, pal_na)
        col_labels <- c(col_labels, "NA")
  if (is.null(col_title)) col_title <- snakecase::to_sentence_case(rlang::as_name(col_var))
  if (col_legend_none == FALSE) {
    if (col_method == "continuous") {
      map <- map %>% 
          layerId = legend_id,
          pal = pal_fun,
          values = col_var_vctr,
          bins = col_cuts,
          title = stringr::str_replace_all(stringr::str_wrap(col_title, 20), "\n", "</br>"),
          position = "bottomright",
          opacity = alpha_fill)
    else if (col_method %in% c("bin", "quantile", "category")) {
      map <- map %>% 
          layerId = legend_id,
          colors = pal,
          labels = col_labels,
          title = stringr::str_replace_all(stringr::str_wrap(col_title, 20), "\n", "</br>"),
          position = "bottomright",
          opacity = alpha_fill)

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simplevis documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:02 p.m.