Man pages for skimr
Compact and Flexible Summaries of Data

deprecated-v1Deprecated functions from skimr v1
fix_windows_histogramsFix unicode histograms on Windows
focusOnly show a subset of summary statistics after skimming
get_default_skimmersView default skimmer names and functions
get_skimmersRetrieve the summary functions for a specific data type
knit_printProvide a default printing method for knitr.
mutate.skim_dfMutate a skim_df
partitionSeparate a big 'skim_df' into smaller data frames, by type.
printPrint 'skim' objects
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reprSkimr printing within Jupyter notebooks
sflCreate a skimr function list
skimSkim a data frame, getting useful summary statistics
skim-attrFunctions for accessing skim_df attributes
skim-objTest if an object is compatible with 'skimr'
skimr-packageSkim a data frame
skimr-vctrsFunctions for working with the vctrs package
skim_withSet or add the summary functions for a particular type of...
statsSummary statistic functions
summary.skim_dfSummary function for skim_df
to_longCreate "long" skim output
skimr documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 2:45 a.m.