Man pages for sklarsomega
Measuring Agreement Using Sklar's Omega Coefficient

baplotProduce a Bland-Altman plot.
build.RBuild a Sklar's Omega correlation matrix.
cartilageData from an MRI study of hip cartilage in femoroacetabular...
check.colnamesCheck the column names of a Sklar's Omega data matrix for...
confint.sklarsomegaCompute confidence/credible intervals for Sklar's Omega.
influence.sklarsomegaCompute DFBETAs for units and/or coders.
logLik.sklarsomegaReturn the maximum of the Sklar's Omega log objective...
nobs.sklarsomegaReturn the number of observations for a Sklar's Omega fit.
pcatCompute the cumulative distribution function for a...
qcatCompute the quantile function for a categorical distribution.
residuals.sklarsomegaExtract model residuals.
simulate.sklarsomegaSimulate a Sklar's Omega dataset(s).
sklars.omegaApply Sklar's Omega. Bayesian inference for Sklar's Omega.
summary.sklarsomegaPrint a summary of a Sklar's Omega fit.
vcov.sklarsomegaCompute an estimated covariance matrix for a Sklar's Omega...
sklarsomega documentation built on April 4, 2023, 5:15 p.m.