
Defines functions modeltime_multirefit

Documented in modeltime_multirefit

#' @title Refit the model or models for multiple time series
#' @description applies the `modeltime_refit()` function from the 'modeltime' package to multiple series and models.
#' @details it takes the 'table_time' tibble generated with the  `modeltime_multifit()` function and 
#'          returns the same object but with the models fitted for the complete period. 
#' @param models_table 'table_time' tibble generated from the `modeltime_multifit()` function.
#' @return retrained 'table_time' object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Data
#' library(modeltime)
#' data_serie <- head(sknifedatar::table_time$table_time,1)
#' # modeltime_multirefit
#' sknifedatar::modeltime_multirefit(models_table = data_serie)
modeltime_multirefit <- function(models_table){

  t_calibration <- models_table$calibration
  t_serie <- models_table$nested_column

  m_refit <- mapply(function(t_calibration, t_serie){
    t_calibration %>% modeltime::modeltime_refit(t_serie)
    }, t_calibration, t_serie, SIMPLIFY = F)

  output_def <- models_table
  output_def$calibration <- m_refit


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sknifedatar documentation built on June 1, 2021, 9:08 a.m.