Man pages for slurmR
A Lightweight Wrapper for 'Slurm'

expand_array_indexesExpand Array Indexes
JOB_STATE_CODESSlurm Job state codes
makeSlurmClusterCreate a Parallel Socket Cluster using Slurm
new_rscriptGeneral purpose function to write R scripts
parse_flagsUtility function
random_job_nameGenerate a random job name
read_sbatchRead a slurm batch file and capture the SBATCH options
sbatchR wrappers for _Slurm_ commands
Slurm_cleanClean a session.
Slurm_collectCollect the results of a slurm job
Slurm_envA wrapper of Sys.getenv
Slurm_EvalQSubmit an expression to be evaluated to multiple jobs.
slurm_jobCreating Slurm jobs
Slurm_lapplyThe Slurm version of the '*apply' family of functions.
Slurm_logCheck the R logfile of a job.
slurmRA Lightweight Wrapper for 'Slurm'
slurmr_dockerslurmR docker image
snamesFull path names for Slurm jobs
sourceSlurmSource an R script as a Slurm job
statusCheck the status of a Slurm JOB
the_planCheck for possible actions for a 'slurm_job' wrapper
wait_slurmWait for a Slurm job to be completed
slurmR documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 5:06 p.m.