PVQ40: Portrait Value Questionnaire

PVQ40R Documentation

Portrait Value Questionnaire


The PVQ40 (Schwartz et al., 1999) consists of 40 items, each a short portrait of one person. For example, to measure power, the PVQ includes two portraits (male/female versions): It is important to him to be rich. He wants to have a lot of money and expensive things. It is important to him to get respect from others. He wants people to do what he says. Respondents indicate on 6-point bipolar rating scale (1 ... not at all like me, 6 ... very much like me) the degree to which the description also fits himself/herself. Gender and age of the participants are added as attributes.




PVQ40 data of 151 adults from various states in the USA:

sd1-sd4: self-direction

po1-po3: power

un1-un6: universalism

ac1-ac4: achievement

se1-se5: security

st1-st3: stimulation

co1-co4: conformity

tr1-tr4: tradition

he1-he3: hedonism

be1-be4: benevolence

Age and Gender are added as attributes.


PVQ40agg is an aggregated version of PVQ40 where the item scores belonging to the same value are averaged. Abbreviations: power (PO), achievement (AC), hedonism (HE), stimulation (ST), self-direction (SD), universalism (UN), benevolence (BE), tradition (TR), conformity (CO), security (SE).


Borg, I., Bardi, A., & Schwartz, S. H. (2017). Does the value circle exist within persons or only across persons? Journal of Personality, 85(2), 151-162.

See Also



attr(PVQ40, "Gender")
attr(PVQ40, "Age")

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