Man pages for smdata
Data to Accompany Smithson & Merkle, 2013

babiesBabies gaze data
carsalesCar salesperson problem
cocaineSex by method of cocaine ingestion
cocaineplusSex and race by method of cocaine ingestion
dassDepression, Anxieity, and Stress
dyslexic3Dyslexic readers data
emailMarital Status and Email Usage
euthanEuthanasia Scale
examExam data
financeConfidence in financial knowledge
fixationsWord Color and Fixations
gradesGrades and marks for an undergraduate course
guilt1Study 1 judged probabilities of guilt
guilt3Study 3 judged probabilities of guilt
intervalbetaLower and upper probability estimates
phonoWord and non-word response data
rtimeCensored response time data
skippingSchool Skipping
trchoiceTransportation mode choice
treatmentChest Pain Treatment Preferences
trlongTransportation mode choice, long format
workdaysWork Days Missed
smdata documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:17 a.m.