Man pages for sme
Smoothing-Splines Mixed-Effects Models

AICcThe corrected AIC
BICnAn alternative BIC for longitudinal models
getRoughnessMatrixExtract the roughness matrix used in an SME model fit
inflammatoryExample gene transcript from an experiment on children...
MTBTen example gene transcripts from an experiment investigating...
plot.smeVisualisation of smoothing-splines mixed-effects models
plotSmeDiagnosticDiagnostic plot of the residuals for a fitted...
plotSmeModelVisualisation of a fitted smoothing-splines mixed-effects...
plotSmeRawVisualisation of raw data for a smoothing-splines...
smeSmoothing-splines mixed-effects models mixed-effects model fit(s) from a...
sme.listCarry out mulitple independent smoothing-splines...
smeObjectFitted sme Object
sme documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:03 a.m.