
##' And (conjunction) operators
##' And operators for the soft performance calculation.
##' The predefined operators are:
##' \tabular{llllll}{
##' Name         \tab Definition                 \tab \code{\link{dev}}? \tab \code{\link{postproc}}?  \tab \code{\link{hard}}? \tab Explanation                                                           \cr
##' \code{gdl}   \tab \code{pmin (r, p)}         \tab FALSE              \tab                     \tab FALSE               \tab the \enc{Gödel}{Goedel}-operator (weak conjunction)                   \cr
##' \code{luk}   \tab \code{pmax (r + p - 1, 0)} \tab FALSE              \tab                     \tab FALSE               \tab \enc{Łukasiewicz}{Lukasiewicz}-operator (strong conjunction)          \cr
##' \code{prd}   \tab \code{r * p}               \tab FALSE              \tab                     \tab FALSE               \tab product operator                                                      \cr
##' \code{and}   \tab \code{r * p}               \tab FALSE              \tab                     \tab TRUE                \tab Boolean conjunction: accepts only 0 or 1, otherwise yields \code{NA}  \cr
##' \code{wMAE}  \tab \code{r * abs (r - p)}     \tab TRUE               \tab                     \tab FALSE               \tab for weighted mean absolute error                                      \cr
##' \code{wRMAE} \tab \code{r * abs (r - p)}       \tab TRUE               \tab sqrt                     \tab FALSE               \tab for weighted root mean absolute error (bound for RMSE)                                  \cr##' \code{wMSE}  \tab \code{r * (r - p)^2}       \tab TRUE               \tab                     \tab FALSE               \tab for weighted mean squared error                                       \cr
##' \code{wRMSE} \tab \code{r * (r - p)^2}       \tab TRUE               \tab sqrt                     \tab FALSE               \tab for root weighted mean squared error                                  \cr
##' }
##' @param p prediction vector, matrix, or array with numeric values in [0, 1], for \code{and} in \{0, 1\}
##' @param r reference vector, matrix, or array with numeric values in [0, 1], for \code{and} in \{0, 1\}
##' @encoding UTF8
##' @return numeric of the same size as p
##' @author Claudia Beleites
##' @seealso Performance measures: \code{\link{sens}}
##' @references see the literature in \code{citation ("softclassval")}
##' @rdname operators
##' @export
##' @include softclassval.R
##' @include dev.R
##' @include postproc.R
##' @include unittestdata.R
##' @examples
##' ops <- c ("luk", "gdl", "prd", "and", "wMAE", "wRMAE", "wMSE", "wRMSE")
##' ## make a nice table
##' lastline <- function (f){
##'   body <- body (get (f))    ## function body
##'   body <- deparse (body)
##'   body [length (body) - 1]  ## last line is closing brace
##' }
##' data.frame (source = sapply (ops, lastline),
##'             dev = sapply (ops, function (f) dev (get (f))),
##'             hard = sapply (ops, function (f) hard (get (f))),
##'             postproc = I (lapply (ops, function (f) postproc (get (f))))
##'             )
##' x <- softclassval:::v
##' x
##' luk (0.7, 0.8)
##' ## The behaviour of the operators
##' ## op (x, 1)
##' cbind (x, sapply (c ("luk", "gdl", "prd", "wMAE", "wRMAE", "wMSE", "wRMSE"),
##'                   function (op, x) get (op) (x, 1), x))
##' ## op (x, 0)
##' cbind (x, sapply (c ("luk", "gdl", "prd", "wMAE", "wRMAE", "wMSE", "wRMSE"),
##'                   function (op, x) get (op) (x, 0), x))
##' ## op (x, x)
##' cbind (x, sapply (c ("luk", "gdl", "prd", "wMAE", "wRMAE", "wMSE", "wRMSE"),
##'                   function (op, x) get (op) (x, x), x))
##' ## Note that the deviation operators are not commutative
##' ## (due to the weighting by reference)
##' zapsmall (
##' cbind (sapply (c ("luk", "gdl", "prd", "wMAE", "wRMAE", "wMSE", "wRMSE"),
##'                   function (op, x) get (op) (1, x), x)) -
##' cbind (sapply (c ("luk", "gdl", "prd", "wMAE", "wRMAE", "wMSE", "wRMSE"),
##'                   function (op, x) get (op) (x, 1), x))
##' )
strong <- function (r, p){
  pmax (r + p - 1, 0)
dev (strong) <- FALSE
hard (strong) <- FALSE

.test (strong) <- function(){
  checkEqualsNumeric (strong (v, v),       c (a = 0,  b = 0,   c = 0.4, d = 1,   e = NA))
  checkEqualsNumeric (strong (v, rev (v)), c (a = NA, b = 0.3, c = 0.4, d = 0.3, e = NA))

##' @rdname operators
##' @export
luk <- strong

##' @rdname operators
##' @export
weak <- function (r, p){
  pmin (p, r)                           # Note: takes attributes from p only
dev (weak) <- FALSE
hard (weak) <- FALSE

.test (weak) <- function(){
  checkEqualsNumeric (weak (v, v),       v)
  checkEqualsNumeric (weak (v, rev (v)), c (a = NA, b = 0.3, c = 0.7, d = 0.3, e = NA))

##' @rdname operators
##' @export
gdl <- weak

##' @rdname operators
##' @export
prd <- function (r, p){
	r * p
dev (prd) <- FALSE
hard (prd) <- FALSE

.test (prd) <- function(){
  checkEqualsNumeric (prd (v, v),       v^2)
  checkEqualsNumeric (prd (v, rev (v)), c (a = NA, b = 0.3, c = 0.49, d = 0.3, e = NA))

##' @rdname operators
##' @include make01.R
##' @export
and <- function (r, p){ # the boolean and: accepts only hard r and p
  mostattributes (r) <- attributes (p)
  p <- .make01 (p)
  r <- .make01 (r)

  r * p ## fastest
dev (and) <- FALSE
hard (and) <- TRUE

.test (and) <- function(){
  checkEqualsNumeric (and (v, v),       c (a = 0 , b = NA, c = NA, d =  1, e = NA))
  checkEqualsNumeric (and (v, rev (v)), c (a = NA_real_, b = NA, c = NA, d = NA, e = NA))
  checkEqualsNumeric (and (0, 1), 0)

##' @rdname operators
##' @export
wMAE <- function (r, p) {
  mostattributes (r) <- attributes (p)
  r * abs (p - r)
dev (wMAE) <- TRUE
hard (wMAE) <- FALSE

.test (wMAE) <- function(){
  checkEqualsNumeric (wMAE (v, v),       c (a = 0 , b = 0,    c = 0, d = 0,   e = NA))
  checkEqualsNumeric (wMAE (v, rev (v)), c (a = NA, b = 0.21, c = 0, d = 0.7, e = NA))

##' @rdname operators
##' @export
postproc (wRMAE) <- "sqrt"

##' @rdname operators
##' @export
wMSE <- function (r, p){
  r * (p - r)^2
dev (wMSE) <- TRUE
hard (wMSE) <- FALSE

##' @rdname operators
##' @export
postproc (wRMSE) <- "sqrt"

##' @importFrom stats runif
.testoperators <- function (){
  ops <- c ("luk", "gdl", "prd", "and", "wMAE", "wRMAE", "wMSE", "wRMSE")

  ## dev
  for (o in setdiff (ops, c ("wMAE", "wRMAE", "wMSE", "wRMSE")))
    checkTrue (! dev (get (o)),
               msg = sprintf ("dev: %s", o))
  for (o in c ("wMAE", "wRMAE", "wMSE", "wRMSE"))
    checkTrue (dev (get (o)),
               msg = sprintf ("dev: %s", o))
  ## hard
  for (o in setdiff (ops, "and"))
    checkTrue (! hard (get (o)),
               msg = sprintf ("hard: %s", o))
  checkTrue (hard (and),
             msg = sprintf ("hard: and"))

  ## postproc
  for (o in setdiff (ops, c ("wRMAE", "wRMSE")))
    checkTrue (is.null (postproc (get (o))),
               msg = sprintf ("postproc: %s", o))
  for (o in c ("wRMAE", "wRMSE"))
    checkEquals (postproc (get (o)), "sqrt")

  ## against 1
  checkEquals (sapply (ops, function (x) get (x) (1, v)),
               matrix (c (0,   0,   0,   0,   1,   1,   1,    1,
                          0.3, 0.3, 0.3, NA,  0.7, 0.7, 0.49, 0.49,
                          0.7, 0.7, 0.7, NA,  0.3, 0.3, 0.09, 0.09,
                          1,   1,   1,   1,   0,   0,   0,    0,
                          NA,  NA,  NA,  NA,  NA,  NA, NA,   NA),
                       byrow = TRUE, nrow = 5,
                       dimnames = list (names (v), ops))

  ## against 0
  checkEquals (sapply (ops, function (x) get (x) (0, v)),
               matrix (c (0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,
                          0,   0,   0,   NA,  0,   0,   0,    0,
                          0,   0,   0,   NA,  0,   0,   0,    0,
                          0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,
                          NA,  NA,  NA,  NA,  NA,  NA,  NA,   NA), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 5,
                       dimnames = list (names (v), ops))

  r <- runif (1000)
  p <- runif (1000)
  for (o in setdiff (ops, "and"))
    checkTrue (get (o) (r, p) <= r, msg = sprintf ("op (p, r) <= r: %s", o))

  for (o in ops){
    op <- get (o)
    checkEqualAttributes (op (runif (nrow (m)), makeNd (m, 3)),
                          makeNd (m, 3),
                          msg = sprintf ("preserve shape of p: %s", o))

    checkEqualsNumeric (op (m [, 1], m),
                        op (m [, rep (1, ncol(m))], m),
                        msg = sprintf ("recycling: %s", o))

  tmp <- runif (length (m))
  mostattributes (tmp) <- attributes (m)
  for (o in c ("strong", "weak", "prd", "and")){
    op <- get (o)
    checkEquals (op (m, tmp),
                 op (tmp, m),
                 msg = sprintf ("commutativity: %s", o))

class (.testoperators) <- c ("svTest", "function")

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