


  theme = "bootstrap_simplex.css",

  # Application title
  headerPanel("Powell Center soilcarbon workbench"),


                     h3("Visualize database"),
      fluidRow(column(6, selectInput("y_var", "Y Variable:",
                list("None (histogram)" = "NULL",
                    "Top of layer" = "layer_top",
                     "Bottom of layer" = "layer_bot",
                     "C14" = "X14c",
                     "Total Carbon" = "c_tot",
                     "Total Nitrogen" = "n_tot",
                     "Bulk Density" = "bd_tot",
                     "MAP" = "map",
                     "MAT" = "mat"
                selected = "layer_bot")),
               column(6, selectInput("x_var", "X Variable:",
                list("C14" = "X14c",
                     "Top of layer" = "layer_top",
                     "Bottom of layer" = "layer_bot",
                     "C14" = "X14c",
                     "Total Carbon" = "c_tot",
                     "Total Nitrogen" = "n_tot",
                     "Bulk Density" = "bd_tot",
                     "MAP" = "map",
                     "MAT" = "mat"
                selected = "bd_tot"))),

    fluidRow(column(7,   selectInput("col_facet_var", "Panel Variable:",
                list("None" = "NULL",
                     "Top of layer" = "layer_top",
                     "Bottom of layer" = "layer_bot",
                     "C14" = "X14c",
                     "Total Carbon" = "c_tot",
                     "Total Nitrogen" = "n_tot",
                     "Bulk Density" = "bd_tot",
                     "MAP" = "map",
                     "MAT" = "mat"
                selected = "map")),
                column(5, textInput("col_facet_thresh", "threshold", value = "500"))),

    fluidRow(column(7,   selectInput("row_facet_var", "Panel Variable 2:",
                                     list("None" = "NULL",
                                          "Top of layer" = "layer_top",
                                          "Bottom of layer" = "layer_bot",
                                          "C14" = "X14c",
                                          "Total Carbon" = "c_tot",
                                          "Total Nitrogen" = "n_tot",
                                          "Bulk Density" = "bd_tot",
                                          "MAP" = "map",
                                          "MAT" = "mat"
                                     selected = "mat")),
             column(5, textInput("row_facet_thresh", "threshold", value = "5"))),

    fluidRow(column(7,  selectInput("col_var", "Color Variable:",
                list("None" = "NULL",
                     "Top of layer" = "layer_top",
                     "Bottom of layer" = "layer_bot",
                     "C14" = "X14c",
                     "Total Carbon" = "c_tot",
                     "Total Nitrogen" = "n_tot",
                     "Bulk Density" = "bd_tot",
                     "MAP" = "map",
                     "MAT" = "mat"
                selected = "mat")),
             column(5, sliderInput("alpha", "transparency", min = 0,
        max = 1, value = 0.4))),

    selectInput("size_var", "Size Variable:",
                list("None" = "NULL",
                     "C14" = "X14c",
                     "Total Carbon" = "c_tot",
                     "Total Nitrogen" = "n_tot",
                     "Bulk Density" = "bd_tot",
                     "MAP" = "map",
                     "MAT" = "mat"
    h3("Download database"),
    downloadButton("download_database", "Download Database (flattened)")),

                   h3("Template file"),
                   downloadButton("download_template", "Download soilcarbon Template file"),
                   h4("Tips for filling out template file:"),
                   HTML("<ul><li>The 'metadata', 'site', 'profile', 'layer', and 'fraction' tabs are required in order to upload file to database</li>
<li>Variables with red column names are required and cannot have missing values.</li>
<li>Values in the variables called 'dataset_name', 'site_name', 'profile_name', and 'layer_name' must match across tabs in which they are found.</li>
<li>Check the 'controlled vocabulary' tab for acceptable values for certain variables</li>
<li>Remove the first two description rows before submitting dataset</li></ul>")

    tabPanel("Database", plotOutput("plot"), value=1),
    tabPanel("Add data to database", value=2 , h3("Quality Control Check"),
             helpText("To add a dataset to the soilcarbon database, the data must pass a quality control check without any warning messages, for questions email Grey ("),
             fileInput("upload", label = "Upload data"),
               condition = "output.fileUploaded",
               downloadButton("download_dataqc", "download quality control report"),
               helpText("If the quality control report does not have any warning messages, you may submit the data by emailing it to Grey ( Thanks!")
    id = "conditionedPanels"
        Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler("resetFileInputHandler", function(x) {
              var el = $("#" + x);
              el.replaceWith(el = el.clone(true));
              var id = "#" + x + "_progress";
              $(id).css("visibility", "hidden");

Try the soilcarbon package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

soilcarbon documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:11 a.m.