sorcering: Soil ORganic Carbon & CN Ratio drIven Nitrogen modellinG...

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sorceringR Documentation

Soil ORganic Carbon & CN Ratio drIven Nitrogen modellinG framework


SORCERING can be used to model the fate of soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil organic nitrogen (SON) and to calculate N mineralisation rates. It provides a framework that numerically solves differential equations of SOC models based on first-order kinetics. An SOC model can be simply defined or a predefined existing SOC model can be chosen and then run to predict the temporal development of SOC. Beyond this, SORCERING determines the fluxes of SON and N mineralisation / immobilisation. Basic inputs are (1) the model parameters of a given SOC model expressed as the C transfer matrix (including information on decomposition and transfer rates between model pools), (2) either the initial distributions of C and N among model pools as a direct input or time series of at least three C and N measurement points with which these initial distributions can be calculated using linear regression, and (3) time series of C and N inputs and rate modifying environmental factors. In case a predefined SOC model is used, instead of model parameters and time series of rate modifying factors, model-specific environmental and stand data must be passed for the calculation of decomposition and transfer rates. The fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm is used to numerically solve the system of differential equations. \loadmathjax


sorcering(    A = NULL,
              tsteps = "monthly",
              C0 = NULL,
              N0 = NULL,
              Cin = NULL,
              Nin = NULL,
              Cin_wood = NULL,
              Nin_wood = NULL,
              wood_diam = NULL,
              xi = NULL,
              env_in = NULL,
              site = NULL,
              theta = NULL,
              theta_unc = NULL,
              theta_n_unc = 1,
              meas_data = NULL,
              A_sl = NULL,
              C0_sl = NULL,
              N0_sl = NULL,
              Cin_sl = NULL,
              Nin_sl = NULL,
              Cin_wood_sl = NULL,
              Nin_wood_sl = NULL,
              wood_diam_sl = NULL,
              xi_sl = NULL,
              env_in_sl = NULL,
              site_sl = NULL,
              sitelist = NULL,        
              meas_data_sl = NULL,
              calcN = FALSE,
              calcNbalance = FALSE,
              calcN0 = FALSE,
              calcC0 = FALSE,
              calcCN_fast_init = FALSE,
              CTool_input_raw = FALSE,
              RothC_Cin4C0 = FALSE,
              C0_fracts = NULL,
              multisite = FALSE,
              pooltypes = NULL,
              CN_fast_init = 40,
              CN_bio = 9,
              CN_spin = NULL,
              CN_fast_init_sl = NULL,
              CN_bio_sl = NULL,
              CN_spin_sl = NULL,
              init_info = FALSE,
              model = "",
              spinup = FALSE,
              t_spin = 2,
              t_spin_sl = 2)



square matrix. Transfer matrix typical for SOC modelling. Defines number of pools, decomposition and transfer rates. n\mjeqn\timesxn elements with n = number of pools. Diagonal values are decomposition rates [yr-1]. Off-diagonals represent the transfer between pools . Only used when model is NULL


character string indicating the type of simulation time steps. Valid options are "annually", "monthly" (recommended) or "weekly". Ensures that the rate modifying factors (passed through xi or used by a predefined model) are adjusted by dividing them by 1, 12, and 52 respectively. Also ensures that environment-specific information (passed through env_in) takes into account the time reference of the modelling.


either vector with a length equal to the number of pools or scalar. If vector, initial soil organic carbon per pool [tC ha-1]. If scalar, initial total soil organic carbon [tC ha-1]. In the latter case, either model must be selected or C0_fracts must be passed. If NULL, filled with zeros.


vector with a length equal to the number of pools. Contains initial soil organic nitrogen per pool [tN ha-1]. If NULL, filled with zeros. Only used when calcN = TRUE and calcN0 = FALSE.


either matrix with a number of columns equal to the number of pools and a number of rows corresponding to simulation time steps (if spinup = FALSE) or spin-up reference period (if spinup = TRUE), or list containing such matrices. If it is a list, each element of the list is expected to represent a stochastic repetition that covers input uncertainties. Then, the list must contain matrices of equal dimensions. Each matrix (or the one if modelling without uncertainties) must contain information about carbon input per pool and time step [tC ha-1]. When CTool_input_raw = TRUE, and model = "C-Tool" or model = "C-Tool-org", the matrix structure can have two columns (as described for CTool_input_raw). If NULL, filled with zeros.


either matrix with a number of columns equal to the number of pools and a number of rows corresponding to simulation time steps (if spinup = FALSE) or spin-up reference period (if spinup = TRUE), in each case in accordance with number of rows of Cin, or list containing such matrices. If it is a list, each element of the list is expected to represent a stochastic repetition that covers input uncertainties. Then, the list must contain matrices of equal dimensions. Each matrix (or the one if modelling without uncertainties) must contain information about nitrogen input per pool and time step [tN ha-1]. When CTool_input_raw = TRUE, and model = "C-Tool" or model = "C-Tool-org" the matrix structure can have 2 columns (as described for CTool_input_raw). If NULL, filled with zeros. Must contain entries > 0 where entries of Cin are > 0. Only used when calcN = TRUE.


list of lengths of different wood diameter classes. Each list element must be in Cin format and represent a specific wood diameter. Furthermore, the list elements themselves can be lists and contain stochastic repetitions, as explained for Cin. The mean diameter per class is defined in wood_diam. Only used when model = "Yasso15" or model = "Yasso20".


list of lengths of different wood diameter classes. Each list element must be in Nin format and represent a specific wood diameter. Furthermore, the list elements themselves can be lists and contain stochastic repetitions, as explained for Nin. The mean diameter per class is defined in wood_diam. Must contain entries > 0 where entries of Cin_wood are > 0. Only used when calcN = TRUE. Only used when model = "Yasso15" or model = "Yasso20".


vector with wood diameter [cm]. The first element corresponds to the first list element of Cin_wood and Nin_wood. If NULL, filled with zeros. Only used when Cin_wood is specified and when either model = "Yasso15" or model = "Yasso20". Must contain entries >= 0.


either matrix with a number of columns equal to the number of pools and a number of rows corresponding to simulation time steps (if spinup = FALSE) or spin-up reference period (if spinup = TRUE), in each case in accordance with number of rows of Cin, or list containing such matrices. If it is a list, each element of the list is expected to represent a stochastic repetition that covers input uncertainties. Then, the list must contain matrices of equal dimensions. Each matrix (or the one if modelling without uncertainties) must contain information about time series of rate modifying factors for each model pool, built on the basis of annual decomposition rates. If NULL, filled with ones. Only used when model is NULL.


matrix with a model-specific number of columns and a number of rows corresponding to simulation time steps (if spinup = FALSE) or spin-up reference period (if spinup = TRUE), in each case in accordance with number of rows of Cin. Contains environment-specific information to calculate rate modifying factors (instead of passing them with xi) and initial distributions (only RothC). When model = "RothC", it must have four columns: atmospheric temperature (T) [degrees C], precipitation (p) [mm], evapotranspiration [mm] and a vector of zeros, ones (both originally RothC) or twos (not originally RothC) describing the soil cover, where ones indicate time steps when the soil is vegetated, zeros when it is bare and twos when it is bare, but this only influences the accumulated but not the maximum topsoil moisture deficit. The latter will then be calculated as if there was soil cover. The idea behind this is that the water content should be decisive for the microorganisms as a habitat and transport medium, regardless of whether a plant is growing or not. When model = "Yasso07" or model = "Yasso15" or model = "Yasso20", it must have two columns: T [degrees C] and p [mm]. When model = "C-Tool" or model = "C-Tool-org", it has one column: T [degrees C]. If NULL, filled with ones. Only used when model is not NULL.


vector of model-specific length. Contains site-specific information to calculate rate modifying factors (instead of passing them with xi) and initial distributions (only RothC). and initial carbon and nitrogen distributions. When model = "RothC", it must be of length four: sample depth [mm], clay content [%], black sand status (0 or 1, 0 if unknown or if black sand method is not desired) and CN ratio (0 if unknown, but then either C0 and N0 must be passed or calcC0 = TRUE and calcN0 = TRUE, information on CN ratio given in site always takes precedence over internally calculated CN ratios). When model = "C-Tool" or model = "C-Tool-org", it must be of length one: clay content [%]. Only used when model = "RothC" or model = "C-Tool" or model = "C-Tool-org".


either vector with model parameters for predefined models or matrix with rows of such parameters. If it is a matrix, each row is expected to represent a stochastic repetition that covers input uncertainties. If uncertainties are defined by another argument, e.g. Cin or Nin, these determine the number of stochastic repetitions and not theta. Then, if theta is a matrix, a parameter vector is randomly drawn for each uncertainty loop. Each vector (or row of matrix) must be of length 7 when model = "RothC", of length 10 when model = "C-Tool" or model = "C-Tool-org", of length 21 when model = "Yasso07" and of length 30 when model = "Yasso15" or model = "Yasso20". If NULL, model-specific standard parameters are used instead. Only used when model is not NULL. See model parameters table in section 'Details' for standard parameters used.


either number or vector of percentage values. If it is a vector, the same model-specific lengths as described for theta must be used. When used, model parameters modified by taking from the normal distribution around given values (either from theta or predefined values) with a standard deviation of theta_unc. This will be repeated as many times as defined in theta_n_unc or as defined by uncertainty dimensions of a carbon or nitrogen input argument (e.g. Cin) and lead to unique model results and output list elements. Only used when model is not NULL and theta is not a matrix.


number of stochastic repetitions when model parameters for predefined models should be determined from a random distribution. Only used when the number of stochastic repetitions is not defined by another argument (e.g. Cin ). Only used when model is not NULL, theta_unc is not NULL and theta is not a matrix.


matrix with a number of rows equal to the number of measurement points. The first column defines the time of measurement, the metric of which is based on simulation time steps. The second row must contain values of measured soil organic carbon stock. The third row must contain values of measured soil organic nitrogen and is only used when calcN0 = TRUE. Only used when calcC0 = TRUE.


list with a length of number of sites to simulate. Each list element represents a site and must be in A format. Only used when multisite = TRUE and model is NULL. When multisite = TRUE, A can be passed instead of A_sl to have the same argument for all sites.


list with a length of number of sites to simulate. Each list element represents a site and must be in C0 format. Only used when multisite = TRUE.


list with a length of number of sites to simulate. Each list element represents a site and must be in N0 format. Only used when multisite = TRUE, calcN = TRUE and calcN0 = FALSE.


list with a length of number of sites to simulate. Each list element represents a site and must be in Cin format, which can also contain uncertainties. Thus, Cin_sl can either be a list of different sites each containing lists of different uncertainty representations each with matrices of carbon input as described for Cin, or it can simply be a list of different sites each containing such matrices. Only used when multisite = TRUE.


list with a length of number of sites to simulate. Each list element represents a site and must be in Nin format, which can also contain uncertainties. Thus, Nin_sl can either be a list of different sites each containing lists of different uncertainty representations each with matrices of carbon input as described for Nin, or it can simply be a list of different sites each containing such matrices. Only used when multisite = TRUE. Must contain entries > 0 where entries of Cin_sl are > 0.


list with a length of number of sites to simulate. Each list element represents a site and must be in Cin_wood format, which can also contain uncertainties. Thus, Cin_wood_sl can either be a list of different sites each containing lists of different wood diameter representations, which in turn each contain lists of different uncertainty representations, each with matrices of carbon input as described for Cin, or it can simply be a list of different sites each containing lists of different wood diameter representations each containing such matrices. Only used when multisite = TRUE and either model = "Yasso15" or model = "Yasso20".


list with a length of number of sites to simulate. Each list element represents a site and must be in Nin_wood format, which can also contain uncertainties. Thus, Nin_wood_sl can either be a list of different sites each containing lists of different wood diameter representations, which in turn each contain lists of different uncertainty representations, each with matrices of carbon input as described for Nin, or it can simply be a list of different sites each containing lists of different wood diameter representations each containing such matrices. Only used when multisite = TRUE and either model = "Yasso15" or model = "Yasso20". Must contain entries > 0 where entries of Cin_wood_sl are > 0.


list with a length of number of sites to simulate. Each list element represents a site and must be in wood_diam format. Only used when multisite = TRUE and either model = "Yasso15" or model = "Yasso20".


list with a length of number of sites to simulate. Each list element represents a site and must be in xi format, which can also contain uncertainties. In the latter case, the site list must include uncertainty lists. Only used when multisite = TRUE.


list with a length of number of sites to simulate. Each list element represents a site and must be in env_in format. Only used when multisite = TRUE.


list with a length of number of sites to simulate. Each list element represents a site and must be in site format. Only used when multisite = TRUE.


list with names of sites to simulate. Only used when multisite = TRUE.


list with a length of number of sites to simulate. Each list element represents a site and must be in meas_data format. Consequently, it is only used when calcC0 = TRUE and the third row of each list element is only used when calcN0 = TRUE. Only used when multisite = TRUE.


logical indicating whether soil organic nitrogen should be modeled.


logical indicating whether the balance of nitrogen cycling should be calculated.


logical indicating whether N0 should be calculated. Then, the information in meas_data is used to determine initial states using linear regression.


logical indicating whether C0 should be calculated. Then, the information in meas_data is used to determine initial states using linear regression.


logical indicating whether to calculate the initial CN ratio for fast pools (using Cin and Nin) or whether CN_fast_init should be used.


logical defining of which type Cin and Nin are when modelling with C-Tool. If true, Cin and Nin can only have two columns, one for the topsoil and one for the subsoil, and SORCERING is applying the C-Tool-specific distribution to model pools. If false (default) Cin and Nin must have six columns, one per model pool. Only used when model = "C-Tool" or model = "C-Tool-org".


logical defining whether the SOC input should be used for the calculation of initial SOC. If false the standard RothC ratio for agricultural soils of DPM to RPM of 0.59 to 0.41 is used. Only used when model = "RothC" and calcC0 = TRUE.


numerical vector of a length equal to the number of pools. Contains initial fractions of SOC in pools, the sum of which must be 1. Only used when calcC0 = TRUE.


logical indicating whether multiple sites should be calculated with one program call. Then, t_spin, C0, N0, Cin, Nin, Cin_wood, Nin_wood, wood_diam, env_in, site_in, xi and meas_data must be of list type and replaced with t_spin_sl, C0_sl, N0_sl, Cin_sl, Nin_sl, Cin_wood_sl, Nin_wood_sl, wood_diam_sl, env_in_sl, site_in_sl, xi_sl and meas_data_sl, respectively. A, CN_bio and CN_fast_init can be given as single variables or in list form of A_sl, CN_bio_sl and CN_fast_init_sl, respectively.


integer vector with a length equal to the number of pools. Contains information necessary for the calculation of N0. Allowed values are 1-6. 1: topsoil fast pool, 2: topsoil bio or humus pool, 3: topsoil chemically stable or inert pool, 4: subsoil fast pool, 5: subsoil bio or humus pool, 6: subsoil chemically stable or inert pool. Predefined values are (1,1,2,2,3) when model = "RothC", (1,2,3,4,5,6) when model = "C-Tool" or model = "C-Tool-org", (1,1,1,2,3) when model = "Yasso07" or model = "Yasso15" or model = "Yasso20". Only used when calcN = TRUE and calcN0 = TRUE.


number that defines the initial CN ratio for fast pools (pooltypes = 1 or 4). Only used when Nin (or Nin_sl) and Cin (or Cin_sl) do not provide enough information for the estimation of initial nitrogen. The user will be informed about it when init_info = TRUE. Only used when calcN = TRUE and calcN0 = TRUE.


number that defines the initial CN ratio for slow pools (pooltypes = 2 or 5). Only used when calcN = TRUE and calcN0 = TRUE.


vector with a length equal to the number of pools. Defines the initial CN ratios for spin-up runs. For the case where the spinup starts from bare ground without soil organic components, the CN ratios of the pools must be defined. Since the CN ratios would then only be influenced by external inputs, the CN ratios for slow target pools without input would exceptionally be defined by the CN ratios of fast source pools due to a lack of alternatives. To prevent this, it is necessary to define initial CN ratios for spin-up runs in that case. Only used when calcN = TRUE and spinup = TRUE and for elements of which that of C0 (and N0) are zero.


list with a length of number of sites to simulate. Each list element represents a site and must be in CN_fast_init format. Only used when calcN = TRUE, multisite = TRUE and calcN0 = TRUE. When multisite = TRUE, CN_fast_init can be passed instead of CN_fast_init_sl to have the same argument for all sites.


list with a length of number of sites to simulate. Each list element represents a site and must be in CN_bio format. Only used when calcN = TRUE, multisite = TRUE and calcN0 = TRUE. When multisite = TRUE, CN_bio can be passed instead of CN_bio_sl to have the same argument for all sites.


list of vectors that defines the initial CN ratios for spin-up runs. Each list element represents a site and must be in CN_spin format. Only used when multisite = TRUE, calcN = TRUE and spinup = TRUE and for elements of which that of N0_sl are zero. When multisite = TRUE, CN_spin can be passed instead of CN_spin_sl to have the same argument for all sites.


logical indicating whether additional information about the calculation of initial carbon, initial nitrogen, and CN ratio should be printed out during the simulations. Only used when calcC0 = TRUE or calcN0 = TRUE.


character string specifying a predefined soil organic carbon model to use. Valid options are "Yasso07", "Yasso15", "Yasso20", "RothC", "C-Tool" or "C-Tool-org". When not NULL, xi and A are calculated by SORCERING, and env_in must be specified. Additionally, theta can be specified to not use standard model parameters. See model parameters table in section 'Details' for standard parameters used. If calcN0 = TRUE and pooltypes = NULL model-specific standard values for pooltypes are used.


logical indicating whether the simulations should run in spin-up mode. Then, from all time-depending input (Cin, Nin, xi, env_in and site list derivates) random years (drawn each time step when tsteps = "weekly", each twelfth time step when tsteps = "monthly" and each fifty-second time step when tsteps = "weekly") are taken and t_spin defines the length of the spin-up. If modelling multiple sites, t_spin_sl allows for varying spin-up times. The length of the time-depending input is independent of the spin-up length, but all input data must refer to a specific reference period.


integer number of spin-up time steps.


list with a length of number of sites to simulate or integer number of spin-up time steps. If list, each list element represents a site and must be in t_spin format. If integer number, applied to all sites. Only used when multisite = TRUE.


SORCERING is a general model framework to describe soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics and soil organic nitrogen (SON) dynamics based on models of first-order kinetics. It can be applied to any given SOC first-order kinetics model. The approach has already been successfully tested to describe SOC dynamics of Yasso \insertCiteTuomi2009,Viskari2020,Viskari2022sorcering, RothC \insertCiteColeman1996sorcering and C-Tool \insertCiteTaghizadeh-Toosi2014sorcering. Moreover, it additionally offers the possibility of modelling N immobilisation and mineralisation by enhancing given SOC models by an additional N module. SORCERING was created using the C++ interface Rcpp \insertCiteEddelbuettel2021sorcering and can handle multiple sites and multiple stochastic representations with just one function call. This makes SORCERING a computationally efficient SOC and SON modelling tool.

In the following a description of each output value (see section 'Value') is given. Detailed mathematical descriptions of the SOC and SON calculation, the optional extensions of the SORCERING function and the predefined models used can be found in the extended R documentation at browseVignettes("sorcering").

Value C

SORCERING calculates SOC applying a given SOC model for every simulation time step defined by passing tsteps and the number of rows of Cin (or number of rows of matrix elements in Cin_sl). SOC models applied here are defined by a number of pools, each characterised by specific decomposition and turnover rates. The model-specific decomposition kinetics and SOC fluxes among pools are described by a set of partial differential equations represented by the transfer matrix \mjeqnAA (as passed with A or provided by model). Each row and column of \mjeqnAA represent SOC pools. Off-diagonal elements of \mjeqnAA describe SOC fluxes and diagonal elements describe SOC decomposition. The differential equations furthermore contain the boundary condition \mjeqnCin(t)Cin(t) (as passed with Cin) and the model-specific generated rate modifying factor series \mjeqnxi(t)xi(t) (as passed with xi or calculated for a predefined model). The change of SOC concentration in time is then defined as:


dC(t) dt = Cin(t)+A_e(t) \cdot C(t)dC(t)/dt = Cin(t) + A_e(t) * C(t)

with \mjdeqnA_e(t) = A \cdot diag(xi(t))Ae(t) = A * diag(xi(t))

Initial conditions must be defined for every SOC pool by passing C0 or by using the capabilities of SORCERING to calculate it. A description of the numerical solution can be found in the extended pdf documentation at browseVignettes("sorcering"). For more information on the functioning and possibilities of solving first-order kinetics SOC models see \insertCiteSierra2012;textualsorcering.

Value N

As an extension to SOC modelling, SORCERING allows the modelling of SON coupled to the modelling of SOC. Its implementation is based on the following simplifying assumptions: (1) Nitrogen transfer and turnover rates are equal to carbon rates. (2) There is no N limitation in the soil, i.e. mineral N is always available for N immobilisation processes. (3) CN ratios of single pools are only affected by external inputs of N and C. The transfer of organic matter among pools does not affect CN ratios. As for SOC, the development of SON depends on initial and boundary conditions. As N decomposition is proportional to C decomposition, SON is calculated based on the results of the SOC calculations and input conditions (for details see the extended pdf documentation at browseVignettes("sorcering")).

Values Nloss, Nmin, Nmin.sink<1>, ..., Nmin.sink<n>

Along with modelling SON, further quantities are determined. Nitrogen losses are calculated as:


Nloss(t) = N(t-1) + Nin(t-1) - N(t) Nloss(t) = N(t-1) + Nin(t-1) - N(t)

In contrast, mineralisation rates contain information about sources and sinks of SON. They are calculated based on the CN ratios in the pools and the turnover rates (for details see the extended pdf documentation at browseVignettes("sorcering")). Pool-specific N mineralisation \mjeqnNmin.sink\left\langle 1 \right\rangle, ..., Nmin.sink\left\langle n \right\rangleNmin.sink_(1, ..., n) and N mineralisation \mjeqnNminNmin are related as follows:


Nmin_j(t) = \sum_p=1^n Nmin.sink \left\langle j \right\rangle_p(t) Nmin_j(t) = sum over p=1..n of Nmin.sink<j>_p(t)

for each simulation time point \mjeqntt, each pool \mjeqnj = 1, ..., nj = 1, ..., n and each pool \mjeqnp = 1, ..., np = 1, ..., n and \mjeqnnn total pools. Or in other words, the row sum of \mjeqnNmin.sink\left\langle j \right\rangleNmin.sink<j> at one simulation time point equals the jth column of \mjeqnNminNmin at that time point.

As changes in SON must match the sums of all mineralisation paths, the sums over soil pools of Nloss and Nmin, respectively, must be approximately equal for all simulation time points:


matrix \sum_p=1^n Nloss_p(t) \approx \sum_p=1^n Nmin_p(t)\endmatrixsum over p=1..n of Nloss_p(t) ~ sum over p=1..n of Nmin_p(t) \mjtdeqn\sum_p=1^n Nloss_p(t) \approx \sum_p=1^n Nmin_p(t)

A verification of this relation is given by "Nbalance" (see below).

Value Nbalance

The overall N change between two time steps is calculated as: \mjdeqn \Delta N (t) = \sum_p=1^n N_p(t-1) - \sum_p=1^n N_p(t) dN(t) = sum over p=1..n of N_p(t) - sum over p=1..n of N_p(t-1)

The total system N balance serves as a verification output. Both of the following equations should always give results close to zero: \mjdeqn N_bal1(t) = \sum_p=1^n Nin_p(t-1) + \Delta N (t) - \sum_p=1^n Nloss_p(t) \approx 0 N_bal1(t) = sum over p=1..n of Nin_p(t-1) - dN(t) - sum of p=1..n of Nloss_p(t) ~ 0


N_bal2(t) = \sum_p=1^n Nin_p(t-1) + \Delta N (t) - \sum_p=1^n Nmin_p(t) \approx 0 N_bal2(t) = sum over p=1..n of Nin_p(t-1) - dN(t) - sum of p=1..n of Nmin_p(t) ~ 0


N (t)dN (t) is saved in the first column, \mjeqnN_bal1(t)N_(bal1)(t) in the second and \mjeqnN_bal2(t)N_(bal2)(t) in the third column of "Nbalance".

Model parameters

If a predefined model has been specified (model is not NULL) the following standard parameters are used. They can be changed using theta within the program call.

k_dpm 10 Decomposition rate for DPM pool [yr-1]
k_rpm 0.3 Decomposition rate for RPM pool [yr-1]
k_bio 0.66 Decomposition rate for BIO pool [yr-1]
k_hum 0.02 Decomposition rate for HUM pool [yr-1]
k_iom 0 Decomposition rate for IOM pool [yr-1]
R_W_max 1 Maximum rate modifying factor for soil moisture
R_W_min 0.2 Minimum rate modifying factor for soil moisture
C-Tool C-Tool-org
k_fom_t 1.44 1.44 Decomposition rate for FOM pool (topsoil) [yr-1]
k_hum_t 0.0336 0.0336 Decomposition rate for HUM pool (topsoil) [yr-1]
k_rom_t 0.000463 0 Decomposition rate for ROM pool (topsoil) [yr-1]
k_fom_s 1.44 1.44 Decomposition rate for FOM pool (subsoil) [yr-1]
k_hum_s 0.0336 0.0336 Decomposition rate for HUM pool (subsoil) [yr-1]
k_rom_s 0.000463 0 Decomposition rate for ROM pool (subsoil) [yr-1]
tf 0.03 0 Fraction going to downward transport
f_co2 0.628 0.628 Fraction of CO2 released
f_rom 0.012 0 Fraction of fresh organic matter going to ROM pool
f_hum 0 0.358 Fraction of input going to HUM pool
Yasso07 Yasso15 Yasso20
kA 0.66 0.49 0.51 Base decomposition rate for pool A [yr-1]
kW 4.3 4.9 5.19 Base decomposition rate for pool W [yr-1]
kE 0.35 0.25 0.13 Base decomposition rate for pool E [yr-1]
kN 0.22 0.095 0.1 Base decomposition rate for pool N [yr-1]
kH 0.0033 0.0013 0.0015 Base decomposition rate for pool H [yr-1]
p1 0.32 0.44 0.5 Transference fraction from pool A to pool W
p2 0.01 0.25 0 Transference fraction from pool A to pool E
p3 0.93 0.92 1 Transference fraction from pool A to pool N
p4 0.34 0.99 1 Transference fraction from pool W to pool A
p5 0 0.084 0.99 Transference fraction from pool W to pool E
p6 0 0.011 0 Transference fraction from pool W to pool N
p7 0 0.00061 0 Transference fraction from pool E to pool A
p8 0 0.00048 0 Transference fraction from pool E to pool W
p9 0.01 0.066 0 Transference fraction from pool E to pool N
p10 0 0.00077 0 Transference fraction from pool N to pool A
p11 0 0.1 0.163 Transference fraction from pool N to pool W
p12 0.02 0.65 0 Transference fraction from pool N to pool E
pH 0.04 0.0046 0.0015 Transference fraction from AWEN pools to pool H
beta_1 0.076 0.091 0.158 1st-order temperature parameter for AWE pools [degrees C-1]
beta_2 -0.00089 -0.00021 -0.002 2nd-order temperature parameter for AWE pools [degrees C-2]
beta_N1 - 0.049 0.17 1st-order temperature parameter for N pool [degrees C-1]
beta_N2 - -0.000079 -0.005 2nd-order temperature parameter for N pool [degrees C-2]
beta_H1 - 0.035 0.067 1st-order temperature parameter for H pool [degrees C-1]
beta_H2 - -0.00021 0 2nd-order temperature parameter for H pool [degrees C-2]
gamma -1.27 -1.8 -1.44 Precipitation impact parameter for AWE pools [yr mm-1]
gamma_N - -1.2 -2 Precipitation impact parameter for N pool [yr mm-1]
gamma_H - -13 -6.9 Precipitation impact parameter for H pool [yr mm-1]
theta_1 - -0.44 -2.55 1st-order impact parameter for wood size [cm-1]
theta_2 - 1.3 1.24 2nd-order impact parameter for wood size [cm-2]
r - 0.26 0.25 Exponent parameter for wood size


SORCERING returns either a list of carbon and nitrogen output values or, when multisite = TRUE, a list broken down by site with result lists for each site. When modelling uncertainties (as can be defined by passing e.g. Cin, Nin, xi or theta), the output is even extended to include another list dimension that covers these uncertainties. The lowest output list-level contains the following components:


matrix with a number of rows corresponding to simulation time steps (number of rows of Cin or number of rows of matrix elements in Cin_sl, when spinup = FALSE), or to t_spin resp. t_spin_sl, when spinup = TRUE) and a number of columns equal to the number of pools. Contains soil organic carbon [tC ha-1].


matrix with a number of rows corresponding to simulation time steps (number of rows of Cin or number of rows of matrix elements in Cin_sl, when spinup = FALSE), or to t_spin resp. t_spin_sl, when spinup = TRUE) and a number of columns equal to the number of pools. Contains soil organic nitrogen [tN ha-1]. Only generated when calcN = TRUE.


matrix with a number of rows corresponding to simulation time steps (number of rows of Cin or number of rows of matrix elements in Cin_sl, when spinup = FALSE), or to t_spin resp. t_spin_sl, when spinup = TRUE) and a number of columns equal to the number of pools. Contains nitrogen losses [tN ha-1]. Positive values indicate that nitrogen was lost in the pools between this and the previous time steps (taking nitrogen decomposition and input into account). Only generated when calcN = TRUE.


matrix with a number of rows corresponding to simulation time steps (number of rows of Cin or number of rows of matrix elements in Cin_sl, when spinup = FALSE), or to t_spin resp. t_spin_sl, when spinup = TRUE) and a number of columns equal to the number of pools. Contains nitrogen mineralisation [tN ha-1]. If values are negative, nitrogen immobilisation exceeds mineralisation. Only generated when calcN = TRUE.

Nmin.sink.1, ..., Nmin.sink.n

matrices with a number of rows corresponding to simulation time steps (number of rows of Cin or number of rows of matrix elements in Cin_sl, when spinup = FALSE), or to t_spin resp. t_spin_sl, when spinup = TRUE) and a number of columns equal to the number of pools n. Contain pool-specific nitrogen mineralisation sinks [tN ha-1] (from the pool according to variable index [1, ..., n] to the pool according to column number). If the sink is the pool itself (index equals column number) the amount of decomposition is recorded. Only generated when calcN = TRUE.


matrix with a number of rows corresponding to simulation time steps (number of rows of Cin or number of rows of matrix elements in Cin_sl, when spinup = FALSE), or to t_spin resp. t_spin_sl, when spinup = TRUE) and three columns. Contains information on overall N changes in the soil between two time steps (first column) and information on total system N balance calculated based on total Nloss (second column) and based on total Nmin (third column) [tN ha-1]. Only generated when calcN = TRUE and calcNbalance = TRUE.

Package Building Information

The SORCERING code was written in C++ using the R packages Rcpp \insertCiteEddelbuettel2021sorcering and RcppArmadillo \insertCiteEddelbuettel2021asorcering. This documentation was built with the help of the R packages mathjaxr \insertCiteViechtbauer2021sorcering and Rdpack \insertCiteBoshnakov2021sorcering.


Marc Scherstjanoi, Rene Dechow




  #1 RothC application with fictional input for a single site

  #1.1 Input

  data(RothC_Cin_ex, RothC_Nin_ex, RothC_N0_ex, RothC_C0_ex, RothC_xi_ex, 
    RothC_site_ex, RothC_env_in_ex) #fictional data
  #1.2 Simulations
  #In the following two methods are presented, one with a RothC as a predefined 
  #model (1.2.1), one where the RothC rate modifying factors must be calculated 
  #beforehand (1.2.2). Both methods lead to the same results.

  #1.2.1 Simulation with predefined model
  out_rothC <- sorcering( model="RothC", site=RothC_site_ex, env_in=RothC_env_in_ex, 
    Cin=RothC_Cin_ex, Nin=RothC_Nin_ex, N0=RothC_N0_ex, C0=RothC_C0_ex, 
    calcN=TRUE, tsteps="monthly")
  #1.2.2 Simulation with own model definition and rate modifying factor definition 

  A_RothC <- fget_A_RothC(clay=30) #create transfer matrix for RothC
  out_rothC_own <- sorcering(A=A_RothC , xi=RothC_xi_ex, Cin=RothC_Cin_ex, 
    Nin=RothC_Nin_ex, N0=RothC_N0_ex, C0=RothC_C0_ex, calcN=TRUE, tsteps="monthly")
  #Note that RothC_xi_ex contains site and model specific rate modifying factors that 
  #are only valid in this specific example. Generally, xi must be calculated by the 
  #user for different environmental conditions and SOC models used. 

  #1.3 Results

  #output structure summary
  #show that results of 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 differ negligibly
  all( abs(out_rothC$C-out_rothC_own$C) < 1e-14)
  all( abs(out_rothC$N-out_rothC_own$N) < 1e-14)

  #example plot
    oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) #save old par 
  plot(rowSums(out_rothC$N),axes=FALSE, col=1, cex.lab=2,xlab="",ylab="",ylim=c(0,9),
    axes=FALSE,col=2, cex.lab=2,xlab="",ylab="",ylim=c(0,60),pch=20)
  axis(side=2, pos=0,
    labels=(0:6)*1.5, at=(0:6)*10, hadj=0.7, padj=0.5, cex.axis=2,las=1,col.axis=1)
  axis(side=4, pos=60,
    labels=(0:6)*10, at=(0:6)*10, hadj=0, padj=0.5, cex.axis=2, las=1,col.axis=2)
  axis(side=1, pos=0,
    labels= (0:6)*10 , at=(0:6)*10, hadj=0.5, padj=0, cex.axis=2)
  title(ylab=expression("total N  [t ha"^-1*"]"), line=2, cex.lab=2)
  mtext("C input / N input", side=4, line=2, cex=2,col=2)
  title(xlab="time", line=2, cex.lab=2)    
  par(oldpar) #back to old par

  #2 RothC application with fictional input for a multiple site application
  #2.1 Input

  data(RothC_Cin_ex_sl, RothC_Nin_ex_sl, RothC_N0_ex, RothC_C0_ex, RothC_site_ex, 
    RothC_env_in_ex) #fictional data
  #2.2. Simulation
  out_multi_rothC <- sorcering( model="RothC", site_sl=rep(list(RothC_site_ex),3), 
    env_in_sl=rep(list(RothC_env_in_ex),3), Cin_sl=RothC_Cin_ex_sl, 
    Nin_sl=RothC_Nin_ex_sl, N0_sl=rep(list(RothC_N0_ex),3),C0_sl=rep(list(RothC_C0_ex),3), 
    calcN=TRUE, tsteps="monthly", multisite=TRUE, 

  #2.3 Results

  #output structure summary
  #example plot
  oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) #save old par 
  for (listelement in c(1:3))
    if (listelement==2)lwidth<-3
    plot(rowSums(out_multi_rothC[[listelement]]$N),axes=FALSE, col=1,type="l", lwd=lwidth,
        type="l", lwd=lwidth, lty=listelement+2,axes=FALSE,col=2, cex.lab=2,xlab="",
  axis(side=2, pos=0,
    labels=(0:6)*3, at=(0:6)*20, hadj=0.7, padj=0.5, cex.axis=2,las=1,col.axis=1)
  axis(side=4, pos=60,
    labels=(0:6)*20, at=(0:6)*20, hadj=0, padj=0.5, cex.axis=2, las=1,col.axis=2)
  axis(side=1, pos=0,
    labels= (0:6)*10 , at=(0:6)*10, hadj=0.5, padj=0, cex.axis=2)
  title(ylab=expression("total N  [t ha"^-1*"]"), line=2, cex.lab=2)
  mtext("C input / N input", side=4, line=2, cex=2,col=2)
  title(xlab="time", line=2, cex.lab=2)    
  par(oldpar) #back to old par

  #3 RothC application with fictional input 
  #and fictional measurement data to calculate C0 and N0
  #3.1 Input
  #fictional data 
  data(RothC_Cin_ex_sl, RothC_Nin_ex_sl, RothC_site_ex, RothC_env_in_ex, meas_data_ex)  

  #3.2. Simulation
  out_rothC_C0<-sorcering( model="RothC", site=RothC_site_ex, env_in=RothC_env_in_ex, 
    Cin=RothC_Cin_ex, Nin=RothC_Nin_ex, calcC0=TRUE, calcN=TRUE, calcN0=TRUE, 
    tsteps="monthly", meas_data=meas_data_ex) 

  #3.3 Results

  #output structure summary

  #example plot
  oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) #save old par 
  plot(rowSums(out_rothC_C0$N),axes=FALSE, col=1, cex.lab=2,xlab="",ylab="",ylim=c(0,9),
  plot(rowSums(out_rothC_C0$C),axes=FALSE, col=2, cex.lab=2,xlab="",ylab="",ylim=c(0,90),
  plot(x=meas_data_ex[,1],y=meas_data_ex[,3],axes=FALSE, col=1, cex.lab=2,xlab="",ylab="",
  plot(x=meas_data_ex[,1],y=meas_data_ex[,2],axes=FALSE, col=2, cex.lab=2,xlab="",ylab="",
  axis(side=2, pos=0,
    labels=(0:8)*1, at=(0:8)*10, hadj=1, padj=0.5, cex.axis=2,las=1,col.axis=1)
  axis(side=4, pos=60,
    labels=(0:8)*10, at=(0:8)*10, hadj=0, padj=0.5, cex.axis=2, las=1,col.axis=2)
  axis(side=1, pos=0,
    labels= (0:8)*10 , at=(0:8)*10, hadj=0.5, padj=0, cex.axis=2)
  title(ylab=expression("SON [t ha"^-1*"]"), line=2, cex.lab=2)
  mtext(expression("SOC [t ha"^-1*"]"), side=4, line=3, cex=2,col=2)
  title(xlab="time", line=2, cex.lab=2)  
  legend(x=30,y=30,legend=c("model result","measurement"),lwd=c(1,0))
  par(oldpar) #back to old par

  #4 Yasso15 application using multiple sites and 
  #input values of different wood diameters which take uncertainties into account
  #4.1 Input

  data(Yasso_Cin_ex_wood_u_sl, Yasso_Nin_ex_wood_u_sl, Yasso_C0_ex_sl, Yasso_N0_ex_sl, 
    RothC_env_in_ex) #fictional data 
  #show last entries of C input for 3rd site, 2nd wood layer, 4th uncertainty layer

  #diameter of wood input: 2 classes of 0 cm and 10 cm for each of the 3 sites 
  #environmental variables
  #4.2 Simulation
  out_multi_yasso_wood_unc <- sorcering( model="Yasso15", C0_sl=Yasso_C0_ex_sl,
    env_in_sl=rep(list(Yasso_env_in_ex),3), wood_diam_sl=wood_diam_ex_sl, 
    N0_sl=Yasso_N0_ex_sl, calcN=TRUE, tsteps="monthly", multisite=TRUE, 
  #4.3 Results
  #show the last C results for 3rd site, 4th uncertainty layer

  #5 RothC application using stochastically varying parameters 
  #and multiple sites 

  #5.1 fictional data 
  data(RothC_Cin_ex_sl, RothC_Nin_ex_sl, RothC_C0_ex, RothC_N0_ex, 
    RothC_site_ex, RothC_env_in_ex)
  #standard deviations [%] used for each of the 7 RothC theta parameters 
  RothC_theta_unc <- c(0,0,1,1,1,1,2)
  #5.2 Simulation
  out_sl <- sorcering( model="RothC", site_sl=rep(list(RothC_site_ex),3), 
    env_in_sl=rep(list(RothC_env_in_ex),3), Cin_sl=RothC_Cin_ex_sl, 
    Nin_sl=RothC_Nin_ex_sl, C0_sl=rep(list(RothC_C0_ex),3), 
    theta_unc=RothC_theta_unc, multisite=TRUE, 

  #5.3 Means and standard deviation
  #60 time steps, 5 pools, 9 output types, 10 theta_n_unc, 3 sites
  out_sl_arr <- array(unlist(out_sl),c(60,5,9,10,3)) 
  out_sl_arr_N <- out_sl_arr[,,2,,] #only output type 2: N
  #mean over all uncerts
  out_sl_arr_N_mean <- apply( out_sl_arr_N , c(1,2,4), na.rm=TRUE, FUN=mean ) 

  #standard deviation
  array(0, dim=c(dim(out_sl_arr_N)[1],dim(out_sl_arr_N)[2],dim(out_sl_arr_N)[4]))
  for (dim3 in c(1:dim(out_sl_arr_N)[4])) 

  #5.4 Results
  #show the last N means for stand 1 

  #show the last N standard deviations for stand 1

  #6 How to create input lists for a RothC application using stochastically 
  #varying inputs and input scenarios

  #6.1 Input
  #fictional data 
  data(RothC_Cin_ex_sl, RothC_C0_ex, RothC_site_ex, RothC_env_in_ex)  

  #create input list of 3 scenarios, 100 uncertainties each
  set.seed(17) #to make 'random' results reproducible
  for (no in c(1:3)) #loop over 3 input scenarios
      #normal, half and double input
      Cin <- switch (no, RothC_Cin_ex, RothC_Cin_ex/2, RothC_Cin_ex*2)
      f2 <- 1
      #create fictional uncertainties
      for (unc in c(1:100)) #loop over 100 uncertainties
          randnum<-max(0,rnorm(1,1,0.5)) #out of normal dist. with 50% sd.
          if (f2==1) Cin_u <- list(Cin*randnum) else
          Cin_u[[length(Cin_u)+1]] <- Cin*randnum
          f2 <- 0
      if (f1==1) Cin_u_sl <- list(Cin_u) else
      Cin_u_sl[[length(Cin_u_sl)+1]] <- Cin_u
      f1 <- 0

  #show input of scenario 3, uncertainty 51

  #6.2 Simulation
  out_sl <- sorcering( model="RothC", site_sl=rep(list(RothC_site_ex),3), 
    C0_sl=list(RothC_C0_ex,RothC_C0_ex,RothC_C0_ex), tsteps="monthly", 
    multisite=TRUE, sitelist=list("normal","half_input","double_Cin"))
  #6.3 Means and standard deviation
  #60 time steps, 5 pools, 1000 uncertainties, 3 sites
  out_sl_arr <- array(unlist(out_sl),c(60,5,100,3)) 
  out_sl_arr_mean <- apply( out_sl_arr , c(1,2,4), na.rm=TRUE, FUN=mean ) 

  #standard deviation
    array(0, dim=c(dim(out_sl_arr)[1],dim(out_sl_arr)[2],dim(out_sl_arr)[4]))
  for (dim3 in c(1:dim(out_sl_arr)[4])) 
  #6.4 Results
  #C-pool sums of means for the 3 scenarios
  #C-pool sums of standard deviations for the 3 scenarios

  #example plot
  oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) #save old par 
  plot(totalC_m1,axes=FALSE, col=2, cex.lab=2,xlab="",ylab="",ylim=c(0,100),
  plot(totalC_m2,axes=FALSE, col=3, cex.lab=2,xlab="",ylab="",ylim=c(0,100),
  plot(totalC_m3,axes=FALSE, col=4, cex.lab=2,xlab="",ylab="",ylim=c(0,100),
  polygon(c(1:60,60:1),c(totalC_m1+totalC_s1, rev(totalC_m1-totalC_s1)),
  polygon(c(1:60,60:1),c(totalC_m2+totalC_s2, rev(totalC_m2-totalC_s2)),
  polygon(c(1:60,60:1),c(totalC_m3+totalC_s3, rev(totalC_m3-totalC_s3)),
  axis(side=2, pos=0,
      labels=(0:10)*1, at=(0:10)*10, hadj=1, padj=0.5, cex.axis=2,las=1,col.axis=1)
  axis(side=1, pos=0,
      labels= (0:6)*10 , at=(0:6)*10, hadj=0.5, padj=0, cex.axis=2)
  title(ylab=expression("SOC [t ha"^-1*"]"), line=2, cex.lab=2)
  title(xlab="time", line=2, cex.lab=2)  
    border=c(0,0,0,1,1,1),legend=c("mean double input scenario",
    "mean regular input scenario", "mean half input scneario",
    "uncertainty range double input scenario", "uncertainty range regular input scenario",
    "uncertainty range half input scenario"))
  legend(x=20,y=30,lty=c(1,1,1,0,0,0),seg.len=c(1,1,1,0,0,0), col=c(4,2,3,0,0,0),
  par(oldpar) #back to old par 

  #7 RothC application with fictional input for a spin-up application
  #7.1 Input

  #fictional data
  data(RothC_Cin_ex_sl_spin, RothC_Nin_ex_sl_spin, RothC_site_ex, RothC_env_in_ex) 
  #7.2. Simulation
  out_multi_rothC <- sorcering( model="RothC", site_sl=rep(list(RothC_site_ex),3), 
    env_in_sl=rep(list(RothC_env_in_ex[1:12,]),3), Cin_sl=RothC_Cin_ex_sl_spin, 
    Nin_sl=RothC_Nin_ex_sl_spin, calcN=TRUE, tsteps="monthly", multisite=TRUE, 
    sitelist=list("normal","half_input","double_Cin"), spinup=TRUE, t_spin_sl=36000,
    C0=c(0,0,0,0,20), N0=c(0,0,0,0,2), CN_spin=c(100,100,50,50,10))

  #7.3 Results
  #example plot
  oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) #save old par 
  for (listelement in c(1:3))
    if (listelement==2)lwidth<-3
    plot(printN[printseq],axes=FALSE, col=1,type="l", lwd=lwidth,
    plot(printC[printseq],axes=FALSE, col=2,type="l", lwd=lwidth,
  axis(side=2, pos=0,
    labels=(0:6)*5, at=(0:6)*30, hadj=0.7, padj=0.5, cex.axis=2,las=1,col.axis=1)
  axis(side=4, pos=360,
    labels=(0:6)*30, at=(0:6)*30, hadj=0, padj=0.5, cex.axis=2, las=1,col.axis=2)
  axis(side=1, pos=0,
    labels= (0:6)*6000 , at=(0:6)*60, hadj=0.5, padj=0, cex.axis=2)
  title(ylab=expression("total N  [t ha"^-1*"]"), line=2, cex.lab=2)
  mtext(expression("total C [t ha"^-1*"]"), side=4, line=2, cex=2,col=2)
  title(xlab="time", line=2, cex.lab=2)    
  par(oldpar) #back to old par

sorcering documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 5:09 p.m.