panorama: Narrow the Panorama of a Stereo Sample

View source: R/sound.R

panoramaR Documentation

Narrow the Panorama of a Stereo Sample


Narrow the panorama of a stereo Sample object or of a stereo wav file.


panorama(s, pan)



a Sample object, or a string giving the name of a wav file.


a number between -50 and 50 giving the width of the panorama.


If abs(pan)<50, mixtures of the two channels of s are used for the left and the right channel of the returned Sample object, so that they appear closer to the center. For pan=0, both sounds are completely in the center.

If pan<0, the left and the right channel are interchanged afterwards.


a Sample object with the transformed panorama.


Author: Matthias Heymann [aut], Stefan Langenberg [cre] (<>)

Maintainer: Stefan Langenberg <>

See Also

mirror for pan=-50, left and right for access to single channels of the sample.


## Not run: 
s <- stereo(Sine(440,1),Sine(330,1))
play(panorama(s,30))  # now right and left tones are closer to the center
play(panorama(s,10))  # now even closer
play(panorama(s,0))   # now both at the center, the same as setChannels(s,1)
play(panorama(s,-30)) # again wider, but both sides switched
play(panorama(s,-50)) # the same as mirror(s)

## End(Not run)

sound documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:07 a.m.