dofuture: Interface for parallel computations

View source: R/dofuture.R

dofutureR Documentation

Interface for parallel computations


interface to apply some function fn in parallel on columns of a matrix. It is not logically restricted to mixed-effect applications, hence it can be used more widely. Depending on the nb_cores argument, parallel or serial computation is performed, calling the future.apply::future_apply function. A socket cluster is used by default for parallel computations, but a fork cluster can be requested on linux and alike operating systems by using argument cluster_args=list(type="FORK").


dofuture(newresp, fn, nb_cores=NULL, fit_env, control=list(), 
      cluster_args=NULL, debug.=FALSE, iseed=NULL, 
      showpbar="ignored", pretest_cores="ignored",
      ... )



A matrix on whose columns fn will be applied (e.g., as used internally in spaMM, the return value of a simulate.HLfit() call); or an integer, then converted to a trivial matrix matrix(seq(newresp),ncol=newresp,nrow=1).


Function whose first argument is named y. The function will be applied for y taken to be each column of newresp.


Integer. Number of cores to use for parallel computations. If >1, a cluster of nb_cores nodes is used. Otherwise, no parallel computation is performed.


(for socket clusters only:) An environment, or a list, containing variables to be exported on the nodes of the cluster (by parallel::clusterExport).


A list. The only effective control is .combine="rbind" (mimicking the foreach syntax used in the alternative interface dopar).


A list of arguments passed to parallel::makeCluster or parallel::makeForkCluster. E.g., outfile="log.txt" may be useful to collect output from the nodes, and type="FORK" to force a fork cluster on linux(-alikes).


(for socket clusters only:) For debugging purposes. Effect, if any, is to be defined by the fn as provided by the user.


Integer, or NULL. If an integer, it is used to initialize "L'Ecuyer-CMRG" random-number generator (iseed argument of clusterSetRNGStream), with identical effect across different models of parallelisation. If iseed is NULL, the seed is not controlled.


Currently ignored; for consistency with dopar formal arguments.


Further arguments to be passed (unevaluated) to future.apply (and then possibly to fn).


The result of calling future.apply. If the progressr package is loaded, a side-effect of dofuture is to show a progress bar with character 'S' or 'P' or 'F' depending on parallelisation status (serial/socket/fork).

See Also

dopar for an alternative implementation of (essentially) the same functionalities, and wrap_parallel for its differences from dofuture.


## Not run: 
if (requireNamespace("future.apply", quietly = TRUE)) {

 # Useless function, but requiring some argument beyond the first
 foo <- function(y, somearg, ...) {
   if ( is.null(somearg) || TRUE ) length(y)

 # Whether FORK can be used depends on OS and whether Rstudio is used:
   dofuture(matrix(1,ncol=4,nrow=3), foo, fit_env=list(), somearg=NULL, 
     nb_cores=2, cluster_args=list(type="FORK"))

## End(Not run)

spaMM documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 1:07 a.m.

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