transfer: Apply TransferFunction to a Vector or an Array

Description Usage Arguments Value See Also

View source: R/TransferFunction.R


The function transfer() applies the given TransferFunction to the given vector or array x and returns a numeric object of the same dimensions.


## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
transfer( TF, x, domaincheck=TRUE )



a TransferFunction object, with dimension N


a numeric vector or array. If N2 then x must be an MxN matrix, or a vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row.


check whether numbers or rows of x are in the domain box of TF before application


Let N := dimension(TF).
If N=1 then x can have any length or dimension; the function is applied to each number in x in a vectorized way, and the returned object is then assigned the same dimensions as x. If x is a matrix then the returned object is assigned the same rownames. If a number is NA then the returned number is also NA.
If N2 and x is an MxN matrix, then the function is applied to each row of x individually and the returned object is a matrix with the same dimensions and rownames as x. If any number in a row is NA then the returned row is all NAs.
If TF is a universal identity (e.g. identity.TF), the function returns x with no checking.
In case of a global error (e.g. dimension mismatch) the function returns NULL.

See Also

TransferFunction, identity.TF

spacesRGB documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:58 a.m.