
Defines functions as.TransferFunction metadata gammaBestFit composition transfer inverse validate domain orientation nameof dimension is.invertible is.identity metadata.TransferFunction gammaBestFit.TransferFunction nameof.TransferFunction plot.TransferFunction print.TransferFunction validate.TransferFunction insideMask composition.TransferFunction transfer.TransferFunction invertNames inverse.TransferFunction domain.TransferFunction orientation.TransferFunction is.invertible.TransferFunction dimension.TransferFunction is.identity.TransferFunction as.TransferFunction.default is.TransferFunction TransferFunction

Documented in as.TransferFunction as.TransferFunction.default composition composition.TransferFunction dimension dimension.TransferFunction domain domain.TransferFunction inverse inverse.TransferFunction is.identity is.identity.TransferFunction is.invertible is.invertible.TransferFunction is.TransferFunction metadata metadata.TransferFunction orientation orientation.TransferFunction plot.TransferFunction print.TransferFunction transfer TransferFunction transfer.TransferFunction validate validate.TransferFunction

#   TransferFunction
#   a list with items, always present
#       element     a list of elemTransferFunction's.  The length might be 0, meaning the identity function.
#       dimension   an integer
#       invertible  a logical

#   special TransferFunction, a universal identity element for all dimensions
identity.TF             <- list( element=list(), dimension=NA_integer_, invertible=TRUE )
class( identity.TF )    = c( "TransferFunction", class(identity.TF) )

#   constructor
TransferFunction  <-  function( fun, funinv, domain, range, id=NULL )
    elem    = elemTransferFunction(  fun, funinv, domain, range )
    if( is.null(elem) )
    ok  = is.null(id) || (is.character(id)  &&  length(id)==1)  
    if( ! ok )
        log.string( ERROR, "Argument id='%s' is not a valid character string, or NULL.", as.character(id)[1] )
    if( is.null(id) )   id = sigfunction()
    #print( id )
    out = list()
    out$element         = list(elem)
    names(out$element)  = id
    out$dimension       = dimension(elem)
    out$invertible      = is.invertible(elem)

    class( out )    = c( "TransferFunction", class(out) )
    return( out )
is.TransferFunction  <- function( x )
    inherits( x, "TransferFunction" )
as.TransferFunction.default <- function( ... )
    log.string( WARN, "This function is designed to be called from other packages." )

is.identity.TransferFunction <- function(TF)
    return( length(TF$element) == 0 )
dimension.TransferFunction <- function(TF)
    return( TF$dimension )
is.invertible.TransferFunction <- function(TF)
    return( TF$invertible )
orientation.TransferFunction <- function(TF)
    if( is.identity.TransferFunction(TF) )  return( 1 )
    n   = dimension(TF)
    theDomain   = TF$element[[1]]$domain
    x   = matrix( theDomain[1, ], n+1, n, byrow=TRUE )
    for( k in 1:n )
        x[k,k]    = theDomain[2,k]
    #   print(x)
    y   = transfer( TF, x )                                 #; print(y)
    if( is.null(y) )    return(NA_real_)
    mat = y[ 1:n, ] - matrix( y[n+1, ], n, n, byrow=TRUE )  #; print(mat)
    return( det(mat) )

domain.TransferFunction <- function(TF)
    if( is.identity.TransferFunction(TF) )  return( NA_real_ )
    n   = dimension(TF)
    theDomain   = TF$element[[1]]$domain
    if( 1<n  &&  ncol(theDomain)==1 )
        #  replicate to m columns
        theDomain  = matrix( theDomain, 2, n )
    return( theDomain )

inverse.TransferFunction <- function(TF)
    if( ! is.invertible(TF) )   return(NULL)
    if( is.identity(TF) )   return(TF)
    elements    = length( TF$element )
    out         = list()
    out$element = vector( elements, mode='list' )
    names( out$element )    = rev( invertNames( names(TF$element) ) )
    for( i in 1:elements )
        out$element[[i]]    = inverse( TF$element[[ elements+1 - i ]] )
    out$dimension   = TF$dimension
    out$invertible  = TF$invertible     # TRUE of course
    class( out )    = c( "TransferFunction", class(out) )

'^.TransferFunction'  <-  function( TF, n )
    if( n == 1 )    return(TF)
    if( n == 0 )    return( spacesRGB::identity.TF )
    if( n == -1 )   return( inverse(TF) )
invertNames <- function( namevec )
    for( i in 1:length(namevec) )
        if( ! grepl( "\\^-1$", namevec[i] ) )
            # add decorations
            namevec[i]  = sprintf( "[%s]^-1", namevec[i] )
            # remove decorations
            namevec[i]  = gsub( "(^\\[)|(\\]\\^-1$)", '', namevec[i] )
    return( namevec )
transfer.TransferFunction  <-  function( TF, x, domaincheck=TRUE )
    if( is.identity(TF) )   return(x)
    if( ! is.numeric(x) )
        log.string( ERROR, "argument x is not numeric.")
    if( length(domaincheck) == 1 )
        domaincheck = rep( domaincheck, 2 )
    m           = dimension(TF)

    elements    = length(TF$element)
    if( m == 1 )
        #   every element of this transfer function is univariate, so any numeric x is acceptable
        out = as.numeric( x )
        for( i in 1:elements )
            #   pass to TF$element[[i]]
            out = transfer( TF$element[[i]], out, domaincheck=domaincheck )
        if( ! is.null(dim(x) ) )
            dim(out)        = dim(x)    # if x is a matrix, we want output to be a matrix too, with the same dimensions of course
            rownames(out)   = rownames(x)
        #   one or more elements of this transfer function is multivariate, so dimensions must match
        x   = prepareNxM( x, m )
        if( is.null(x) )    return(NULL)
        out = x
        for( i in 1:elements )
            #   pass to TF$element[[i]]
            out = transfer( TF$element[[i]], out, domaincheck=domaincheck )
        rownames(out)   = rownames(x)    
        cnames  = colnames(TF$element[[elements]]$range)
        if( length(cnames) < m )    cnames  = rep(cnames,m)
        colnames(out)   = cnames 
    return( out )
#   '(.TransferFunction'  <-  function( TF, x ) { transfer(TF,x) }      # does not work !

composition.TransferFunction  <-  function( TF1, TF2 )
    #   print( sys.status() )
    if( ! is.TransferFunction(TF2) )
        log.string( ERROR, "'%s' and '%s' cannot be composed, because '%s' is not a TransferFunction object.",
                            deparse(substitute(TF1)), deparse(substitute(TF2)), deparse(substitute(TF2)) )
    if( is.identity(TF1) )  return(TF2)
    if( is.identity(TF2) )  return(TF1)
    #   both have a positive number of elements
    elements1   = length(TF1$element)
    elements2   = length(TF2$element)
    #   make a quick cancellation test that does not take long
    cancellations   = min(elements1,elements2)    #;         print( cancellations )  # optimistic
    for( i in 1:cancellations )
        tf1 = TF1$element[[ elements1 - (i-1) ]]
        tf2 = TF2$element[[i]]
        #print( deparse( inverse(tf1)$fun ) )
        #print( deparse( tf2$fun ) )
        #print( str( inverse(tf1)$domain ) )
        #print( str( tf2$domain ) )
        #print( all.equal( inverse(tf1), tf2 ) )
        cancel  = is.invertible(tf1)  &&  is.invertible(tf2)  &&   identical( inverse(tf1), tf2, ignore.environment=TRUE )
        if( ! cancel )
            cancellations = i-1
    if( 0 < cancellations )
        #   print( cancellations )
        #   remove cancellations items from the end of TF1
        TF1$element = TF1$element[ 1:(elements1-cancellations) ]
        elements1   = elements1 - cancellations
        if( 0 < elements1 )
            #   recompute dimension and invertible
            TF1$dimension   = max( sapply( TF1$element, dimension.elemTransferFunction ) )
            TF1$invertible  = all( sapply( TF1$element, is.invertible.elemTransferFunction ) )
        #   remove cancellations items from the beginning of TF2
        TF2$element = TF2$element[ (1+cancellations):elements2 ]
        elements2   = elements2 - cancellations

        if( 0 < elements2 )
            #   recompute dimension and invertible
            TF2$dimension   = max( sapply( TF2$element, dimension.elemTransferFunction ) )
            TF2$invertible  = all( sapply( TF2$element, is.invertible.elemTransferFunction ) )
        if( elements1==0  &&  elements2==0 )    return( identity.TF )   # complete cancellation
        if( elements1 == 0 )    return( TF2 )   # only TF2 is left
        if( elements2 == 0 )    return( TF1 )   # only TF1 is left

    #   compare dimensions
    n1  = dimension(TF1)
    n2  = dimension(TF2)
    ok  = n1==1  ||  n2==1  ||  n1==n2

    if( ! ok )
        log.string( ERROR, "TF1 and TF2 cannot be composed, because dimension(TF1)=%d != %d=dimension(TF2).", n1, n2 )

    #   compare range1 and domain2
    range1  = TF1$element[[elements1]]$range
    domain2 = TF2$element[[1]]$domain

    inside   = insideMask( range1, domain2 )
    if( ! all(inside) )
        name1   = gsub( ' ', '', names(TF1$element)[elements1] )
        name2   = gsub( ' ', '', names(TF2$element)[1] )
        log.string( ERROR, "%s and %s cannot be composed, because the range of %s is not inside the domain of %s, in %d of %d dimensions.",
                            name1, name2, name1, name2, length(inside)-sum(inside), length(inside) )

    #   finally can combine the lists !
    out = list()
    out$element     = c( TF1$element, TF2$element )         #; print( names(out$element) )
    out$dimension   = max( TF1$dimension, TF2$dimension )
    out$invertible  = TF1$invertible  &&  TF2$invertible
    #   and combine the metadata too

    class( out )    = c( "TransferFunction", class(out) )
    met = c( metadata(TF1), metadata(TF2) )
    if( ! is.null(met) )
        dup = duplicated( names(met) )
        if( any(dup) )
            log.string( WARN, "The metadata has %d duplicates (e.g. '%s'); latter items are removed.", 
                                                    sum(dup), names(met)[ which(dup)[1] ] )            
        metadata(out)   = met[ ! dup ]

    return( out )

#   box1    2xN matrix, or a 2x1 matrix
#   box2    2xN matrix, or a 2x1 matrix
#   returns a logical vector of length N, whether interval i of box1 is inside interval i of box2
insideMask  <-  function( box1, box2 )
    if( ncol(box1) < ncol(box2) )   box1 = matrix( box1, 2, ncol(box2) )
    if( ncol(box2) < ncol(box1) )   box2 = matrix( box2, 2, ncol(box1) )
    return( box2[1, ]<=box1[1, ]  &  box1[2, ]<=box2[2, ] )

'*.TransferFunction'    <- function(TF1,TF2) { composition(TF1,TF2) }       # * does not imply that the composition is commutative

'%;%.TransferFunction'  <- function(TF1,TF2) { composition(TF1,TF2) }    
'%X%.TransferFunction'  <- function(TF1,TF2) { composition(TF1,TF2) }    
'%O%.TransferFunction'  <- function(TF2,TF1) { composition(TF1,TF2) }        #   math-style, order swapped 

validate.TransferFunction  <-  function( TF, points=1300, tol=5.e-7, domain=NULL )
    if( is.identity(TF) )
        out = TRUE
        attr( out, 'message' ) = sprintf( "'%s' is the identity.", deparse(substitute(TF)) )
        return( out )
    ok  = is.numeric(points)  &&  length(points)==1  &&  8<=points
    if( ! ok )
        log.string( ERROR, "points='%s' is invalid.", as.character(points)[1] )
    m   = dimension(TF)
    if( ! is.null(domain) )
        if( ! is.matrix(domain) )
            domain  = prepareNxM( domain, 2 )
            if( is.null(domain) )   return(NULL)
            domain  = t(domain) # the convention is to have 2 rows, not 2 columns
            if( 1<m  &&  ncol(domain)==1 )
                #  replicate to m columns
                domain  = matrix( domain, 2, m )            
        if( ! all( dim(domain) == c(2,m) ) )
            log.string( ERROR, "User-supplied domain is invalid." )
        log.string( INFO, "Using user-supplied domain for validation." )
    elements    = length( TF$element )  
    out     = logical( elements )
    mess    = vector( elements, mode='list' )
    for( i in 1:elements )
        if( i == 1 )
            theDomain = domain
            theDomain = NULL
        res = validate( TF$element[[i]], points=points, tol=tol, domain=theDomain )
        out[i]      = res
        mess[[i]]   = attr(res,'message')

    attr( out, 'message' ) = mess
print.TransferFunction  <-  function( x, ... )
    #   print( sys.status() )

    if( is.identity(x) )
        #theName = deparse( substitute(x) )[1]  ; print(theName)
        #if( theName == 'x' )    theName = "This"

        theName = "This"
        cat( sprintf( "%s is a universal identity TransferFunction.\n", theName ) )
        return( invisible(TRUE) )
    elements    = length( x$element )
    for( i in 1:elements )
        id  = gsub( ' ', '', names(x$element)[i] )
        cat( sprintf( "#--------------------   %s    ---------------------#\n", id ) )
        print( x$element[[i]], id )
    return( invisible(TRUE) )
plot.TransferFunction  <-  function( x, color='red', main=TRUE, add=FALSE, ... )
    theName = nameof( x )
    TF  = x

    if( is.identity(TF) )
        fig = NULL 
        if( add )   fig = par('fig')
        if( is.null(fig) )
            mess    = sprintf( "'%s' is the universal identity TransferFunction.\n", theName )
            return( FALSE )
        lines( fig[1:2], fig[3:4], col=color )
        return( invisible(TRUE) )
    m   = dimension(TF)
    if( 4 <= m )
        log.string( WARN, "'%s' has dimension %d >= 4, and cannot be plotted.", theName, m )
    elements    = length(TF$element)
    vararg  = list(...)
    log     = vararg$log
    if( is.null(log) )  log=''        
    theDomain   = TF$element[[1]]$domain
    theRange    = TF$element[[elements]]$range
    if( m == 1 )
        if( ! add )
            xlim    = range( theDomain )           #, 0 )
            ylim    = range( theRange )     #, 0 )
            plot( xlim, ylim, type='n', las=1, xlab=colnames(theDomain), ylab=colnames(theRange), log=log )
            grid( lty=1 )
            abline( h=0, v=0 )
            if( is.logical(main)  &&  main )
                main    = theName
            if( is.character(main) && 1<=length(main) )
                title( main=main[1], cex.main=1 )  
        x   = seq( theDomain[1], theDomain[2], len=201 )
        y   = transfer( TF, x )
        lines( x, y, col=color )
    else if( m == 2 )
        if( ! add )
            xlim    = theRange[ ,1]
            ylim    = theRange[ ,2]
            plot( xlim, ylim, type='n', las=1, xlab=colnames(theRange)[1], ylab=colnames(theRange)[2], log=log )
            grid( lty=1 )
            #   abline( h=0, v=0 )
            if( is.logical(main)  &&  main )
                main    = theName
            if( is.character(main) && 1<=length(main) )
                title( main=main[1], cex.main=1 )  
        #   draw approx. horizontal lines
        x1  = seq(theDomain[1,1],theDomain[2,1],len=101)
        for( x2 in seq(theDomain[1,2],theDomain[2,2],len=11) )
            x1x2    = cbind( x1, x2 )
            y1y2    = transfer( TF, x1x2 )
            lines( y1y2[ ,1], y1y2[ ,2], col=color )
        #   draw approx. vertical lines
        x2  = seq(theDomain[1,2],theDomain[2,2],len=101)
        for( x1 in seq(theDomain[1,1],theDomain[2,1],len=11) )
            x1x2    = cbind( x1, x2 )
            y1y2    = transfer( TF, x1x2 )
            lines( y1y2[ ,1], y1y2[ ,2], col=color )
    else if( m == 3 )
        if( ! requireNamespace( 'rgl', quietly=TRUE ) )
            log.string( ERROR, "Cannot plot %s, because '%s' cannot be loaded.", theName, 'spacesXYZ' )
            return( NULL )

        pnts    = 11    # points on a side
        grid    = vector( 3, mode='list' )
        for( k in 1:m )
            grid[[k]]   = seq( theDomain[1,k], theDomain[2,k], length.out=pnts )
        x   = as.matrix( expand.grid( grid ) )  #; print( str(x) )
        y   = transfer( TF, x )                 #; print( str(y) )
        box = apply( y, 2, range )              #; print( box )
        dim(y)  = c( rep(pnts,3), 3 )           #; print( str(y) )
        #   start 3D drawing
        edge    = box[2, ] - box[1, ]
        center  = 0.5 * (box[1, ] + box[2, ])
        cube    = rgl::scale3d( rgl::cube3d(col="black"), center[1], center[2], center[3] )
        cube    = rgl::translate3d( cube, center[1], center[2], center[3]  )
        rgl::wire3d( cube, lit=FALSE )

        cex     = 2
        label   = sprintf( "min=%s", nicevector(box[1, ]) )
        rgl::text3d( box[1,1], box[1,2], box[1,3], label, col='black', cex=cex, adj=1 )
        label   = sprintf( "max=%s", nicevector(box[2, ]) )        
        rgl::text3d( box[2,1], box[2,2], box[2,3], label, col='black', cex=cex, adj=0 )
        label   = colnames(theRange)
        if( ! is.null(label) )
            cex     = 2
            rgl::text3d( center[1], box[1,2], box[1,3], label[1], col='black', cex=cex )
            rgl::text3d( box[1,1], center[2], box[1,3], label[2], col='black', cex=cex )
            rgl::text3d( box[1,1], box[1,2], center[3], label[3], col='black', cex=cex )        
        for( i in 1:pnts )
            for( j in 1:pnts )
                rgl::lines3d( y[i,j, ,1], y[i,j, ,2], y[i,j, ,3], col='white' )
                rgl::lines3d( y[i, ,j,1], y[i, ,j,2], y[i, ,j,3], col='white' )
                rgl::lines3d( y[ ,i,j,1], y[ ,i,j,2], y[ ,i,j,3], col='white' )                
    return( invisible(TRUE) )
nameof.TransferFunction  <-  function( TF )
    out = names( TF$element )
    out = gsub( ' ', '', out )
    out = paste0( out, collapse=" * " )
    return( out )
gammaBestFit.TransferFunction <- function( TF )    
    if( is.identity(TF) )   return(1)   
    if( dimension(TF) != 1  ) return(NA_real_)
    elements    = length(TF$element)   
    theDomain   = TF$element[[1]]$domain
    theRange    = TF$element[[elements]]$range
    ok  = all( theDomain == c(0,1) )  &&  all( theRange == c(0,1) )
    if( ! ok )  return(NA_real_)
    pnts = 512
    x   = seq( 0, 1, by=1/pnts )
    ytf = transfer( TF, x )
    myfun <- function( gamma )
        return( sum( abs(x^gamma - ytf) ) )
    #   make initial estimate of gamma
    gamma   = log( ytf[pnts/2] ) / log(0.5)
    res = try( stats::optimize( myfun, lower=0.5*gamma, upper=2*gamma ),  silent=FALSE )   #; print( str(res) )
    if( class(res) == "try-error" )    
        cat( 'stats::optimize()  res = ', utils::str(res), '\n', file=stderr() )
        return( NA_real_ )

    #   log.string( INFO, "LM polished gamma=%g to %g in %d iterations.", gamma, res$par, res$niter )

    return( res$minimum )    
metadata.TransferFunction <- function( x, ... )
    dots <- c(...) 
    metadata    = attr( x, "metadata" ) #   ; print(metadata)
    if( length(dots) == 0L )
        #   return the whole list
    else if( length (dots) == 1L )
        #   return single item 
        #   return sublist

#   value should be a named list
"metadata<-.TransferFunction" <- function( x, add=FALSE, value )
    #   log.object( DEBUG, value)
    if( is.null(value) )
        if( ! add ) attr(x,"metadata") <- NULL  # erase the metadata
    mask    = base::nzchar( names(value) )

    if( ! any(mask) )
        log.string( ERROR, "none of the items in the list have names." )

    if( ! all (mask) )
        log.string( WARN, "options without name are discarded: %d", which(!mask) )
        value   = value[mask]
    if( add )
        metadata    = attr( x, "metadata" ) #; log.object( DEBUG, metadata )
        if( is.null(metadata) )
            attr(x,"metadata")  = value
            attr(x,"metadata")  <- modifyList( metadata, value )
        attr(x,"metadata") <- value 
    return( x )
#--------       UseMethod() calls           --------------#    
is.identity <- function(TF) 
is.invertible <- function(TF) 

dimension <- function(TF) 
nameof <- function(TF) 
orientation <- function(TF) 
domain <- function(TF) 
validate  <-  function( TF, points=1300, tol=5.e-7, domain=NULL )    
inverse <- function(TF) 
transfer <- function(TF,x,domaincheck=TRUE) 
composition <- function(TF1,TF2) 
gammaBestFit <- function(TF)     
metadata <- function(x,...)
"metadata<-" <- function(x,add=FALSE,value)

as.TransferFunction <- function(...)
#   '%+%' <- function(TF1,TF2)  { UseMethod('%+%') }   

'%;%' <- function(TF1,TF2)  
'%X%' <- function(TF1,TF2)  
'%O%' <- function(TF2,TF1)

###############     deadwood below      ########################

#    if( is.null(TF1$element) )
#        {
#        name1   = 'TF1'
#        for( where in 1:length(sys.frames()) )
#            {
#            test = paste0( deparse( substitute(TF1,sys.frame(where)) ), collapse='' )   # ; print( test )
#            if( test != name1 )
#                {
#                name1 = test
#                break
#                }
#            }
#        #print( name1 )
#        }
#    else
#        name1   = TF1$element

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spacesRGB documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:58 a.m.