traces_ind_descr: Dataset traces_ind

Description Usage Format Source References Examples


Individual level data set, with individual level predictor and outcome variables. The traces_ind dataframe includes responses of 2254 respondents on 12 variables.




This dataframe contains the following columns:

area - context ID variable, ranges from 1 to 80

label - labels of areas

entity - political entities of former Yugoslavia in 2006 (1 - Slovenia, 2 - Croatia, 3 - Bosnia, 4 - Serbia, 5 - Vojvodina, 6 - Montenegro, 7 - Kosovo, 8 - Macedonia)

victim_d - personal experience of war victimization (0-no, 1-yes)

comb_d - participation in combats (0-no, 1-yes)

male - gender (0-woman, 1-man)

cg_acc - composite results on 5 items of the Collective guilt acceptance scale, ranges from 1 to 7

cg_ass - composite results on 5 items of the Collective guilt assignment scale, ranges from 1 to 7

age_1990 - age of respondents, in years

elem_school - elementary school as a highest level of education (0-no, 1-yes)

high_school - high school as a highest level of education (0-no, 1-yes)

higher_edu - achieved higher level education (0-no, 1-yes)


TRACES. Full TRACES datasets can be accessed through the Data and Research Information Services from the Swiss Foundation for Research in the Social Sciences (


Spini, D., Elcheroth, G., & Fasel, R. (2011). TRACES: Methodological and technical report. LIVES Working Papers, 4.



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