API for sparkTable
Sparklines and Graphical Tables for TeX and HTML

Global functions
AT_Soccer Man page
EU_data Man page
USdata1 Man page
USdata2 Man page
alcohol Man page
brp Man page
checkerplot Man page
coordUS Man page
coordsEU Man page
customizeSparkTable Man page
dat Man page
debtEU Man page
export Man page
export,geoTable-method Man page
export,sparkTable-method Man page
export,sparkbar-method Man page
export,sparkbox-method Man page
export,sparkhist-method Man page
export,sparkline-method Man page
export-methods Man page
gdp Man page
geoTable-class Man page
getParameter Man page
gini Man page
newGeoTable Man page
newSparkBar Man page
newSparkBox Man page
newSparkHist Man page
newSparkLine Man page
newSparkTable Man page
optimal_grid_allocation Man page
plot Man page
plot,sparkbar-method Man page
plot,sparkbox-method Man page
plot,sparkhist-method Man page
plot,sparkline-method Man page
plot-methods Man page
pop Man page
popEU Man page
reshapeExt Man page
setParameter Man page
showSparkTable Man page
showSparkTable,data.frame-method Man page
showSparkTable,sparkTable-method Man page
showSparkTable-methods Man page
sparkTable-class Man page
sparkbar-class Man page
sparkbox-class Man page
sparkline-class Man page
summaryST Man page
summaryST,data.frame-method Man page
summaryST-methods Man page
sparkTable documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:34 a.m.