Man pages for sparkTable
Sparklines and Graphical Tables for TeX and HTML

brpdata sets for testing the sparkTable package
customizeSparkTableCustomize a sparkTable within a shiny App
exportSaves objects of class 'sparkline', 'sparkbar', 'sparkhist'...
geoTable-classClass '"geoTable"'
getParameterFunctions to interact with a Sparkline object
newGeoTableFunctions to create a new object of class 'geoTable'
newSparkBarFunctions to create new Spark object
newSparkTableFunction to create new SparkTable object
optimal_grid_allocationOptimal Allocation of Coordinates to a grid
plotPlot objects of class 'sparkline', 'sparkbar', 'sparkhist' or...
reshapeExtReshaping datasets
setParameterFunctions to interact with a Sparkline object
showSparkTableLook at your sparkTable in a shiny App
sparkbar-classClass '"sparkbar"'
sparkbox-classClass '"sparkbox"'
sparkline-classClass '"sparkline"'
sparkTable-classClass '"sparkTable"'
summarySTsummaryST - data frame in a graphical table
sparkTable documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:34 a.m.