Description Usage Format Details References Examples
Simulated data and network for the pathfinder network from the Bayesian network repository. Pathfinder is an expert system developed by Heckerman et. al (1992) [1] to assist with the diagnosis of lymph-node diseases.
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A list
with four components:
An edgeList
containing the pathfinder network (109 nodes, 195 edges).
A data.frame
with 109 variables and 1000 observations.
A list
specifying which nodes are under intervention in each observation; since this dataset
is purely observational, this is just NULL
. Compatible with the input to sparsebnData
Covariance matrix used to generate the data.
This is a benchmark network used to test algorithms for learning Bayesian networks. The data is simulated from a Gaussian SEM assuming unit edge weights and unit variances for all nodes.
[1] Heckerman, David E., and Bharat N. Nathwani. "An evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of Pathfinder." Computers and Biomedical Research 25.1 (1992): 56-74.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | ### Create a valid sparsebnData object from the simulated pathfinder data
dat <- sparsebnData(pathfinder$data, type = "c")
### Code to reproduce this dataset by randomly generating edge weights
coefs <- runif(n = num.edges(pathfinder$dag), min = 0.5, max = 2) # coefficients
vars <- rep(1, num.nodes(pathfinder$dag)) # variances
params <- c(coefs, vars) # parameter vector <- generate_mvn_data(graph = pathfinder$dag,
params = params,
n = 1000)
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