Man pages for spatial.gev.bma
Hierarchical spatial generalized extreme value (GEV) modeling with Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA)

dmvnormLog density of a multivariate normal distribution
f.double.primeSecond derivative of the posterior distribution of a spatial...
f.primeFirst derivative of the posterior of a spatial GEV model with...
g.double.primeThe second derivative of a GEV distribution with respect to a...
gev.crpsCompute the Continuous Rank Probability Score (CRPS)
gev.imputeGiven the output of the MCMC, return a number of samples for...
gev.initInitilizes a state object for a Spatial GEV distribution
gev.likeThe log likelihood of a GEV distribution
gev.logscoreCompute the Log Score
gev.process.resultsOutputs some tables from the results of Spatial GEV MCMC run
gev.results.initInitialize a results object for spatial.bma.gev
gev.updateUpdates all the parameters in a spatial GEV model
gev.update.hyperUpdates the Gaussian Process hyperparameters in the Spatial...
gev.update.lambdaUpdate the lambda parameter in a Gaussian Process
gev.update.MSample a new model from the current model for any linear...
gev.update.tau.kappaUpdate the random effects of the precision parameter in a...
gev.update.tau.muInternal function to update the random effects of the...
gev.update.tau.xiUpdate the random effects for the shape parameter in a...
gev.update.thetaUpdate the linear parameters in a spatial GEV model
gev.z.pCalculate the 1/p return level for a GEV distribution likelihood of a Gaussian process used to initialize the...
g.primeThe first derivative of the posterior density of a spatial...
j.double.primeThe second derivative of a spatial GEV with respect to a...
j.primeThe first derivative of the posterior density of a spatial...
l.double.primeThe second derivative of a Gaussian process with respect to...
logdetReturns the log determinant for a symmetric positive definite...
l.primeFirst derivative of a GP with respect to lambda
make.DForm the distance matrix for use in a Gaussian Process
norwayExtreme Precipitation Data at 69 Sites in Norway
spatial.gev.bmaRun an MCMC to fit a hierarchical spatial generalized extreme...
spatial.gev.bma-packageFit a Hierarchical Spatial Generalized Extreme Value model...
spatial.gev.bma documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:34 p.m.