patchsizes: Get patch sizes.

View source: R/label.R

patchsizesR Documentation

Get patch sizes.


Get the distribution of patch sizes from a logical matrix


patchsizes(mat, merge = FALSE, nbmask = "von_neumann", wrap = FALSE)



A logical matrix or a list of such matrices.


Controls whether the obtained patch size distributions are to be pooled together if mat is a list of matrices.


Either "moore" for 8-way neighborhood, "von_neumann" for four-way neighborhood (default), or a 3x3 matrix describing which neighbors to consider around a cell. See patchsizes for details on how to specify such neighborhoods.


Whether to wrap around lattice boundaries ('TRUE'/'FALSE'), effectively using periodic boundaries.


If mat is a logical matrix, then the function returns a vector of patch sizes. If mat is a list of logical matrices, then it returns a list of vectors of patch sizes: this list is flattened if merge is TRUE.

See Also



patchsizes(forestgap[[5]]) # Use a single matrix

# Compute the average patch size of each matrix
list_patches <- patchsizes(forestgap) # get the patch size for each matrix
print( sapply(list_patches, mean)) # print the average patch size 

# Example with 8-way neighborhood
patchsizes(forestgap[[5]], nbmask = "moore")

# Same neighborhood as above, but specified in matrix form 
moore_nb <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 
                     1, 0, 1, 
                     1, 1, 1), 
                   nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
patchsizes(forestgap[[5]], nbmask = moore_nb) 

spatialwarnings documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:55 p.m.