Ops.msr: Arithmetic Operations on Measures

View source: R/measures.R

Ops.msrR Documentation

Arithmetic Operations on Measures


These group generic methods for the class "msr" allow the arithmetic operators +, -, * and / to be applied directly to measures.


## S3 methods for group generics have prototypes:
Ops(e1, e2)


e1, e2

objects of class "msr".


Arithmetic operators on a measure A are only defined in some cases. The arithmetic operator is effectively applied to the value of A(W) for every spatial domain W. If the result is a measure, then this operation is valid.

If A is a measure (object of class "msr") then the operations -A and +A are defined.

If A and B are measures with the same dimension (i.e. both are scalar-valued, or both are k-dimensional vector-valued) then A + B and A - B are defined.

If A is a measure and z is a numeric value, then A * z and A / z are defined, and z * A is defined.


Another measure (object of class "msr").




See Also



   X <- rpoispp(function(x,y) { exp(3+3*x) })
   fit <- ppm(X, ~x+y)
   rp <- residuals(fit, type="pearson")

   2 * rp
   rp /2

   rp - rp

   rr <- residuals(fit, type="raw")
   rp - rr

spatstat.model documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:07 p.m.